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Everything posted by baker7

  1. I have never seen this happen either - most times, you need a key and they ask you to activate - maybe with an OEM machine you don't have to on the subsequent installs........strange..... Let me know if you find anything out as to why this happened......would be interested in it Brian
  2. nutritious Personal Trainers - who helped me with my nutrition questions Brian
  3. Bees Brian Tuna....(Bumble Bee) Albacore - A Kind of Tuna Brian
  4. LINK This one looks funny, and I think its ok for the masses Brian
  5. JDoors: Anyone who says cold water causes cancer must have something up. Water only causes problems if the water you are drinking is contaminated at or by a SOURCE. There are so many things these days that they say doesn't cause cancer, and that you should eat more of this, or more of that, and then they turn round and say that they think that it may not be as good for you. As far as I am concerned, a glass of COLD water is good for almost anything that ails you, and it helps you to do so many things - Water is a temperature regulator as well, so of course, water helps your body, as most o
  6. Hello All: Looks my My server is as follows: Dual P3 800 Mhtz 1 Gig Memory 4/5 SCSI Drives RAID 5 X86 architecture: Gateway Will get more info when I go into the office this week Brian
  7. diplomacy United Nations Brian
  8. Happy Birthday Barb: sorry this is so late Brian
  9. Debian. Stable (Etch) if possible, Testing (Lenny) if not. You can start with stable and upgrade to testing if need be. JCL: Thanks for the information on etch and Lenny - I will probably ask my brother Michael to bring the server to me from the office so that I can install, configure and use the server, then have him come back and move the server when I have it set. He is also supposed to come and take Defiant, Emmanuel and a couple monitors from me, then his stepdad will strip all drives from the machines. Once this is completed, his stepdad will install XP Pro SP2 on another machine I ha
  10. Here it is from NWS BTV Office (Burlington Vermont, US) Two words: REALLY LOUSY!! But its winter, so as long as I am inside, I should be OK Brian
  11. Peter, Paul and Mary - Lemon Tree Brian
  12. flatulence...............a sphere you don't want to be in Spear The end of which is rounded Brian
  13. You heard it here today folks - I have acquired a domain name, and by a stroke of luck, I was able to not only secure that, but a server to boot, as well as a host!! I was building a site for a friend, and asked a friend of mine if he wouldn't mind hosting the completed site. I told him that i wanted to run this site on a linux host, and he said that he had 3 servers that he got from a job - they were given to him - He asked me if I wanted one, so I said YES - this server is apparently about as powerful as the IBM Netfinity server I ran Windows 2003 SBS on last summer. This thing is as BIG
  14. Dueling banjos - Charlie Daniels Band Brian
  15. ... city chicken Layer Pellets - How do you think that they lay eggs - this feed supposedly helps them do it Brian
  16. AWESOME - thanks for the info Pete Brian
  17. Hello Everyone: I have a friend that is teaching senior citizens computer basics. He is in need of a computer keyboard template for his classes. Does anyone know where I can get such a template. I believe what he wants to do is to be able to illistrate what each key does on the keyboard, but he wants to be able to do this visually...... Is there any site that anyone knows of that would show a template of a computer keyboard that he can use for teaching purposes?? Any help would be appreciated.... Brian
  18. Thanks for the info. I was using java version 1.6.0-oem however; it seems this version is incompatible with vista. All seems well at this point (knock on wood!) Pete_C's advice was right on the money. Older versions of Java can also cause problems because Malware can exploit the holes. You should always keep your Java updated, and remove all older versions of the software. Good Luck!! Brian
  19. I agree with everyone listed above. Hacking computers is wrong........and it can damage machines that someone is attempting to illegally access. It can also damage machines because the person accessing them is doing it for the purposes of destroying the systems, or the information on such systems. Not only that, but the machines that would be damaged by such intrusion would need to be repaired at the cost of the companies/individuals affected. I don't care what you call it - illegal access to others machines for any purpose is exactly that - illegal Note that I say ILLEGAL if you have a r
  20. The 5th Demension - Master Hits Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In (The Flesh Features) Brian