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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Yeah, there's a short story 'bout that: I wasn't going to put the CRTs out due to that exact reason (and that's also why I wound up with a total of three of them -- too lazy to do it right). But an ancient printer? Sure, why not? I was still haulin' stuff to the curb when one 'junk guy' grabbed the printer and threw it in his truck. I went down and asked him if he took computer monitors. After getting through the lanquage barrier ('like TV?') he said HE didn't take 'em, but others do. Great! Put 'em out and the NEXT TRUCK that came through grabbed 'em. PERFECT. I'm sure they're recycling rath
  2. I was watchin' that storm blow through and it looked pretty strong. We'll be getting some peripheral remnants of that storm tomorrow and the next day. I somehow forgot about how all that rain is gonna make things look fantastic! Thanks for cheering me up! (My lawn's already lookin' just about perfect -- wonder how long THAT will last?)
  3. That sure was a great trick they played on everyone, sending a, shall we say "plain-looking" woman out there, only to have her sing with the voice of an angel! But somebody ought to tell her to wear a bra -- AT. ALL. TIMES. Please? My eyes can take only so much. Pete, ya make me want to look up a pic of last year's winner just to see what yer talkin' about.
  4. A little too hard-core for my taste, at least, to listen to for any length of time. I only have a couple of CDs that can be pigeon-holed into anything resembling that genre and that's enough of a "fix" for me. I wouldn't be against anyone sending me free CDs of Disturbed (hint-hint). I totally understand the connection between watching anime and lovin' the music in it. In previous posts I stated the reason I chose a particular CD was solely because I heard a song from that artist in a movie I had recently watched. Today is ELECTRONICA DAY! All electronica, all day! (My avatar's l
  5. I'm tired but feelin' good about it. Went through the garage and got rid of SO MUCH JUNK! If you don't have it where you live, once a year the trash folk will pick up EVERYTHING you place at the curb, no charge. Usually there are all kinds of limits; size, content, tie this up, bundle that, this goes there, that goes here, etc. Roving bands of recyclers drive around picking through the junk, thank God, because I got rid of three CRT computer monitors (among other obsolete computer junk). I mean, why do I even have the first lamps I ever owned? Big, hulking Spanish-Inquisition things; gold, b
  6. That's the ONE federal expense I have NO problem supporting! Now if they'd only get rid of all that other unconstitutional crap we've been snookered into paying for.
  7. Aww man, I would LOVE to work for a company called MMMGood! (Pouponpants, not so much.)
  8. First thought: I wonder if this would really work? Second thought: Obstruction of justice.
  9. Disturbed? Uh, no. Maroon 5? A few REALLY good songs (don't know if any good ones are on that particular CD though). All-American Rejects? Heard the name but never, to my knowledge, heard them. And frankly, every time I've listened to your Japanese-sourced music it all sounds the same, like the wails of someone stomping on the toes of Japanese school-children. My playlist, taken off the L-M shelf: LCD Soundsystem (sorta electronic) Leftfield (definitely electronic) Les Paul (Guitar Hero!) The Mamas and the Papas (60's pop) Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris (not sure of the genre) Michael Bublé
  10. I grew up in Chicago under the benevolent protection of the Daley Democratic Machine. I don't KNOW another kind of politics.
  11. JDoors

    My Project

    Don't make it a big deal. It's a birthday "gift," his choice, not yours. Kids.
  12. JDoors

    Online Banking

    Just did my weekly shopping yesterday and chatted with the cashier watching the limited item self-checkout aisles (I've known the guy for years -- not relevant I guess, but ...). A lady was checking out and was at the stage where she was scanning coupons, which he had to "approve" (which he did just by clicking on the overview screen at his station and telling her to go ahead). I asked about coupons and he said "some" coupons require approval. Putting this thing together, one piece of knowledge at a time ...
  13. JDoors

    Filing Taxes

    Something people rarely consider a tax, and certainly the government doesn't "call" it a tax, is the cost of adhering to the ever-bloating tax regulations. I bet we pay a dollar in hidden costs for every dollar collected by the government. ***** Tea Party, anyone?
  14. JDoors

    My Project

    I'll give it two weeks and you'll be posting about how amazing your new laptop is.
  15. Oops. Not that it would matter to me, what with being a Life Member and all ...
  16. JDoors

    Online Banking

    Thanks for the additional information. I'm still learning the system and wouldn't have thought about having to wait to have "restricted" items approved, and I've always had what I thought was needless complications with coupons but now I think I better understand what's happening -- it often says "wait for assistance" while allowing me to continue, a cashier comes over even though I have no idea why, and they usually point at the screen and say, "You received credit for that coupon." I'm like, so? But now I understand what's going on.
  17. JDoors

    Filing Taxes

    Those of us with State income taxes sometimes feel a little envy toward States without, but we all know they make it up elsewhere. There's no free lunch. Speaking of lunch, a friend in another state mentioned her surprise that IL has a sales tax on food, horrors, but when I found out how much SHE pays for her vehicle registration I was in complete shock (it's like TEN TIMES what we pay).
  18. JDoors

    Filing Taxes

    Updates and Addendums: Checked the progress of my Federal taxes. Though the forms have been "accepted," the refund/payment hasn't gone through yet. Gonna hafta wait until next Friday (since, as previously stated, they only update this once a week). I just filed my State taxes online, using my State's site. Freakin' beautiful site design. Little or no confusion, anywhere, though some credit has to go to the simplicity of State vs Federal tax forms. Both State and Federal forms are divided into about ten sections, but the State forms are only further subdivided by five or fewer other possible
  19. JDoors

    Online Banking

    About the same here. There's one cashier for up to ten self-checkout aisles. Any time you need help you can click for help, or any time there's a problem (like an item you've tried repeatedly to scan without success) the system automatically calls the cashier over. In the "no item limit" aisles the conveyor belt has electic eyes so: If you've scanned something it expects to "see" the item soon and warns you if it does not, and if you have NOT scanned something and put it on the belt it knows the item was not scanned and tells you to remove the item from the belt. In the "limited items" aisle
  20. JDoors

    Online Banking

    I felt that way too, plus the procedure still has plenty of bugs in it; Checkout can be stopped by a "Please wait for assistance" message -- giving you have no reason (as you learn the system you learn to avoid, or ignore, those messages), coupons tend to not read which requires you wait for assistance, at the place I go to the conveyor backs up all the time which requires you stop and clear it, "Please rescan the item" messeges are particularly irritating as you wonder if you're gonna get charged twice, "Please remove the item from the belt" messages when there's NO VALID REASON to do so, etc
  21. JDoors

    Online Banking

    I'm not too concerned about security, I've been purchasing items online forever, using credit cards, without incident (touch wood). 128-bit encryption is good enough for me, and with anti-virus software running, a DSL modem/router, my ISP's proxy, malware scans and pretty safe surfing habits, I'm not gonna worry about something that's not likely to happen. And financially, one, I watch things pretty closely (ironically, I missed this one), two, I balance statements regularly (that's how I caught this), and three ... I basically have no money to steal! For me, it's entirely about access
  22. I've been hesitant to do much online. Not buying, I've been doing that like forever. But managing accounts? Transferring money? Going "paperless?" No thanks. I don't trust that the entire line of hardware and software that must be trusted will work, every time. My computer might crash, leaving me with no Internet access. The software might crash. My phone/DSL line might not be available. My bank's hardware and software has to be up and running and reliable. Not to mention I need electricity (see my 'power outtage' threads). However, due to my current financial situation, I've had the need to
  23. The local paper I susbscribe to has EXTENSIVE local political coverage, I just don't read that part (my eyes glaze over the moment I see those stories). My fault. There's been a lot of talk lately about newspapers becoming relics of a bygone age, but where else are you going to get extensive local coverage? Sure, I can get national news, sports, celebrity news, even the weather online. But who's covering how high the river going through town is during flood season? Who's covering when the next "spring cleaning" pickup is for my neighborhood? Who's covering what intersections and roads are goi
  24. JDoors

    My Project

    Wow. That's some customer service. They actually pay someone to make sure your order is complete, ready to go, and got sent? A human? They pay a human? A living, breathing human? Really? (OK, you get the idea: I'm shocked.)