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Everything posted by Brian_Holiday

  1. 2.87 In southern Maryland, at 0500 EST this morning. Yesterday morning it was 2.65. <argg, I really need to buy a Toyota> BH <edited, because I am an idiot, smacking head>
  2. Yes you can run them off ethanol, but you have problems running both because of gasolines impurities. It tends to strip the gum left by the gas and clog up your filters. Lemme see: about 45 gallons a week usage, times 50 weeks a year. That would be 1125 bushells at the best yield for 2003 in Tennesee of 131 busshels per acre. Take into account the cost fermenting and processing it you would need about 20 acres, I guess thats doable, if you also continue to work your job. You could also set up a methane still. You would be a lot better off growing bell peppers or tobacco BH <Does
  3. You might also think about supporting: Feed the Children 91% of the money you give goes directly to the program, and only 2% goes to management. You can check out their website for accountablility details. I think 35 dollars delivers 250 pounds of supplies, since everything is donated. I hate to say it, but you have to watch these charities very closely. The NYC and DC chapters of the red cross had some scandals over 9-11 money. BH
  4. It was in the above links, but I am going to pull it out from the crowd: Sourceforge Now my first stop. BH
  5. Echoing the sentements of my fellow posters, congratulations. I can truly say that is probably the hardest thing a human can do. It is certainly the hardest thing I have done in my life. I still have smoking dreams where I wake up feeling guilt and dread that I am going to have to break the addiction again. Those dreams make me stay clean. BH
  6. It would me too, if it weren't for the fact it goes the other way when the price drops. When it drops, they will be selling $4 gas for $3.50. They have to do it this way, otherwise gas retailers would wait until the tank price is low and fill up the station. This would lead to surges in demand and empty tanks if the retailer speculated incorrectly. The cost of gas is determined the day, or several times the day of sale. It has no official value until then. So you are paying based on what the crude price and demand is on any given day. Thats why it goes up and down so quickly. BH
  7. You won me over, they should pay you. I will be downloading the list you suggested this weekend. Maybe those of you that are ahead of us in the podcast world should set up a stickie of those podcasts that the group might like and suggestions for software. BH
  8. Speaking of MissFae. Do a whois on Way too much info there. BH
  9. What is that about $300 in smokes nowdays? BH
  10. It used to be a real tech haven, but it seems to have degraded even in the volume of posts. Anyone else notice that? I would like to have the numbers to throw back in their faces. BH
  11. Wish granted, but all the annoying people on earth move there with you. I wish I had a go cart.
  12. AMEN! All the solutions are out there. Closing military bases become refinery sites. Use of new, safer cleaner nuclear technology for electricity, and create hydrogen for the new Hydrogen economy. Yucca, finish it. ANWAR, open it. The people who don't want it opened can't even describe the area. Undercut the Arabs on oil prices, break up the cartel. For our part, we should conserve all we can. Shut off your lights, buy efficent appliances, insulate your homes. Start concentrating our research dollar on more efficent engines whether it be fuel cells, LPG, Natural Gas, Gas, Hydrogen, Die
  13. The news predicted average prices over $3 by Monday, so GAS UP NOW! The Hurricane is blamed for the surge. Coffee is expected to go up also, due to the flooding in New Orleans. BH
  14. OUCH! I wish I had downloaded it last night, I love a good train wreck. He has quite a cast of people, I wonder how/if they are being compensated. With as many people as he has, he should be able to produce something once a month right? As fickle as the public is, I think he should be keeping his face out there. It might also help to put a female face in the linup, it is kind of a sausage fest. Anyone ever work in this industry? I have often wondered how many man hours it takes to produce a half an hour of content. My experence in the field was limited to two years of stagecraft in