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Everything posted by thesidekickcat

  1. Mac, you are such a special good sweet guy!!! God bless everyone.
  2. Good dinner tonight from bozoddog. Did everyone like the raspberries I brought? Sure glad I got them picked before the rain showers. Mac, that sounds like a bit of a foot stomper dance to me!!! We are stomping out sweaty, mail delivery challenged, mailmen!!! Or what was that song title years ago..."I'm going to wash that man right out of my hair"(mailbox)? That would work with your lyrics and dance too. I hope everyone is ok with whatever the weather is in your neck of the woods. I saw breaking news towards end of news tonight of a bad tornado in Wisconsin. I hope no one there was injured, but
  3. Let's see now, I could go with interpretation, or translation, or confusion, but maybe I will just go with this since I have been doing a bit of all it lately. miscommunication God bless everyone.
  4. For anyone who wants to watch the entire Grand Floral (Rose) Parade, that was held today in Portland, Oregon, here is the local tv news channel site to see it. Unfortunately it is one of the locals, that requires a sign up to let you see it, or anything else in detail. Scroll down the main page, click on "Inside story: watch the parade again." That brings up a registration page. Lots of "required" things so warning, warning, warning, use a throw away email addy because of potential spam. Personally I have not signed up, so don't know how bad the spam will be, but it looks like a good place
  5. That picture is so adorable!!! Definitely fills the bill for what I wanted to say. Much better than the Clown feet I was thinking of!!! Thanks handplane!!! God bless everyone.
  6. Stay safe folks, to all those affected by hurricaines, tornadoes, or anything else that would do harm. Cool, with heavy showers, again today here in Portland. We have had weeks of this type of weather, and more of the same coming for the next week or so. Our winter/early spring drought is definitely over with all the rain we have had the last few weeks. Even had low snow levels in mountains about 4000 feet at times lately, so they have added a bit of snow to the sparse amount they had over winter. Strange. We have had such heavy rain showers this afternoon, that there must be accidents from it
  7. TThanks (said as I extract last foot from mouth) Liz, I appreciate your understanding. You are a delight to these boards, my friend. Deep breath..... sigh!!! Now pouring in strong coffee to offset foot taste. God bless everyone.
  8. Did a bit of weeding this morning, and picked the first batch of raspberries. Nice and big, but not as sweet as they would be if there had been some sun lately. But with some whipped topping they will be just fine for dessert, after bozodog's fine grilled dinner. By the way, bozodog, have you checked out any local lumber mills for hardwood mill ends, or local cabinet makers too, or even some of the free for the taking pallets which used to be hardwood. I agree with you about not doing petrol products. Liz, what about using one of those upright can charcoal starter thingys? Or a flint lighter,
  9. Thanks for the additional great sites, tg!!! Played with them last night for awhile, and learned quite abit. And for anyone who read my earlier post in this thread trying to tease Mac, and saw both my feet planted firmly in my mouth, well I just did a dual foot extraction edit to the post. And I am sorry for any hurt caused by it. Didn't even think about how it might be interpreted as anything but my talking about Mac's 'Martian' language with it's partial English translation in his post itself, until the middle of the night last night when it hit me as to how it might seem like I was talking
  10. Thanks for the link. I hadn't heard of that project before. And I like that space news site (parent of the Deep Impact site), and its close relative live science. I bet my hubby and I will learn alot from the two sites. Links added for clarity here, or maybe it was just me that had a hard time navigating around on a darker site at first. If so, sorry about that. Anyhow found lots more of interest by parent company of tg's link. I think I mentioned earlier that I'm good at confusion, or creating it, whichever. Space Live Science God bless everyone.
  11. That sounds like a good computer, Liz!!! God bless everyone.
  12. I forgot to give you a website on one of the Sam Hill's, in regards to your using samhail. The original sayng is actually Sam Hill, but who was Sam Hill, and which one was he? One was quite an important man here in the Pacific Northwest. What in the Sam Hill? Maryhill Museum and Stonehenge replica story As for the museum itself, it is in a rural, rather desolate, isolated area of South Central Washington along the Columbia River, on the dry side of the Cascade Mountains. Maryhill Museum collections The museum has an eclectic collection of art, sculpture, and an eccentric mix of other things.
  13. Hello folks, I am glad you liked the links and you are welcome. As for being as good as Sultan on links, no waaaay! He has tons of them and is so fast at putting just the right ones in a post. I think Google must go to him for good stuff, anyhow he is the best linker around!!! This has been a fun thread, confusion works for me (at least most of the time!) That just seems funny to me, about the once in a lifetime, or lots of lifetimes, ...close encounter with the Martians...oops I guess Mac is getting me sidetracked... close orbit of the Mars planet happening again so soon (albeit not quite as
  14. Well I think if Apple really wanted to be in the hot bird seat of the OS wars, that is how to win the war. Forget their special computers, give us a real choice of operating systems that aren't for the diehard computer expert such as Linux etc, but ones that anyone can use right out of the box so to speak without a huge learning curve. From what I have heard about Apple's OS, it is very intuitive so that should make it the hands down favorite with newbies, and even many small businesses. Plus so many computer experts already love it. So why is Apple not doing what makes so much good business
  15. I'm sorry, I should have said I use IE, and my 2004 Norton Firewall blocks all G4 and other sites ads, except the Google ads on Leoville etc, maybe it would block them too if I added them to my blocked stuff but haven't tried it. That's good to know, Barb, that Norton blocks them in all browsers. Hadn't even thought of it before. Google toolbar used to have an ad blocker I think, don't know if they still do. Liz, doesn't your McAfee suite (oh will I ever learn to spell McAfee?!?), have a firewall, if so then does it have an adblocker? You might already have one and don't know it, which would b
  16. From outer space to oceanic exploration....Enjoy. Here is a site for Marty, if he finds this thread. New Zealand Ring of Fire oceanic exploration And the general oceanic NOAA site is here. NOAA oceanic exploring And on to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle for variety. I just saw a tv program in the last few days on this subject, first I've seen in a long time. Found the website a week or two ago, by accident, (from a computer website linking to it. HuH!) Bermuda Triangle God bless everyone.
  17. That is so much fun! Took me two or three dozen tries to get to 93. But I don't know how to make a screen shot....boohoohoo!!!! First game I ever did any good at too. I am saving it until hubby gets home so he will see that I actually did get a high score. Yep I think you have to bounce the froggy to get the good scores. And he makes funny noises on the bounces!!! Oops should I feel bad about that? God bless everyone.
  18. Don't feel bad about it Liz. That is the way it goes sometimes. Here is a fun Mars site to make up for it, and some other good sites too. Explore Mars Now Astronomy Space Imagine the Universe Sky and Telescope Nine Planets Astronomy Cafe Hobby Space site with good links Most of those came from Leoville's cafe posters. Enjoy. Don't feel bad about the email Liz. God bless everyone.
  19. My Norton Firewall blocks the ads, so that screen shot was first one I've ever seen! Another tip, if you want to block out the red G4 insignia, just move your buddy list over the top of it. Covers it completely!!! HA! God bless everyone.
  20. That is a nice service the station is doing for pepple. I wish our locals would copy the idea!!! I checked out most of the reviews on the site. Agreed with some that we have experience with (We have had a Little Giant Ladder for many years and it is the only ladder I feel safe on!!! works on stairs too by adjusting sides of step ladder position to each step, btw). Only semi agreed on one (Flavor Wave is not 50% faster more like 20%, but if you use a meat thermometer to make sure things are cooked through, and learn your own best settings (their book/chart is waaaay off) for various
  21. Happy Birthday to my friend Chinawht. Wherever you are, I hope you see this and know we love you and sure miss you alot. If you are lurking around the boards, please sign in and post a note to tell us how you are doing, and let us know what is going on in your life, my friend. You are among friends here and will be safe. God bless everyone.
  22. Mandy, we are glad you came over to join us on the best boards around. Welcome!!! God bless everyone.
  23. Yes we have sure have missed you, and are glad to see you back with us!!! Now stay put youngster, no more gallivanting away from your home at BestTechie's!!! God bless everyone.
  24. Gee I wonder which fuss you are referring to, the odd rant, or the raves? Hopefully it was the 'we love this board' raves that brought you over to the good boards!!! Welcome to you, and to Jose, and all the other newcomers!!! Glad to have you all join us. God bless everyone.
  25. Welcome to the best board family around. God bless everyone.