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Everything posted by Brian_Holiday

  1. You know what I hate, angry people. They really piss me off. I started to read this set of posts and I find myself agreeing with most of them. I am going to go sit in a dark room and calm down. BH
  2. there a slashdot story on that picture... people, that picture is real <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmmm...Do you think it will hover?
  3. But couldn't you use another analogy. Which is going to cool beer quicker, a flowing stream or dropping into a bucket of water? What makes cooling work is the delta between the temp of the incomming air and the temp of the sync. If the inside of the case is 100 degrees F, and you are pushing 70 degree air across the processor, I assume it would cool better.than the 100 degree in the case. I wouldn't want too much of a difference, since there is thermal cycling and condensation to think about, but logic seems to follow. Granted, this doesn't really matter for most of us. I could put at
  4. I sure wish someone would fill me in, a PM would do. Apparently she doesn't watch her guestbook very closely: Read them all LOL. BH
  5. Whats funny is, he has described her as a great friend of the show. I am sure that if he didn't want her moderating, she wouldn't be. I think that is the reason the shafted Pete, just because Leo didn't like him(for some undisclosed reason). The word pervert might be a little strong, he seems to be a womanizer with a tendency to say exactly what he is thinking at the time, but I wouldn't call him a perv. Did I miss something somewhere? BH
  6. MissFae strikes again! LOL You seen her site? She has a picture kissing Leo. I am tempted to get get a copy and do some photoshopin'. Anyone got a picture of Leo's backside? BH
  7. I am in my late 30's and my mother was 39 when I was born. Guess which spelling I was quizzed on Pineapple Vinegar? EWWWWW! BH
  8. Lemme see, he self identified as an "IT Guy", so I would hope Joran wouldn't be interested. Crime is actually very low in Aruba. I live around DC, Aruba is a cake walk compared to here. The cost of living is low, and you have a great influx of interesting people. Sure there are bad elements, but I guarantee there are more killers in a few square blocks of any major US city than on the whole island. And mark my words, they will convict the kid regardless of his guilt. They have too much to loose. I just pray they find her, so they can put her to rest. BH
  9. The thread in question was locked for flaming. BH
  10. BTW, 4G of ram or 2? I have quad processing servers and they don't need 4G of ram! It is going to be a nice system. BH
  11. These drives are known to run very hot. Protection is cheap, I would buy a couple of these. I am not a big fan of WD, I had 3 120s fail within a year. But for what you want to do, they may be the only choice. I guess you know that you are taking a risk spanning the drive. If either fails, you are SOL. I would seriously consider just using 1 for the C drive and backing it up with a 250 for a data drive. From what I have read that gives you the best of both worlds. BH
  12. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! I have had boss' like that too! There is no justice in the universe, cream rises until it sours. Brian
  13. LOL, they used to tell me it was "Military Right" BH
  14. That is interesting, it looks like you invert the motherboard and put the processor inside a push/pull strait flow through air chamber, isolating it from the rest of the pc. The only turbulence you would have is at the grills and directly over the sync. I hadn't considered that as an option. That might be worth looking at for hard disks also. My hard disks produce the most heat in my PC. I can touch the heat sync on the processor after a couple of hours of gaming and it is barely warm. BH
  15. Great question! I was a hiring manager for technical employees near DC until this year, and here are my experences: Companies like to see degrees in computer science and engineering. Having said that, it will probably not have anything to do with your job. I work with an aeronautical engineer and a liberal arts major. My degree is in business, and we all work in Cyber Security. What is most important is the vocational skills you get along the way. The computer science degree gives you an actual skill, coding. If you don't want to code full time, join the club. A lot of us don't choose t
  16. Ok, thats the kind of stuff that is good to know. So what if they are clean, ever had overheating problems witha clean duct? BH
  17. But can we take that for a fact? I mean, if Dell is doing it some engineer had to work out that it was a good idea. Corporations don't spend any more on a product than they have to. While the vent will reduce the air flow by friction at the least, a bigger fan would solve that problem. BH
  18. 1) I don't have the guts to go get a tattoo. 2) I have trouble identifying right and left. 3) I thought Jen was a teenager... BH
  19. I have been looking inside a lot of comercial PCs lately and I have noticed that Dell and Compaq put baffles over their processors and vent them directly out of the case. So I got to thinking, why don't we all do this? BH
  20. I like a good train wreck, what is the thread? BH
  21. I have an old PDA. Casio model e-11 (Black and White screen). It worked until I let the aux battery go. Anyone know of any good hacks, or suggestions on what I should do with it? TIA, BH
  22. It came to me from my father, who has since passed. A gem of wisdom he thought I needed in my 20's A puppy is walking through the rail yard. Just as he crosses the tracks a train comes along and cuts off the tip of his tail. The puppy is so overwhelmed by the missing tip, he franticly turns around to find it. The train then cuts off his head. The moral: * * * * * * * * * * * * * Don't loose your head over a little piece of tail.
  23. Knowing Linux will give you 'street cred' with geeks and allow you to feel superior to mere mortal scum. If you take the time to learn the *nix command line, it will also increase your chance at a high paying job. *nix is the backend behind almost every security device, from the high priced firewalls to the lowly Linksys Wifi router in my home office. Heck, even Tivo's run it. Linux is the easy way in. It is easy like Windows, but doesn't deliberately hold you in a box where you cant learn whats going on. If you want to learn how its done, there is always the source code. Now how