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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Okay, so you want to compile and run Unix-based applications on Windows Vista? Now, you can! It's pretty simple too, not much work required. Alright, so what you need to do is the following: First go to your control panel, you can get there through the Start menu. Once in the control panel, click "Programs and Features" which by the way is the new Add/Remove Programs name. Once you're in "Programs and Features" click "Turn Windows features on or off". Then a dialog box will pop up, scroll down the list until you see the option "Subsystems for Unix-based Applications" by default it will b
  2. Hey Everyone, I just implemented some more Google ads onto the forums. The new ads are still only visible to Guests. They only appear once in every post and that's right after the first post. So after each post the ads will appear. This means all current threads and all new threads will now have ads as the second 'post'. Again, as of now ads are only viewable to Guests and no one else so once you login to the forums they will disappear. B
  3. Very nice! I like it a lot! B
  4. I moved it to the Electronics forum for further assistance. B
  5. If you think about it, it's always been called iGoogle. The URL to the personalized Google page has always been <-- never knew what the 'ig' was until now I guess. B
  6. Dave!!!! Glad to see you I'll check out the tutorial later, I gotta run to get ready now for school. B
  7. Thanks everyone! As for the whole G4 would have to be more than a small fee for me to go back over there. B
  8. Hey Everybody! We're BACK! and on the new server too! It took a bit longer than I expected but in the end a good result. I must say I have to give a big thanks to Pierce (once again) for helping me with the mod_rewrite issues. I'm using Lighttpd on this server not Apache, which is what caused a few issues with the previous mod_rewrite. Pierce did somewhere like 100 re-write rules to get everything working properly. So thanks, Pierce! The site should be fully operational. If however, you do run into a problem or something isn't working right for you, please post it and I will look into
  9. Hi Everyone, The move will be tomorrow (Saturday April 28). I want to start it at around 11:00-11:30 AM. Now, I'm not sure how long it will be take for everything to be completely moved and re-setup. I would like to have the site back online by 1:30 PM if not sooner. All times are EST. B
  10. The move will probably be done sometime this weekend. I'll get a more specific time/day (Saturday or Sunday) by tomorrow. B
  11. Basically. They installed Debian Sarge, but I upgraded it to Lenny. Then yeah, I used ssh to apt-get install all the stuff and configure the server. However, to make life much easier to setup sites, dns zones, email, etc. I use programs called Webmin and Virtualmin which basically do what CPanel, DirectAdmin, and Plesk do but it's free. B
  12. Liz, hmm, well the server is located in Germany. Not sure about the weather B
  13. Server has been completely setup. Only thing to do would be to back up and start the move. I'll get to everyone when I figure out when I want to do it. B
  14. Hi Everyone, First off, I'd like to thank Blair of Geeks To Go for hosting me for this long. He's provided a great service to I recently bought a dedicated server in lieu of recent events and the growth of BestTechie; this server will be a good to have in the long run. The site will be moved sometime this week most likely. Of course, since we're moving everything to a completely different server there will be some downtime. I will have to take the site and forums offline. I'm not sure on a specific date or time frame yet, but once I figure it out I will be sure to let ev
  15. As promised here are some pictures (planning on taking some more soon): Note: They're not the best I love it! B
  16. Tomorrow is the big day! So excited! I'll be sure to take some pictures and post them. B
  17. Dave (Chappy) is away from BestTechie for reasons I can not disclose. However, he will hopefully be back soon. B
  18. Thanks everyone! I'm very excited, can't wait to get it and drive it home! Yes, it's new and it's an automatic. I don't know how to drive a stick. B
  19. Thanks everyone! Yeah, Bubba, they do get pretty good mileage from what I've heard/read. As of now, no plans to do anything with it. B