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Everything posted by bar5

  1. Enjoy. At least as you say you don't have to pay a hotel bill, which would exceed the gas bill. This is the prettiest time of the year. October is my favorite month. Warm days, cool nights, and the leaves turning colors. Than being on the water to boot, can't ask for more. Ya, it's worth it. Barb
  2. bar5

    Halloween Gifs

    Here is a site that has lots of Halloween gifs, that also can be used for sigs or avatars. Found this at WorldStart (Linda) Halloween Gifs Barb
  3. Happy Birthday Gwyrox732 It's your 18th Have a great day/evening
  4. Liz: Here is another popular one: Fat Wallet Barb
  5. Hey Liz: Check out this place for rebates. Several different products. Different stores offering rebates for same product, so check them all. Free After Rebate Barb
  6. Thought this may be of interest to those that use Norton products. Symantec Price Hike Barb
  7. Happy Birthday to suwannee24 and didom! Have a great day both of you. Barb
  8. Happy Birthday buckwheat88 There is nothing like your 21st birthday. Enjoy Barb
  9. Happy Birthday Arachnid40 Have a great day
  10. bar5

    About U?

    Welcome Aboard buckwheat88 You certainly are one busy young man. Good luck to you in College. Not many want to become a teacher. I wish you all the success in the world. We always need good teachers. I hope you enjoy your stay at BestTechie. This is a great place, with a lot of really nice people. Barb
  11. bar5

    I'm Back.......

    Good point. They do sensationalize the news a lot. Bad news is all that is reported most of the time. It is such a big world, It would be nice to see and hear some good news. I know it's out there. Barb
  12. bar5

    I'm Back.......

    "Although you wouldn't know it from listening to the national news broadcast, Rita caused major damagr to southwest Louisiana." Unfortunately the news media has tunnel vision. I kept wondering when they were going to report about any other area than New Orleans. Hardly ever saw anything about Mississippi. A little of Texas, but they stayed on New Orleans. I realized that New Orleans had a lot of damage, but so did other areas. tg, glad you are OK. Thanks for the pics. All the weather updates showed SW Louisiana getting the brunt of the storm, but I never saw anybody reporting from there. Bar
  13. bar5

    I'm Back.......

    Glad to hear from you tg1911 We all here have been wondering if you made out OK. Still waiting to hear from Jethro, I think that is his name. He left before Katrina. Haven't heard from him since. At least I have not seen anything on here. Hope he did not have too much damage if any. Barb
  14. Brian: I have a Dell 17in LCD and love it. This is what I have and where I got it: Eagle Computer You can click on the side for other choices to check out what they have. I got very good service from them. They packaged the LCD so tight it could never fall out and break. I had to pry it out. Barb
  15. bar5


    Congratulations JSKY and Mrs JSKY on your 26th Anniversary. Hope you both have a great day and have 26 more years Barb
  16. bar5

    Marine Corps

    You got me too. Daughter????? Barb
  17. bar5

    New User Name

    Great Marty, glad you got it fixed. Barb
  18. Happy Birthday Jsbowen Enjoy the day
  19. Happy Birthday Mandy Have a great day.
  20. Great find Flatiron. Thanks. Barb
  21. Great, I'm sending this out on the email highway. Barb
  22. bar5

    New User Name

    Marty: You are always welcome here. I also would miss you a lot if you decided not to come here. We are family. Do like JSKY suggested and PM Jeff to see if he can find out what is wrong. It is best to let Jeff fix it if he can in case it may happen to someone else. Barb
  23. Sorry to hear about your Grandfather. I hope he gets well. My prayers are with you and him. Barb
  24. Yesterday was $2.69, and today went by the same gas station and it was $2.89. Barb