Bubba Bob

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Everything posted by Bubba Bob

  1. Oh sure, your not seen for how long and now you just pop in when you need help! Pfft.... ( )
  2. Ahh. No fun in that.... Ok, if all yall want is to "enjoy" then I guess thats what we can do
  3. Well, wouldnt that be the first thing on your to-do list anyway...
  4. Welcome to BT. It sounds like something is blocking all 3. Do you use a router? Run a software firewall? Have you tried disabling windows firewall? Have you tried running the games/norton in safemode?
  5. Would an arch be possible w/o gluing them together verticly? Is this a teacher assigned project? IMO in makes no sence. Why would someone need a bridge designed where they couldnt have vertical supports?
  6. Welcome UG! That sound familar. Are you a member of the G4 forums?
  7. IMO i wouldnt buy any of those. 2 are refurbished, 2 are off brands, and 1 isnt wireless at all. lol See what Steve thinks, but Id go with something like this. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16833124010 For maybe $5-$10 more you could get a decent router from Walmart/Best Buy/Circut City...
  8. Let me guess. Use Bit Torrent right? Anyway, yes, that's a good deal and with nero you can't go wrong.
  9. So, i guess it depends on what you are using it for.
  10. I agree with TT. If the dept. manager went running after you, then they must need you there. So hopefully that's a leg up on management. Goodluck JDoors.
  11. So, who doesnt enjoy stringing lights up year after year? Ok ok, who DOES enjoy stringing lights up year after year? Dunno about yall, but i usually end up cursing at a tangled mess of lights in my hand while doing a balancing act on a ladder in my yard. Eventualy though, they lights get hung, with or with out duct tape and nails Anyhow, I figured I'd start a lighting contest right here in BT. Im sure my butt will get stomped into the ground by some prick with a big budget and level roof, but its all in fun So, post your pictures of your lighted yard and we can make up a poll at the end i
  12. LOL! Youve got a great imagination. Oh, and i eat the end pieces just to get my moneys worth. Plus isnt the crust the healthiest part of the loaf?
  13. Not really. PC World is more for begginers. From reading your posts im sure you would find it boring and useless. All stuff you can find free on the net.
  14. I love people who bring their personal views into eveything they post, even though its started flame wars before... ANyway FEAR? Hey, if it takes out all the yappy muts in the neighboorhood ill be happy!
  15. Well, so others who havent shopped at Sears dont think it's a total bust. I like sears. The staff is always friendly, (well, the Auto care deparmtent atleast) mechanics are good, prices reasonable. I cant complain. Oh! DOnt forget the Sear GOld Card. Probably wouldnt have a running car w/o it
  16. No, but it will give you bragging rights. Right now I would wait on buying more ram. 1) Ram prices are extremely expensive right now (IMO) compared to several months ago. 2) Right now it is not a nesesity, but as newer games come out it could eventually be a bottleneck.