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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Dang! Your photos always make the car look desireable, but your descriptions always make it sound like a junker! Still makes me miss my compact sport coupe (my first car). I beat the living daylights out of it, and it kept going, and going ...
  2. The name 'shopnav' spooked me, but I think you may be right about it being a part of the bloated Earthlink cra.... software. If DSL is down I can revert to dialup and it includes an 'accelerator,' and that would jive with your thought that it's part of an optimizer. Earthlink also includes (but I have disabled) 'tracking' software that's supposedly (if you trust them) used to optimize your connection (Fastlane, I believe it's called). Another possibility. [edit] While performing usual maintenance and scrounging around over the years I've noticed Earthlink software doesn't always "report" itse
  3. (Don't know if you're still in the planning stages ... ) I wouldn't put the TV and large speakers in the corner. With the speakers that close to one another you won't get the proper "sound stage," there'll be little or no stereo separation. Almost all the sound would appear to be coming from the screen. I might move the TV to the middle of the 'top' (in the pic) wall and the speakers at least eight feet apart on either side. This also makes the left/right rear surrounds easier to locate in the correct position, one 'below' the door (again, according to the pic) and one on the 'left' wall. If
  4. JDoors

    At Last

    Mmm, a grilled steak with a heap of buttery mushrooms on top ....... <drool> Or ... A nice mixed salad with thinly sliced fresh mushrooms! Yummy! And now I get a mega-dose of vitamin D too! ------
  5. Danged if I can remember if it's 256 or 512, I imagine I wouldn't be running at all if it were only 256M. Considering fully 1/3 of the startup programs are McAfee related I'm not sure what I'd be willing to shut down (yeah, it's a hog, but I have valid reasons for using it). You know how much you begin to rely on the little utilities (like the clock add-on -- Use it all the time). I never use the McAfee IE toolbar so I'll figure out how to shut 'er down (Hmm, it's not actually showing in IE, I must have removed it already, but it still loads? Think it's safe to use a startup manager to just t
  6. JDoors

    At Last

    So! They really do grow them in manure! (I don't care, I love 'em.) Re the article, 700 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin D? I'd think they'd have to find a way to temper that a bit, I can eat what I'm sure amounts to several servings at one time. (Have'ta look up toxicity of vitamin D ... )
  7. JDoors

    At Last

    What's with gettin' my hopes up? Kidding. Odd, huh? Of course in nature mushrooms generally grow in dappled light rather than in the total darkness of commercial farms, so it looks to me like they're just figuring out how to return them to their original nutritional profile.
  8. On a regular basis (every 60 minutes or so) my hard drive starts chugging away, taking so much CPU time I'm unable to do much until it's done (about a minute or so). I believe it's some kind of indexing going on rather than a Trojan or other malware as, in addition to security software such as a firewall and antivirus programs, I consistantly run several malware scan utilities that have almost never found anything (the last time they found anything at all, other than a cookie or similar minor problem, was probably over a year ago). Or it could be due to several different programs having "auto-
  9. Best point yet. A technical analysis of any security software would reveal its flaws, and an analysis of something like Norton's or McAfee's would be a very long article indeed.
  10. Reads like some arrogant pre-teen thinks he could do better but will never achieve the success of Ad-Aware so he took the time to criticize it instead. It's not perfect? Oooo! Stop the presses! If he knew what he was talking about he would write a better program and get rich doing it. As soon as you see his better product, let me know.
  11. Holy ... ? Translations from Russian: "System messages with any possible content. They are very good to alert the user about some possible threat (virus for example, and it’s very good for advertisement). It’s possible to implement it in a form of “Blue Screen of Deathâ€. Please think about it and implement anything that is possible." Oh yeah, good idea, use the BSOD for ads?!? "…Change Security level to… Low (good for installing toolbars, dialers)." Another good idea, change your Internet Security settings without your perm. then install dialers, etc. "will be able to sele
  12. Sorry to force your hand there -- I wasn't feelin' up to the search yesterday (and I REALLY doubt I'd have found such a large, clear picture by myself). Now if I could only figure out why I'm this thrilled about your new tires & wheels! How'z it handle now? My first car came with Goodyears and when they wore out I replaced them with Michelins. Whoa, it turned a nice handling car into a freakin' sports car! The difference was amazing. The Michelins squealed more in turns but hung on like Gorilla Glue. The steering went from precise, to telepathic(just think about your line, and you
  13. Don't make me google it to get a closeup of the sidewall and tread ...
  14. Just looks to me like someone got an idea in his head and needs someone else to slap it out of him.
  15. What a difference, huh? Still a nice lookin' car, and now it's got the wheels it deserves. What tires did you go with (I forget ... )?
  16. Looks like it's a pretty complicated problem. China's already outlawed it, but due to a widespread lack of respect for the law they do it anyway. The workers there are either uninformed of or ignore proper and safe procedures. I suspect the ships hauling the waste there are actually saving money because otherwise they'd be returning to China empty, an even bigger waste. It's a lot like the garment industry before consumers forced U.S. companies to ensure acceptable factory conditions, though I don't see how a consumer revolt would work in this situation.
  17. Whoops, thanks for the heads-up.
  18. "Performing with Flacido Domingo" Cracked me up. Not that I would know anything about that.
  19. Man: "So what do you do for a living?" Woman: "I'm a female impersonator." Yup, that'd do it all right.
  20. "Bad Cop! No Donut!" That cracked me up. I work (for the time being) at a casino. They have a slot machine titled, "Cops & Donuts." It's insulting as heck. In one bonus round you have to get the cop to eat as many donuts as you can. In another you have to choose between several (insulting) excuses to get out of a ticket.
  21. Lot's o' hits, none appears to be what you're looking for. Some that might have promise were in Spanish.
  22. "There's no such thing as too much candy." I disprove that every Halloween. "Some body parts should be floppy." That's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it!
  23. I've been happy with the free version of MetaProduct's Download Express.
  24. Whoops. I can understand the difficulty of getting help to him -- He wound up in an area removed from International services. Lucky he found someone who spoke some English.
  25. Hope they keep that stuff up permanently, it's a cool archive for those who would like to be able to d/l their old standbys.