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Everything posted by Sir_Siddy

  1. animate images using photoshop or gimp?
  2. Hi guys once again I have another question for you guys to attack. This time with azureus. I "This week in tech" (by the way a great podcast done by the old tech tv crew) by the means of bittorent. Iv noticed that on alot of thier torrents the swarm doesnt show up? This kinda gets annoying when I want azureus to queue things or when to seed them. Is this a problem I can fix or a problem with the tracker? Oh here is a picture Having lots of fun using that screenshot thing (Thanks for your guys imput on my other threads )
  3. well i run MS antispyware on all my computers and they work fine. On this computer (when its functioning properly) I idle with my cpu between 0-4%.
  4. Ill do that. Just wondering though wich its a better fan configuration. Having one suck and one blow, both suck, or both blow?
  5. Oh those things are cool. I want one now
  6. samurize? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its like Konfabulator. Iv never used konfabulator before so I dont know how customizeable it is but with samurize you can build your client from scratch. You can make your own scripts, design, meters etc etc. Or you can download sombody elses and modify it to your liking.. I use mine for system information. HDD space, System temps, Cpu usage and stuff like that. I also have a little RSS feed snuggled in there.
  7. No the CPU thing was there right before I installed it. I installed it because of the weird CPU usage.
  8. Ok bf2 is acting up again. Its has like a super slow framrate like one frame per second. Im serious its that slow. Its weird because sometimes it does it and other times it doestnt. Iv had the game for 3 months now and these past few days its acting up for the first time.
  9. is 55C all that hot for a VGA? BTW bf2 is acting up again look at my other thread.
  10. I posted my log file here
  11. Something is making my CPU Run at 100% sometimes i think after bf2 crashes or something but just incase would one of you check my logfile please Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 11:56:41 AM, on 9/11/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe C:\WINDOWS\system3
  12. Ok this may be a continuation of the last thread problems with BF2 but I have discovered something. Bf2 stopped working again and i had to end its process it was frozen up so bad. When i looked at my temps on speedfan I foudn that my temps werent going down. They were staying around 57. I opened up speedfan and saw that my CPU was at 100%. Something was still using it. I opened the task manager again and saw the same thing but when I looked at my processes there was nothing really there that was using my cpu to 100 except System Idle process. I ran spybot , Microsoft antispyware and hijak this
  13. Im using a 7.1 with a 2.1 system. (Plan on getting better ones later)
  14. The one sucking air has cables nearby but nothing right up in it. My system temps are: This is at idle I have one fan on the side case wich sucks air and once fan on top wich blows. Yes i know its pretty weak but its LOUD. Unbeivably loud. I only use it when I browse the web or talk to friends.
  15. Yes i have two 80 MM fans. One blows air in and the other out.
  16. I dont know why im not getting cooler. I mentioned earlier that I was using the Venus 12 Heatsink Its REALLY LOUD but I think its pulling alot of air. (26.5 ~ 72.92CFM depending on the setting I put it at.) I really dont know how to compare heatsinks very well.
  17. I googled my temps and im finding many people have the same temps as I do. Im guessing its 60C because I alt tab out of battlefield 2 and see my temp at 58-59 and then i quickly goes down. I guess while im actually playing its at 60-61
  18. Ok this is weird I tried running it again and suddenly it worked fine. I dont know what happened.... It may be a heat problem but I have a venus 12 heatsink and i thing my processor hits about 60 or so under load.