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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt

    Favorite Music

    Homecoming / The Death Of St. Jimmy / East 12th St. / Nobody Likes You / Rock And Roll Girlfriend / We're Coming Home Again by Green Day (thats one song)
  2. Matt

    I'm Going Away!

    Welcome pomp86! and.. goodbye too. I hope you have a good trip. I'm going to Disney this year too, in June. Matt
  3. Microsoft Windows: Station Wagon The Model T is the Standard when it comes to automobiles, used by over 90% of the car driving population. It's robust, has widely available parts, is relatively cheap, is econimical to run and is very reliable. It is so widely available, that most new houses built in the last few years all have have a new Model-T ready in the garage (although Microsoft did get into an anticompetitive dispute with the government recently due to this practice). Today the dominant model from Microsoft is the NT - Station Wagon, which has a very nice compromise between performance
  4. Matt

    Just Signed Up

    Hi John L, and welcome!!!
  5. try sending a PM to tictoc5150 or one oth teh folks who won the banner contest. I'm sure they'd be glad to help. Tictoc is very good, and if he has some free time he may be able to do what you are looking for. Matt
  6. Welcome!!! You chose a great place!
  7. chicken little ... that one claymation movie
  8. Thanks! as for my question... How much woud it cost to get you to shave your head?
  9. Matt

    Welcome Shinjin

    Welcome! you chose a great place! congrats on being #400! Matt
  10. Matt

    Forum Benchmark

    We've made 400 members!!!
  11. I'm learning from 'C++ for Dummies" It's a very good learning text.
  12. laptop east coast or west coast?
  13. You really have an addicture to her don't you? lol /me goes to check out Race The Sun...
  14. Welcome KeithLDick!! You chose a good place! Yes, a lot of us are from G4 and other popular boards. Matt
  15. ATMs have brail because when they are massed produced, the factory doesn't know if its going to a drive up back place, or just one on the corner of the street, so yes they can go to an ATM. Have you ever ridden a camel? (did i already ask that?)