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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Hi cowsgonemadd3, What I mean was I didn't really want to have problems with members flaming each other because of there beliefs and who they were going to vote for. So I wasn't sure if it was going to work out well, but I let it stay and everything was fine until those two posts. Now that you know, I know you guys/gals won't post things like that anymore. The thread is fine right now. I just want want members flaming other members for who they are going to vote for. That's all. What I mean is what I said above by members flaming other members, and posting offensive post. Now if that d
  2. That's OK flatiron. Just so you all know for the next time. B
  3. Thanks CurlingSteve! That sounds a lot better then what I use to recommend. Which was.... Ultimate Boot CD Although maybe it is a little different but not by much. I think having both of those programs would be a great thing to have just in case. B
  4. Please Don't say anything about other people's religions or sexuality on these forums. I don't want to be held responsible for having people's feelings or beliefs hurt by saying something that you didn't know would cause a problem with someone else on these forums. There are many different types of people in the world and on message boards and the internet in gerneral. So just in case there is someone here who is gay this would offend them. It would also make me look bad, and we don't want that now do we? So please do not post anything about religion or sexuality on these boards. I hope y
  5. Hi Everyone, I think the minute wait feature is stupid and I don't ever plan on using it. B
  6. Hi suwannee24, Try this. Uninstall that one update that's giving you the problem of always wanting to reinstall then go here and download and install it manually. Then it shouldn't come back when you go to the Windows Update site anymore. MS Manual Download for KB823559 B
  7. Hi maxdog4, I would upgrade to the latest version of Mozilla. Why because when they update Mozilla they fix any security flaws they find and also fix some of those types of minor problems. Unlike IE when MS releases a patch for IE it doesn't upgrade the version it just patches the whole in IE. So it is recommended that you uninstall the older version of Mozilla and install that latest version of Mozilla. B
  8. If any of you want to to see the thread that flatiron posted at the TSS board here is the link. Flatirons Thread at the TSS Board B
  9. Thanks flatiron for posting the thread at the TSS board. B
  10. G4 is back up so flatiron if you're are still here you can go post the thread about my forums. If your not here then I guess someone else will have to do it. Thanks to however posts the thread about my forums at the TSS board. B
  11. Yeah, same here. I went to go check out what was going on and I got a page cannot be displayed after I did a refresh. B
  12. Maybe someone should post a thread to my forums at the TSS boards. Just like Bozodog did at the Tech Support board. This way the people who hang out at TSS know about my forums and can come here and join. If someone wants to post a thread at the TSS boards just tell me so I know who is doing it. Thanks B
  13. Thanks for the information flatiron2. B
  14. Hi tg1911, That is a good idea. I will take it into thought. Although I was thinking of making a Tips and Tricks Category. So in that category I can make a Web Browsers forums where you can share tips about every browser. Also, I will have to add some other forums in that Tips and Tricks Category. So if any of you have any ideas for the Tips and Tricks Category please share them so I can add them to the list. Thanks for all your great suggestions. B
  15. Hi Handplane, Hmmm..... Not that I know of. Well, it's working now. So I wouldn't worry about it. B
  16. Hi Marty, I moved your post because I thought that this was a better place for it. B
  17. Hi phawgg and Welcome, Glad you joined the Besttechie Message Boards. I hope you enjoy the time you spend here. If you have any computer problems just bring your questions here. We will do our best to help you. There are many talented people here who know a lot about computers. Don't be afraid to ask a question because no question is a stupid question. Now to Quote my friend TommyBaseball: Stick around and enjoy. B
  18. I moved this thread because I thought this was a better place for it. B
  19. Hi Mikex, Yes, everyone gets a warning bar. But only admins and mods and yourself can see it no one else can see your warning bar. It is at zero right now and it will stay at zero unless there is a reason to change it. That goes for everyone. No need to worry over the warning bar. Enjoy the boards B
  20. Thanks for the info BD. It sure doesn't sound to good, unless MS told them how to get around it so they could shut it off..... If not I'm sure it won't take long for that info to get around the net. B
  21. Hi Martry, Glad you got all your mistakes fixed. So all that's left to say is Welcome aboard and enjoy. B
  22. Hey il wiccan, As a matter of fact he was. You can check all the members by clicking the members icon in the top right hand corner. B
  23. No, there isn't. I don't know if we can do that nor do I think it would be a good idea. But if you want your user name changed you can tell myself or one of the other Admins and we will do it for you. Now please don't ask the Admins to change your username every few days. Pick the one you like the best and register it. Or register two if you must, but please don't beg us to change it for you all the time. Now this is not just for you The Dragon Slayer but to everyone. It just wouldn't be far to us Admins. I hope you understand Thanks and enjoy the boards B
  24. Hi, Yes, I know but he has to want the job. Also, he has to learn how to use this software in order to be able to mod the boards. So if Pete wants to learn how to use this boards software and he wants the job then I will be happy to give him a job as a mod. I do trust Pete very much but I won't promote him if he doesn't want to be. Also, I don't really want to get into having members vote for mod and admins. It could end up causing lots of trouble in the end. So now you know please don't do it. I don't mean to be mean but I just don't want trouble between members. This is why I picked a