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Everything posted by mikex

  1. First off make sure you are admin on both machines when trying to set up sharing. Make sure the workgroups is same on both. Keep us posted. M
  2. I have installed FF on numerous machines and it never asked for an email addy. The problem may be on someone elses machine. Look at your emails. Many people do not cut and paste, they fwd. This is not good as your email addy is floating around peoples machines until someone less than trustworthy sees an email addy to use to sign in to a site. This is where your addy comes in to play. Make a "How to cut and paste" email and send it to alll in your address book with an explaination as why it is bad. Reasons listed above. Along with the virus issues. M
  3. Case cooties. lol. Sometime you just gotta say...why.... M
  4. You should be able to use the XP cd. Dbl check the keyboard plug. Physicaly unplug then reseat, reboot. Keep us informed. M
  5. Free, but... you pay for all headache meds which arise from this. M
  6. I think we cry because we will miss a loved one. This is our human nature. We are selfish at times, but look at it as one more person in Gods ear convincing Him you are good enough to be allowed "in". My prayers to your family. M
  7. mikex


    I'm looking for a copy of Abilon RSS Reader. I googled but every site that has it will not open the dl page for abilon. If anyone has a copy of the setup of has a workaround let me know. It is a free program so we are not doing illegal file sharing. M ~still have the setup file here at work, emailed it to myself. thanks. M
  8. I found this. and this. Google did not have a whole lot. Also you should create a folder in C: for HiJackThis. M
  9. F10 after fdisk. also you can use killdisk to write 0's to the drive. Be mindful of the second partition. You want to leave it as is. After all is said and done, use your burning software to make an image. You could use this as a restore disk. M
  10. T-Bird myself OE Wife (can't get her to switch) Outlook at the office. Do you tweak you computer case?/How?
  11. I want to figure this in M$ Excel. Anyone up to the challenge? PM me or post here for more info. M
  12. I just installed it today on my machine at work. Want to try it out. Was there problems you were having or something? M
  13. Nerelda I call that a brain fart. It stinks but it has to happen sometime. lol M
  14. SUV Christmas or Thanksgiving for family get together? Dumb, had writers block. Sorry.
  15. Thanks J Any thing not to conform to what other people want us be/use. M
  16. Can burn the image but all I get is the html screen. Loaded the image into Alcohol 120% same result. I must be missing something. Stepping back for a breather, will make more coasters later. M
  17. Hey I know the guy that has that machine. M
  18. This would be a good example of what a "White hat Hacker" does. Positive Technologies are not hackers, that is not what I saying. White hat Hackers find the flaws and then contact the programers so the have a chance to fix the problem before "Black Hats" exploit the flaw. ie trojans,worms and etc... The steps the programers take to fix the flaw and the time they take is a whole other story. M
  19. I remember one time Common, we were on first name basis, was helping me with some carpentry work. I smashed my finger with the hammer. LOL That hurt. I grabbed the brad nail again, rared back to hit it with every ounce of my being. Common leaned over a said bet you get your finger again. I started holding the nail with a pair of neddle nose pliers...... Boy that Common...... ~wipes tears away, and eases back into the crowd.~ M
  20. that is all I get. Starting to get frustrated with it. M