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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. I had a friend and co-worker, who later became my supervisor, who was absolutely mad about Huey Lewis and the News when they first hit the scene. Once he became my boss he turned vicious and vowed to get me fired no matter what it took. Another friend and co-worker, who also became a supervisor, let me in on the jerk's plot, but he needn't have done so as the jerk told me right to my face what he intended to do (he was unsuccessful). So, though I like The News , I can't listen to any of their songs without remembering that jerk. After listening to the last of the previous lineup (Van
  2. Service packs? Vista? Genuine Advantage? Activation? What's all that stuff?
  3. The player appeared with no controls, so I can't play it. Do I have to wait for the entire file to download first?
  4. Feelin' "chill" (both figuratively and literally) so: Enya Laurie Anderson Sade Van Morrison
  5. Too much truth in there ...
  6. Bitter cold, then some snow, then warming, then rain/snow mixed. OK, I lied about loving Winter: I love everything about it BUT the bitter cold (which I define as anything below 10 degrees). I don't get cold like normal people so when it's too cold FOR ME, it's TOO DAMN COLD!
  7. Yeah, I was doing the unedited version of "raaslf frack sona grr snarl ruff!" Seems to be working fine (found one burner tube half filled with sediment ... don't know why I didn't catch that before I lit 'er up). So I'm listening to that previous lineup.
  8. Getting sick more often happens when you quit smoking. Your lungs are actually working now, stuff is getting into places that haven't seen oxygen in decades. You'll toughen up and eventually forget what it was like to be sick all the time. Sorry 'bout the tough year. Get better, enjoy the respite as long as it lasts.
  9. Kinda hate to pick it apart since it looks so cool, but there's nothing to hold onto to brace yourself while you're getting in and out. Thought of that while trying to exit my buddy's car last night. Everyone in the video simply plants their feet on the ground and stands upright, umm, we're not all that young. At least the product made enough of an impression that I was continuing to think about it a day later! I still want one!
  10. They're claiming another 3 to 6 inches are coming our way by evening. From the looks of the radar pics, they're right!
  11. I was going to listen to this lineup: Dream Theater Systematic Chaos Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris All The Roadrunning Snow Patrol Eyes Open ... but I heard a loud bang, which I ignored assuming it was a neighbor's project or something ... Then I heard it again, it's in or against my house! So I turned off the CD player, searched the house inside and out, found nothing, left the player off and heard the bang again. The furnace was blowin' up. Set off the smoke detector that third time. Took it apart and checked & cleaned everything thoroughly and am waiting to see what happens, s
  12. That sales video makes it look AWESOME. I searched YouTube and there are lots of videos, some identical, some have additional views. Unfortunately, some of the additional views aren't quite as flattering. The inside view for example (I was wondering why the sales video didn't show the door opening from an inside point of view). Looks like the door skin and glass mechanism is all there is, covered by a floppy cloth (for light weight and the ability to tuck it under the car without taking up much space). That'd never stand up to crash testing. Aww! I still want one!
  13. A friend told me a story: She and her boyfriend were watching TV, her roommate was in the bathroom. Suddenly, a rip-roaring sound came out of the bathroom. Long and LOUD. Unbelievably loud. So loud, my friend thought her roommate might actually have hurt herself! So she cautiously asks, "Are you all right?" The roommate responds, "Of course I am, I'm just cleaning." The roommate had just pulled the bathtub mat off the bottom of the tub. You know, the kind with all those suction cups.
  14. Another "retro" day with Best Of collections from: Blondie Hall & Oates Emerson, Lake & Palmer Janis Joplin Madonna ----- (It's TOO EARLY for Christmas music! Actually, I have to listen to it all day at work, so I'll probably eventually possibly maybe play some at home in a week or two.)
  15. I believe in a lot of "psychic" stuff (too much has happened in my life to dismiss it), but the POSITION of objects in the Universe affecting your life? No (to put it mildly). My body, here in Illinois, has a greater gravitational effect on you, wherever you are, than Saturn does. I bet it started with looking at what's in the night sky and assuming it MUST have some relevance. I don't buy it. It's a pile of rocks or an accumulation of gases tens of millions of miles away, reflecting Sunlight back toward the Earth. That's it. The person you're talking about may be closer to the truth, after
  16. Me TOO!!! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! We're supposed to get three to six inches of snow, following by freezing rain, then rain and sleet, starting at noon and through the night! Yeah Winter!
  17. Yeah, it's for a horoscope, or to be more precise, for a more accurate horoscope (HA!). Anywho, she hasn't contacted me since so ... Whatever. (We've been estranged for years, she only contacts me when she wants something.) I'm pretty sure she was born in a hospital and I thought I knew which one (I asked, she didn't reply), but ... whatever.
  18. ... and I hope I don't drop back down to what I was getting paid when gas was two dollars. I'm happy with a higher wage and paying more for gas. I come out ahead. Funny I recently said I'm glad I don't have to get premium .... because I just filled up with half a tank of premium (@$3.25 per). Why, when it's not "needed?" For some reason, a long time ago, I got it into my head they put "premium" additives in "premium" gas, that's it not JUST about octane. More detergents for example. So once a month I get premium, thinking, right or wrong though I may be, that that touch of premium does someth
  19. No particular theme, just what I grabbed off the shelf: BT The Dandy Warhols (yeah, again) Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Works Volume 2 , has Brain Salad Surgery on it) Journey Led Zeppelin (yeah, Physical Graffiti again)
  20. I saw that in the weather report yesterday ... BRRRRRR! (We'll get there soon enough ... )
  21. I did that last year and the memory of it STILL cracks me up. Huh-larious. ----- Couldn't resist, here ya go: Happy Holidays From JDoors!
  22. dat dere be sum funy stuf - dang west verginnies Sent it along to my Southern friends, I'm sure I'll be hearing from them.
  23. Gas had crept up to just over three bucks, but it's on its way back down again (read somewhere oil prices have plummeted). Glad I don't have to buy premium, it's still up there. The Explorer's getting dismal mileage, don't know if it's from my recent aggressive driving or from a mechanical fault. Just had some maintenance done and I think I'm over that brief period of aggression, so we'll see on the next tank.
  24. Will the line up have a theme ? ..i'm to lazy to make a line up. i have Audacity on loop right now! That lineup was Led Zeppelin one through four. New lineup, new theme: What I bought and just got in the mail: The Dandy Warhols , Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia LCD Soundsystem , Sounds Of Silver Led Zeppelin , Physical Graffiti (By happy coincidence, I only had the vinyl 'til now, Wow, I'd forgotten how many great songs there on on this!) The Magic Numbers , Those The Brokes