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Everything posted by thesidekickcat

  1. We can't have the "little darlings" get their feelings hurt now can we? We can't possibly let the teachers do their job, or be parents enough to do own job of making the little brats (excuse me for hurting their delicate feelings) do their homework so their papers wont need to be marked in red!!!! How on earth are kids going to get an education, and be prepared for the real world of hard knocks that doesn't care one iota for the "precious little darlings" feelings. When are the parents, and school boards, and schools going to stop caving in to kids supposed sensitivity? That is not going to h
  2. Sure glad to see you decided to finally come over here. I hope you will like it here enough to come often. It is a welcome change of pace and atmosphere from that other place. God bless everyone.
  3. That's hilarious Marty. I needed a laugh right now. Thanks. Thanks for sharing it with us. God bless everyone.
  4. I could just cry over Marsh being so ill. I was over on G4 catching up on for all I have missed this week. Didn't find the post that Marty was talking about, but here is a thread with posts in it by Marsh on Thurs night giving some info. Sure doesn't sound good. He has diabetes, besides the agent orange troubles. I remember a post of his somewhere about a month ago where he had a former exwife or exgirlfriend drive him the several hours to the VA hospital. Tymekiller's thread with Marsh posting about illness. Keep praying folks for our friend Marsh. God bless everyone.
  5. As far as I know it was a real news story about canned meat to be taxed if Governor Gregoire (sp?) gets her budget passed with it still in it. You might have heard, this was the governor (democrat) that had to wait for recount after recount after recount to win office due to the close horse race. Still many feel she is in office illegally, due to so many illegal ballots being counted as ok. including known felons, and dead voters. Lots of unhappy people after the election was certified with her as winner. By the way, I don't know if it is just me or if anyone else thinks the same thing, but
  6. I haven't lived in Washington for many years, but since Vancouver, Wa, is so close (just across the Columbia river from Portland and considered part of our metro area) we get some news on what is going on over there. So I did see this on the news the other day. They treated it like it was a joke to slap a tax on food. The only question I have is I thought all human food (no beer or soda pop) was exempt from Wa. sales taxes??? If they are going to piecemeal put it back on bit by bit, then Washingtonians should be in an uproar. Some areas are up to about 9% sales tax. Not good for people trying
  7. Thanks Barb for letting us know, so we could go over and post a message for Marsh. I was only at G4 briefly early last night to post an update notice and check the first page, didn't see anything then though both Sultan's and Marsh's "lights" were on on my buddy list meaning they were logged in and active. I sure hope Marsh sees all the love on the boards for him. He had better get well soon, and get back to the boards, we miss him when he isn't around. Keep praying for Marsh folks, it sounds like he really needs it. God bless everyone.
  8. A good April Fools joke is one that really sounds plausible, like this one. HA! The scary thing is it could be a real plan somewhere. I found one of the comments added a great deal to the original story. Anne Lane's comments I also hate anything gritty feeling in food where it doesn't belong. Egg shell pieces for instance. Uggg! P.S. macmaurauder (am I ever going to spell his screen name right???) should love this story as he has such an interest in robotics. God bless everyone.
  9. Now why didn't I think of that??? Good idea!!! Sounds like the ultimate snack and dip!!! I will try it tomorrow when the gingersnaps get a bit crisper, as day old ones usually do. That is if you all will leave me one or two? God bless everyone.
  10. I don't have Xp, (Win 2000), but mine has occasionally, though rarely, run a similar notification. I think it senses when I have forgotten to turn some page off that got minimalized to the tray. So it "saves" it, then tells me it is ok to shut down. So I am guessing he has something open, or running that needs extra time to safely shut down. But why it tells me after the fact I have no idea! Would be more helpful to just remind me something was still open that I need to close. By the way I am on dialup, so any open window has to go to "work offline" after I shut off the internet connection.
  11. Hi everyone. I sure need a hot cup of coffee, and I am debating the ginger snap cookies or the banana cream pie. I love the virtual cafe food with no calories!!! Anyhow I think I will take the cookies, they must have come straight from the oven to smell so good. macmarauder, that's all I need...more mice! Though having checked your Q and A critter, that one would be ok I think. As long as it doesn't download any plums!!! Well those cookies are so good, I think I will have some more plus another cup of that good coffee, while I sit over in my rocking chair reading the boards today. God ble
  12. Dialup. Computer mice versus real live messy 4 legged food stealing mice? (I think I loaded that question to the max!) Ha! macmarauder, I think your robotic creature sounds alot neater, cleaner, and friendlier than the real mice. Probably a zillion times smarter too. God bless everyone.
  13. Yep we are winning the mice war! Though I think they are going to be in the history book as our worst invasion ever, in our 30 plus years here. As for the weather, we are so glad to have the rains return!!! Otherwise it was going to be the driest winter on record, and so many bad things happen with severe drought. Unreal to even think of a severe drought on the normally rainy side of Cascades. We still aren't out of the woods though, so I am hoping it rains straight through the July 4th fireworks season to decrease the fire danger. Actually we have had rains last that long and longer. The fi
  14. Happy Belated Birthday jimras. May you be blessed with a long life filled with good health, happiness, and wealth. God bless everyone.
  15. macmarauder, that was a good comic strip. I agree you are a very talented young man!!! Eccentric (jk!), but Talented. Liz, I must have missed Garfied mooning the computer, sounds funny! I have this Cathy one near my computer. First frame Mom says.."uh, oh. How do we send E-mail?" Dad says "I forgot. How do we write E-mail?" Next frame, Mom says "I forgot. How do we write Anything?" Dad.."I forgot. How do we find a Help Chat Room?" Mom.."I forgot. How do we find someone on the web, who can help us find the chat room?" Dad... "I forgot." Next frame, Mom..."When our teacher was standing here
  16. Thanks for the warning about this. Cute title to your link too. I just found your thread today, as I wasn't on the computer for a couple of days. That's one of the things I like about the boards, if I miss something someone will have done a thread on it that will catch me up to speed again. Thanks!!! God bless everyone.
  17. High Quality for anything that is to last awhile, and for some short term things too. Do you buy things on sale, and use rebates, and coupons? God bless everyone.
  18. You are most welcome to the link, and for the giggle as well... but could I interest you in the remaining mouse population from my basement? Then I could do the giggling without the work. Heeehee!!! Your term "thanks for the link and the giggle" reminded me of an online friend, chinawht, that I miss very much, and several of her online friends here including me don't know what happened to her since last Sept's last PM from her, not even whether she is still alive or if she died. She used that term alot. I am still praying for her and her hubby. Thanks for the memory. It was good to hear tha
  19. The count is up to 14 now. I think the grandparents must have moved the whole clan in. Still cleaning up after their dried plum eating fiasco. YUCK!!!! Even though we aren't neighbors in the real world, the internet lets us be part of the same small town type community. And that's great! (Though unfortunately minus the tool borrowing possibilities!) Our paper keeps taking out old and middle ager comic strips, and puts in new stupid "edgy" stuff. Comics aren't supposed to be edgy or political in my opinion. Whatever happened to the idea that comics should be kid/family friendly? The Oregonia
  20. Wow! I never knew anyone in the witness protection program before, at least I don't think so. And thanks for your warning about the googlebots nocturnal habits with our coffee pots... yuck! And I was already yucked out by the mice in my basement eating way to many dried plums with the usual plum effect on them!!! Definitely don't feed those bots any plums!!! Trust me on that!!! So maybe we need to bring the tribbles back after all, to guard our cafe's food and drink from the bots? God bless everyone.
  21. Hi sceeter, I'm back from the mouse wars. I declared war Saturday on the clan of mice in the basement. I think we are winning too.....14 so far have decided to give up the hard way, instead of accepting our eviction notice. Other than that, I had computer unplugged from Sunday night to today due to winter-like stormy weather and also because PGE linemen were working on the electrical lines nearby. They have moved on a few blocks now. And the rains are in an intermission for a day or so until the next round of storms comes in off the ocean. We made up at least 10% of the deficit of rain for the
  22. But tribbles are so cute and cuddly!!! And really good at solving any spy tampering with our food supply. So much cuter than mice, though the cost of feeding them even with virtual food would be prohibitive? So I guess we should get a tribble blocker. God bless everyone.
  23. as far as the replicators go i tried to make one but for some reason i gave everyone Klingon Rabies. so i figured that just this once the old fashioned way was good enough. I am so glad that it wont be a Starbucks! Thank You macmarauder!!! are thinking ahead to good weather with outside tables and the umbrellas are a nice touch for both sun and showers! Great!!! As for the replicator idea...that's ok! I remember that some of them were quite tempermental, and also heard that the drinks didn't carry any kick. My coffee has to jolt me awake with that old fashioned caffeine every day j
  24. Please don't turn my new favorite cafe into a Starbucks coffeehouse. This is a special BestTechie place for everyone, not a corporate franchise for the elite yuppie, or yuppie wannabee. Please let's keep it just our BestTechie place, not one run by some Seattle suits. So since you started it, is it your cafe' or did you turn it into a cooperative? I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings here, forgive me for saying anything about your plans. But I really don't like Starbucks, neither their coffee or what they do to a neighborhood. I feel like they are similar to Walmart for taking business a
  25. Hi Sidekickcat, I read this to my husband (he came into the room to see why I was laughing so hard) and he didn't react too well, either. The nerve!! He said, "what, are you afraid they'll come into the bedroom and gnaw on your face or something?" I answered, "Hey I SAW those rat movies in the 70's, so.... yeah!" Sounds like a good idea to me, too. They just don't get it. Liz I laughed till I cried at your post Liz. Then I just read it to my hubby, he said "we men have to stick together", then added "if I was so concerned about it I could have gone down myself in the night and taken c