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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. "have "a" job, I'm paid well, and I hardly do any work" That's MY kind of job. Actually I had one for 12 years back on the east coast. May I ask what you do? Joe
  2. That really sucks. I'm surprised that they don't try to pay you in poker chips.
  3. tinkertoy .....I had a set as a kid. Of course in those days they were all made of wood. I remember building many projects with them.
  4. Too political? The subject for this particular forum is "Did you find an interesting article or news story? If so post it here". I found what I consider to be an "interesting article or news story", and I posted it here. I did not make any personal comments on the subject. Also, if you read the article, you'll see that the allegations are also corroborated by US Military personnel and Afghan officials. And then of course there is the recent corroboration from U.S. Army General Tabuga. I'd say that it's a good time to start investigating the alledged atrocities.
  5. So far the birds are doing a good (enough) job in the yard. Every morning they're out there pick'n at the lawn. I used to think, "That's a sure indication I've got a bug problem" and the next time I fertilized I used one with insect control. Duh ... It's a sure indication Nature's taking CARE OF the bug problem, so this year no insecticide. On the other hand, there's a dark corner formed where the house meets the garage and there's often an insect problem there, so today I sprayed that corner (looked like ants ... but I didn't wanna get close enough to be certain -- I hope they were ants).
  6. That's interesting. Which circuit board are you referring to?
  8. Good one, Bobby! I didn't make the connection at first. But I should have because I'm a big Garfield fan. Back to the game...... "Odie" Stupid ..... (at least that's what Garfield thinks)
  9. Sounds like a Brown Recluse bite. The results can be hideous. My doctor told me that plastic surgery is sometimes required due the the damage they cause.
  10. Take a look at the free version of Astaro.
  11. Eeeck!!! I'd have to move out and have the exterminator move in for a month.
  12. Sunshine overcast. (living in AZ I've come to realize that sunshine is highly over rated)
  13. That's VERY good work! You got my vote(s). Joe
  14. That's gotta be hard. My condolences BB. The only thing I can think of is just be there for him. You don't have to do anything special. Maybe just listen if he wants to talk.