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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. I was going to post this in the Comedy section, but it is the latest news from PETA. What more can I say? Catch and Release.
  2. "OOOH, they have a volume II" Darn! I must have missed the release party. To tell you the truth though, I'd be a little leary of the authenticity of this book. I thumbed through it and found references to such hoity-toity ingredients as "mozzarella cheese" and "English Muffins". And as any real connoisseur knows, the cheese of choice is Cheese Whiz (or if you're a certified gourmet, Velveeta) and the bread of choice is Wonder.
  3. keens (Hi Sultan......I just noticed your current O.S.......THAT'S funny!)
  4. island Long (Island) ....or as the natives say, "Lawn Gieland".
  5. Fried chitlins and pig stomach? What's not to love? Now excuse me while I go and throw up.
  6. Check out the White Trash Cookbook. You can preview some of the pages. I particularly get a kick out of Uncle Willie's swamp cabbage stew. Bone appetit.
  7. True. There's also no right to good music. But it's still available for little cost. Public libraries, internet radio, friends cd's, etc. That and some ripping and burning software. I guess it has a lot to do with what you like also. I just found a complete 9 record LP (remember those) set of the Beethoven's symphonies. A mint collection recorded on London with the NY Philharmonic and Leonard Bernstein. I was walking by a Goodwill store, went inside to look around and there it was. Total cost: $1. Now if I can only find my old turntable.........
  8. If it's an area rug, I'd toss it. Unless it's an heirloom or something of value. No matter how hard you try, the cat will smell it and consider it the new litter box. The enzyme cleaners mentioned work, but you have to be sure to clean everything. The black light is a good tool also. I bought one at Home Depot for about 12 bucks. 18" fluorescent tube with a light weight holder and a power cord. Just plug it into a long extension cord and scan the area. Check walls too. Sometimes they like to spray. Take the cat to a vet. Urinating indoors is sometimes a sign of Diabetes, as is excessive thirst
  9. "But I want my box working I do not want to have to watch Bones and some other lame prime time soap.)." LOL Yeah tell me about it. I usually have to listen to "Idol", "The biggest loser," that stupid "Race" show, and a few other inane brain cell destroyers. I'm usually cooking during all this (the kitchen is adjacent to the living room where the TV is). She says it's a stress reliever for her, so I don't complain too much. But I thank God everynight for Tivo!
  10. Thanks for the replies. I haven't noticed any problems with 8.5 yet. It's been running for about a week. I have not seen any nag screens relating to upgrating to the paid version. I think they might have changed that from 8.0. I does seem to be using more cpu than it should. I think I'll go back to Avast. The thing I like about AVG is it's ability to schedule scans. Avast free can't do that.
  11. Dean Martin Jerry Lewis comic Marvel .... (comics........I grew up on these)
  12. I've been using AVG free for many years. They threatened to stop updates for v. 7.5 about a year ago to encourage people to upgrade to v.8. However the updates continued until just recently. I read some bad reviews about v. 8 last year and kept from upgrading as long as possible. In fact I installed Avast on my desktop which I am happy with. But on my laptop (where I still had AVG 7.5) I just installed AVG 8.5 build 3.something. Has anybody else used this AV recently? I'm wondering if there are any shortcomings. Thanks Joe
  13. family - an ONLINE Family Brian seconded affirmative:) 10-4
  14. Look great! Now you need a 5.1 sound system.
  15. family - an ONLINE Family Brian seconded
  16. Marty. I never realized that you were a masochist. Win Me = Pain Good luck with it. I have horror stories about that OS. Joe
  17. continue: Pasta Pasta e Fagioli .......... aka Macaroni and beans. .........Now I'm hungry.