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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Dick Cheney? - http://blog.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2007...ment_to_be.html Alberto Gonzales? - http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/27/washingt...d-gonzales.html Donald Rumsfeld? - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Rumsfe...for_resignation... I think the sarcasm flew over your head. Point being: Why the knee-jerk cry of "facism" when it's nothing but politics as usual? ***** OIC, you edited out the sarcasm. Gotcha. Nevermind.
  2. JDoors


    You know it's NOT a scam because they didn't ask for your Social Security number.
  3. That's weird. After eight years without a single corruption charge leveled against any politician or department, not one call for anyone's resignation, and no calls for impeachment, and no claims of illegal activities, just a few months into the new administration we get an F.B.I. probe. Imagine that. If there HAD been any of those things during the last eight years, would you have called it "facism?" *****
  4. To be a little more specific, most drop-down list boxes that accept user input allow you to "highlight" an entry and hit the "Delete" key to remove it (the highlight-the-entry step isn't always intuitive so I thought I'd mention it).
  5. Been there, done that (but remove all alcohol-related steps) so you know why I get my oil changed at JiffyLube. Minor nit-pick: "2) Stop by 7/11 and buy a case of beer, write a cheque for $20, drive home." Where are 7/11's that accept checks?
  6. I got yer cold right here. No, seriously, we're nearly twenty degrees below normal for this time of the year. I had already started switching the house over to warmer weather mode, guess I'm a bit early. Didn't know you guys were so much dryer than normal. At least I know where all your rain has been going.
  7. Well, IE still has the largest share by far, and I would guess that includes many webmasters. You can't please everybody, so just go with what will please the most with the least amount of effort. And, of course, if you make something that plays well with others, IE might choke on it and you've just annoyed the largest audience you have, so you better be really committed to alternative browsers. And IE does have advantages. Since it DOES NOT adhere to every standard you can do things with it that you're not supposed to, but that are neat or easy or helpful in some way. Well, it's an advantage
  8. We agree on something?
  9. I don't recall if Obama has a point of view on this. What with his popularity and Democrats in the majority of both houses he should be able to ram through any ol' thing he wants.
  10. Since my "source" is closing their doors soon I went a little crazy and ordered a bunch (~$6.00 per). Favorite artist of all time: B.B. King (3 disk set) Recent CDs: The Killers Michael Buble Older CDs: The Chemical Brothers UB40 Basement Jaxx The Verve Daft Punk OK Go Royksopp Once they arrive you'll know what I'm listening to.
  11. You left off in the quotes you replied to where I'm in the habit of clicking the blocker off for a page when I want to allow a popup. Easy-peesy. I played around a little more with FF and kiosk mode and got some more screen space back, but apparently you can't get rid of the tabs (which, if you did, would kinda defeat FF's best feature, even if that feature has now been copied by more recent versions of IE). I measured. It's closer to 1/6th than 1/9th, but the whole point is moot as it's just MY personal preference to eliminate everything but the page I'm viewing. And if you have a larger mo
  12. Thanks for posting that. I assume Beck's a conservative commentator (I could be wrong, I don't watch FOX NEWS) and it's quite telling if and when conservatives start accepting that marijuana should be legalized. I'm not completely convinced (and how strong would my convictions be if one editorial could change them?), but it was presented in a thought-provoking way. You might even say it was a Fair and Balanced report. (Joking! -- technically they didn't present an opposing view.)
  13. I grew up in a different age, I'd have been kicked out of school for that answer!
  14. In another interesting twist: Best Buy has been buying stuff from CC. I imagine it's stuff like store fixtures and test equipment. At least I HOPE it's not consumer goods they plan on reselling (maybe I should read more than the headlines?).
  15. Not sure where you're goin' with the 'whitelist' comment, the problem I'm discussing is related to "new" sites I've never been to before so they're unlikely to already be listed. Besides, now I just click the 'off' button on the rare occasion a site needs to bypass the blocker and I wish to accept. I just checked the list -- 99% of the sites listed are from WAY back when I DID use the "allow this site" option rather than just turning the blocker off temporarily. Thanks for the reminder about the list though, I'd completely forgotten about it. ***** I tried the kiosk mode in FF (hadn't done i
  16. Should be a good Spring, lot's of deep greens and colorful flowers. If we can just get past all the floods and tornados.
  17. What if the loop HAS permission based on opening the original window? And how will FF deal with a window that my popup blocker 'add-on' (which gives IE the identical function) does not block? I do use FF occasionally so I'll try F11 next time it's running. I recall trying to eliminate all that clutter with FF and also using a more recent IE version (on a friend's computer) and F11 did NOT work on either (maybe due to older versions than you have?). I might be wrong, or it did not function the same way (no drop down menu maybe, which would make kiosk mode useless). I do remember being frustrat
  18. Unless you know something I don't know, how do you know FF isn't susceptible to this problem? I can't use the most recent version of either browser until I upgrade the OS, and I can't upgrade the OS until I update my computer, and I can't update my computer until I win the lottery. Anywayzzz, I don't care for FF. For all its "customizablity" I still can't configure it the way I have IE configured, ie. "kiosk" mode, so all the menus and buttons and tabs and the information and title bars and all that other stuff clutters up the screen. IE in kiosk mode leaves NOTHING onscreen but the web page
  19. This is more just an aknowledgment of a problem than a request for help (buying a new computer with up-to-date software is likely the only solution). I followed a link from a high profile website to a cutting-edge site, one that produces up-to-the-minute programs (I knew I couldn't USE the program but wanted to learn about it for future reference). I clicked a link on THAT page and IE opened another window, which never loaded any content but opened ANOTHER window, which never loaded any content before it opened ANOTHER window, well, you can see where this is going. An infinite loop. Of cours
  20. JDoors


    Three women are talking about their loves lives and how to spice things up in the bedroom. They all decide to dress up for their husbands that night in tight black leather outfits, wearing a mask, and snapping a whip! That will certainly spice things up! The next day the first woman says, "My husband came home, saw my outfit and he went absolutely crazy! We made love like teenagers for hours on end!" The second woman says, "When my husband saw me he threw me on the bed and made love to me until dawn!" The third woman says, "My husband came home, saw what I was wearing and said, 'What's for
  21. JDoors


    I haven't been following her story other than what I can't avoid in the news, haven't watched any interviews with her for example, but from what I understand she's always wanted a large family (which she ALREADY had -- so what she's hoping to accomplish with even MORE kids is questionable). Apparently no one told her that "family" traditionally means, first, TWO parents, THEN kids. Her desire to carry all of the implanted embryos regardless of her circumstances (no second parent, no income, no home since she's still living at Mom's house, nothing on the horizon that would bring any of that to