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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Updates: 75 megs. Software to keep you from cheating MicroSoft out of their profits: 20 megs.
  2. The site I got the video address from noted that every episode of cops reveals just how lacking we are in knowing our Rights; Every single person broke every single suggestion given in the video.
  3. Official Annual Credit Report Site For those of you who found out about the "official" site around the same time I did, it's time to get your free report again! Yippee! Notes: You can get reports from all three companies at once (so you can compare what each has) or from one every four months (so you can keep up-to-date on what's going on with your credit history) or any other combination of companies and time (but only once from each company during a 12 month period). I thought I had made a mistake last year by getting reports from all the available companies at once, but now I see
  4. I'll be lookin' for that. Just recently changed my settings from "automatically delete e-mail in this folder" so I can double-check that nothing I need gets in there (once I'm sure, I switch it back to auto-delete -- over the years I've only found one e-mail that I kinda-sorta wanted so I'm comfortable with auto-delete).
  5. It's a lengthy video (I listened to it while doing something else) but it explains Rights you have, and the "tricks" police use to get around them. Things you should do to protect your Rights, and the tricks police use to get around that too. Of course I'm not advocating breaking the law, ever, but it's important you don't unknowingly GIVE police a reason to escalate a situation: Just say "NO" to police searches. The video's from THIS SITE.
  6. One of my biggest dissappointments was working for companys that talked the talk but didn't walk the walk. "Preventitive Maintenance" programs that were nothing more than "patch 'em up and let 'er rip" stop-gap repairs. All the talk about the latest productivity crazes, classes, paperwork, then ignoring the results (while keeping the requirement for the paperwork -- thus DE-creasing productivity). Now I see it everywhere, and unfortunately I DO remember the lessons I learned, I DO know how those lessons can be put to use, but I am not in a position to implement them. Example from previ
  7. Not entirely. I wouldn't put it past some moron to make a big deal out of something they didn't even understand, but I couldn't believe action could be taken before an explanation (and a definition) took place. I tried HTP before. It didn't agree with me. Made my brain hurt. Wasted a lot of my life on that.
  8. Awful, just awful. There are more and better resources nowadays but sometimes the situation makes it difficult to do anything positive. So sad. Try to think about the vast, VAST majority of relationships that go a lifetime without things like death threats or daily violence. Getting involved is a good thing, but not if it alters your perspective too far toward the negative.
  9. A long time ago I modified ("modded" in today's language) a TV by taking the case off (careful, there's high voltage in there long after the set's been unplugged), attaching a switch and jack to the speaker wires, and mounting the switch & jack to the cabinet. I could then plug in my (homemade) speakers to the jack (which disabled the internal speakers). Radio Shack would have all the parts you'd need.
  10. I'm on the fence. Drugs, at least those already made illegal, are definitely, positively harmful (after all, most LEGAL drugs can kill you -- what makes anyone believe ANY drug can be "handled" without harm), so I understand the thought behind trying to eliminate them from society (that's why I hinted at my view by asking how the war on drugs is going -- it's not working, that's how). But do we really need MORE legalized drugs? Alchohol and tobacco have killed millions, there IS no argument, in my mind, for adding to the list of legalized mind-altering drugs that can justify adding to the deat
  11. I think I prefer big-eyed puppy dogs. Now where's that site with the Weinmeriners?
  12. We don't get major sinkholes here -- Man! That would make me SO nevous to drive during or after a lot of rain. With a broken gas line those guys should consider themselves lucky. I remember a broken line here caught fire. The roaring flames were ... well, stunning to see.
  13. That one was out at least last year, maybe the year before. He's made another one that's even more amazing, and others have followed his example. There are probably lots more similar videos now! There was a LOT of talk about the music when it came out -- many people never heard of the TSO before that video came out.
  14. JDoors

    My Project

    Yeah, if it's that easily disabled there's probably something missing or broken. Current car: There was a factory recall on the cruise control cable. It can stick causing the engine to race. I looked my (used) car up online and it's supposed to have had the work done. So I'm coming home from a trip using cruise control. I go up a steep hill, and when I go over the crest my speed keeps picking up. I try to stop but the engine's racing -- Thank goodness today's brakes can stop any car even at full throttle. I investigate and find a piece of the cable slips along the length of the cable and ja
  15. a commom misconception until you see the unforetunate souls in america's prison industry "serving" mega years for minor drug "offences". I think the operative words are "fancy lawyer." Few people with money are in high security prisons. As far as judges go, due to the 'war on drugs' (How's that going anyway? Have we won yet?) judges have no leeway in sentencing most drug-related crime ("fancy lawyers" can get the charges changed so mandatory sentencing isn't imposed on those wealthy enough to afford them).
  16. Every manufacturer can add or delete whatever inputs/outputs they want, I am surprised however there are no other options for sound out.
  17. Just so you know (and I don't have the deep technical knowledge to fully explain it) there's something called a "video overlay" that essentially bypasses the desktop driver to better display video. That's why it ain't there when you take a snapshot of the desktop. And it explains why the advice about turning down video acceleration would work: It likely stops using that overlay procedure (though I wonder if the video quality might suffer).
  18. JDoors

    My Project

    Got the paint fixed up? The driveline's good to go now? Is there light at the end of the tunnel? A few reminisces: Pulled to a quick stop in the Mustang during a radio exercise (a game, hunt down another vehicle using signal strenth to find them). Slipped the tranny into park --- or rather I slammed it into park, I thought we "had 'em" so I was in a hurry to claim a win. Shouldn't have done that -- the cable inside the shift handle broke, couldn't shift any more -- and the hunt was still on! Being resourceful I used a screwdriver to shift for the rest of the hunt, left it that way for a long
  19. I am an advocate of self-protection, self-preservation, but few workplaces would allow you under any circumstances to arm yourself. That's one reason you hear of so many workplace incidents, people with murderous intent know for a fact that no one at a place of work will be armed and will therefore be unable to defend themselves. If they catch the guy (who's probably already in Mexico) at least the state of Illinois hates men. Being a man I see that working against "us" many times (lack of protection of father's rights, etc.) but in this case that hatred will work on the side of justice, they'
  20. I'd go a little more low-tech than using a coaxial digital connection. Are you sure there are no other outputs, line level, headphone, speakers, something? Another option would be a device designed specifically for the hard-of-hearing, but then they usually connect to the types of outputs I've mentioned. If you have to go with the digital output it's beyond my level of knowledge. Seems you'd need a relatively new amplifier.
  21. Sadly, most of those are true.
  22. It happened at two in the afternoon and I work the night shift, so I wasn't there when it happened. When I got to work last night there was a somber mood in the air. An employee left for home in the afternoon and as she walked to her car, she was murdered. She had an order-of-protection against the "alleged" assailant, but he snuck up on her and stabbed her to death. A terrific, sweet woman, with four young children (possibly three, details are a bit sketchy). Murdered, on Christmas Eve, leaving four young children behind. I am almost speechless. Almost, because aside from the shock and hor
  23. I can see it now, an entire section of YouTube labled: YouTube, Cold Case Files. Smart cops.