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Everything posted by mikex

  1. Simple Man Lynerd Skynerd Live music or recorded M
  2. As to which is the best well... I cannot say this is best, you can check ZipZoomFly .The link is for an 80GB Maxtor. Most have free 2nd day shipping, may be for US only. Worth a try. M
  3. rob this started out like that. install from thumbdrive. some machines were unable to connect to the net for updates. why not install and keep updated on thumbdrive? so far I have: HJT Adaware Spybot JV16 Power tools all seem to work fine. some make backup files or log files. I just delete these asa needed. M
  4. SO far so good. AVG can only be installed on local drives. Will try avast free and A2. M
  5. you could get a usb to ethernet convertor. a switch would work for you also. depending on where/how the cable will run wireless may be easier. try newegg.com for parts. or zip zoom fly.com M
  6. Hey folks, I have been wondering...(I know it's dangerous) can 1) spybot 2) adaware 3) hjt 4) AVG run from a jump drive/thumb drive?? M
  7. mikex


    Has anyone heard from chinawht. I think there was an illness, not sure. Some of the forum starters are in hiding it seems. M
  8. mikex

    About U?

    murtu maybe you could translate from ratanese to 011000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001 so 011011010110000101100011 can 01110010011001010110000101100100 011101000110100001100101 01101101011000010110111001110101011000010110110000101110 01001101 http://nickciske.com/tools/binary.php
  9. mikex

    Which Is Faster

    TT75 Not sure. First fesopnce would be from the wife, "Didn't I say you were going to electricute your self!" M
  10. "Most" batteries look like a quarter. Some older ones may look like a capacitor or dbl A battery, but not quite as long. Try to find the manual online from the mobo maker. this should tell you where the batteries connectors and jumpers are located. M
  11. Safe Mode and admin should work fine. don't log on your id in safe mode, you'll prob'lly get the same errors. M
  12. like i said just curious. a clients machine, runs fine, now that it is clean. even smells clean lol. A programs I try run fine even photo d-lux. don't remember seeing this on a machine before. M
  13. I have a machine win98 P2 128 ram 10GB hdd. Took all forever to clean temp/cookies/whatnots. and run scandisk defrag. machine is quick for is's specs. at start up after win 98 splash screen, I get a line ~ C:\set class path C:\program Files\Photo Deluxe 2\AdobeConnectables ~ (~ is not in the line) what is windows looking for. so far I have no problems just curious. M
  14. solitare mind game for the lonely
  15. mikex

    Im New Here!

    none of us "know alot". BUT collectively we know it all. if we can stay humble and modest the community will strive. someone knows more than we do. M