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Everything posted by garmanma

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and Blim's right about all the AARP crap Mark
  2. was recommended to me by a "CD freak" friend of mine. I like it Mark
  3. "The standard 2.5" mobile hard drive has a height of 0.37" (9.5 mm)"--Tom's Mark
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Party Hardy Mark
  5. I would think the one offered through your IP is a watered-down version and not the full suite. I tried Tred Micro for a year, but when it came time for renewal I went back to AVG Mark
  6. Wishing you HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more to come Mark
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Come on over, I'll bake you a cake Mark
  8. I agree with you that it's probably internal wiring. His predicament is it's a friend that he charges a nominal fee, Like 20 bucks. He's more or less cutting them a lot of slack but they're holding him fully responsible for not being able to get online. I told him to cut his losses and if the friendship dissolves because of it, so be it Mark
  9. I have a friend trying to fix a computer with a peculiar problem and I'm looking for any and all suggestions He wrote: "I have a friend that has problems with dial up internet connectivity. A year and a half ago she could not connect to the internet at all. AT&T ran new lines to the house. Everything worked fine for a long time. Suddenly she cannot connect anymore. I brought the system over to my house and reloaded and reformatted it with XP sp2. Clean Windows. Everything works fine here. I tested dialup and connect at 53.3. About as good as you are going to get! When I delivered it we can
  10. HAPPY NEW YEAR Make it a safe one Mark
  11. Slowly but surely the old TTV gang are regrouping here Roger Chang just quit DL.TV to join them Mark
  12. A good double shot of Rock and Rye Or if you want to sleep, a double of Slibavich(?) a Polish plum brandy that will leave you incoherent Mark
  13. FINALLY, "decent" programming. Fits in with their other high tech programs such as Cheaters and Cops. Unfortunately, those are the 2 best programs they offer Mark
  14. Try reinstalling it then uninstall. Also look in the program's folder and see if there's an uninstall file. You can also try the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility Mark
  15. Are we talking CRT or LCD? Make sure connections are tight and that any pins in the plug aren't bent Mark
  16. Do you hear a single beep when you turn it on? does the fan in the power supply turn? Mark
  17. Should've kept my mouth shut. We're getting blasted now. My daughter's down at the stadium for the game. They got to be nuts Mark
  18. Had to put up with all the tv channels "breaking in with the latest weather warnings" last night showing off their latest and greatest Doppler thingy, warning of the coming of the next ice age. Wake up this morning to NOTHING, NADA, ZIP. Sure, it's cold out but it's December. It can all change in a few hours, but Geez Mark
  19. I didn't read up on VISTA because I have no intention of buying it, but from what I have read, they say if you're upgrading and have XP Pro don't bother with VISTA home because you won't see a great deal of difference Mark
  20. I'd go with the Intel machine. The video processor looks more promising. if I'm reading the stats. correctly. Mark