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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    My Project

    Knowin' when to take your foot OFF the brake is a skill that's just as important as any other driving skill. I miss havin' an extra car, but I don't see how you can justify it on the basis of fuel economy -- Is there a Honda car that doesn't get good mileage? Even the NSX probably got great mileage. You'll never recoup the cost of the car (and maintenance & repairs for it) in fuel savings (though I know there are other benefits to having a spare to fall back on). Good luck on your new job! Yea! More money to spend on the car(s)!
  2. One thing about being "poor," kids don't KNOW they're poor. I never thought about it. All that mattered to me was I got cool toys on Christmas! (Or was it singular, "toy?" I don't really remember getting more than one toy, but I got a lot of underwear and sox!) When I lived in Chicago we were near all the free museums, the zoo, an enormous park (similar to New York's Central Park) and the lakefront. I was occupied every single day of my life, and that was without video games or whatever else it is kids do to occupy their time nowadays. It wasn't until I graduated High School that I became awa
  3. Good ones. When I was in High School I wrote an essay about living on my Grandma's farm. Had to read it to the school and it left 'em wide-eyed. No running water (wanna bathe? go to the well, pump your water, bring it in to the stove, heat it, haul it back out to the washtub ... THERE's your bath!), no inside toilet (yup, hike to the outhouse, winter or summer, rain or shine, knock off the spider webs and hope they don't crawl back in place for a couple of minutes while you finish your business -- funny I don't recall what was used for TP ...), dinner time meant grabbing a chicken and choppi
  4. JDoors


    I was at work and a co-worker with family down South had to excuse himself to make some calls. Seems everyone was all right. I've never understood why large, open buildings are used as shelters. They're always the second to go, after the trailer homes. Even at work we're supposed to go into the "pavilion," a large structure with huge open spaces. I look around, see the metal walls (like wobbly wind sails), the huge skylights (yeah, stand under those why don't cha) and the automatic doors (which would "automatically" open and let in the wind) and I have my own plans, which don't include stan
  5. I would think that in addition to the $10 wok, the cost of the receiver (not mentioned), the poles, time spent making it work, etc., they might have spent quite a bit of money anyway. But I betcha "wok satellite dishes" will soon be all the rage!
  6. JDoors

    Drug Plants

    That's great they offered to replace it, and even better, an indiginous one, and better still, one that you may need some day.
  7. Lots o' interesting stuff ...
  8. I learned a lot of that from experience ... I got 'em back one time though. I had done my homework on a truck I wanted, gave the guy the list of what I wanted (to order from the factory) and when he quoted a price I got up to leave and said, "I told my wife I wouldn't go over ten thousand, I'll have to check with her first." I lied. I'm not married. He practically dragged me back, refigured the price to, gee, exactly match what I had already decided was a fair price. Imagine that.
  9. JDoors

    Drug Plants

    How on Earth did someone note the species? Sheesh, talk about busybodies.
  10. It's a fact of life, Dearie. A "guy" thing.
  11. JDoors

    My Project

    Another narrowly averted disaster ... Can't say enough about your driving skills, many people would'nt have come out of that one clean.
  12. Both INCREDIBLY important points (the latter seems to be the hardest thing to convince people to do).
  13. ... been there, done that. We use pagers at work. While getting things arranged on a break I heard a "Plop! bloop-bloop-bloop." I looked down and there were bubbles in my coffee. Yup, I had dislodged my pager and it went into the coffee cup. No, it didn't work after that.
  14. Interesting that you can zoom in on your street, but at that point, why not just look out the window?
  15. Concerning security I would start the talk with firewalls. With good surfing behavior you can almost get away without needing some of the other information, but without a firewall your system will be compromised from the start (not sure how I'd integrate router security, depends on the audience I guess). Not sure where "stopping unwanted browser activity" fits in your list (popups, scripts, etc.).
  16. I'd need more information before passing judgement. "A clue ... suggested?" Was it poorly worded? Was it clear what it meant? Could it be misinterpreted? Did they, in fact, bury a coin there? Doesn't seem clear whether or not they were suggesting anyone go dig up a cemetary, or if some idiots thought that's what they were suggesting. Remember some cola promotion where you saved points and, by golly!, you COULD save enough to get a fighter jet! Normal people didn't expect to get a fighter jet, but at least one idiot saved up enough and sued to recieve his fighter jet. Never underestimate the p
  17. You can't see? Ha, ha, ha! "Oh yes they call me the streak ... "
  18. I don't think I can handle the subject this early in the morning ...
  19. They should have taken the time to tell a better story. Rust? That's their biggest worry? No thanks.
  20. Maybe it's your cat! Now why are our water bills so freakin' high?!?