Bubba Bob

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Everything posted by Bubba Bob

  1. Went up to $2.99 after nearly a week at $2.86.
  2. What part of Texas ISNT latino Texas these days?
  3. That's the same logic i use to justify the cost of internet. Well, plus comin to BT of course Oh, anyone thinking about VOIP should also consider a cell phone. A cheap prepaid such as tracfone or CIngular. The internet is by far less dependable than phone lines.
  4. HAHAHAAA!!! I dont think ive laughed that hard in a while! Good ones!
  5. AHhh, VOIP. I have Vonage. Had it for almost 8-9 months now. Perfect quality, great price. Im not sure how the booming VOIP service could/would lower internet costs though... **scratches head**
  6. Ok, this may be a noob question, but what do you mean by "voice over options "?
  7. George Bush was being debriefed earlier today by Donald Rumsfeld. During the debriefing Mr Rumsfeld informed President Bush that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq. The president bowed his head for about 5 minutes obviously mourning the loss. Everyone in attendance was surprised about how hard he was taking it until he finally raised his head and said..."Exactly how many is in a brazilion?"
  8. I dont care for it a whole lot. IMO it's not up to par with Hotmail, Yahoo, and others.
  9. Wanna switch places? The most snow we got last year was frost. Id love to see a little snow.
  10. Note: "mind numbing" See, It's already affecting you.
  11. You need to rethink your choice in music, QUICK. (Unless your going to for whole mind numbing, wanna be gangster thing)
  12. Snow, what is this you speak of? Im still gettin mid 90s. Heh, Enjoy it
  13. Bubba Bob

    New User Name

    Your "Y" key. Right... We all believe that It has nothing to do with old age memory loss, right?
  14. I agree. That's amazingly realistic. Nice FInd.
  15. That's EXACTLY what happened to. Thanks Pete. I deleted one of the profiles, so hopefully this wont happen again. Oh, and more good news. I found a back up disc i made several months ago. It has 90% of my bookmarks. Thanks Team
  16. Ok, I download FFUDemo. It didnt find anything. I guess Firefox ate them Thanks Jdoors.
  17. Its blank Im glad I backed up my bookmarks. Oh, wait. The site where i back em up was BOOKMARKED! Ahahaha. Thanks Matt.
  18. Ok, I get up this mornin, try and get on the net and couldnt. So, I reset my router, let it connect and open up Firefox. As usual I click "bookmarks". THEY WERE ALL GONE! But, I dont panic, I go to the application data and find my bookmarks. I find them, drag them from the folder, to the desktop, then from the desktop to another profile. THis is where the BS takes place. Instead of adding my bookmarks, it ONLY adds "Firefox Crew's Picks"! I quickly deleted that folder. So, I go back to the other profile and the bookmark file is GONE! I look on my desktop, GONE! !!! Now im steaming. 300+ boo
  19. Ok, Ill give Cingular's CS two thumbs up. Vonage also. Both had short wait times and good reps. Of course, I cant hit the reply button w/o first saying thanks to Jeff for creating this site, and paying the bills. THANKS JEFF!
  20. Are you sure? Last I heard they were giving it to them by way of mailing out checks or bank wires. (Which makes alot of sence. They dont have a bank or address to recieve mail/money) Just to be an ***hole. Yes, ive seen these "nice" conditions at local churches. Used mattreses that have been donated, clean sheets, hot meals. Not bad at all. However, Im sure all shelters arent like that.
  21. It does bring up a good point, however. Why are volunteers needed at ALL? So, just because they lost everything and had to go through the worst hurricane of modern times they should be given everything and baby fed? TO be able to stay at a shelter, you should have to pull your own weight! (if your able) Oh, but the poor things are mentally stressed right? Awwee.... Oh, now they get what, $2k? I heard news casters and evacs. complaining that wasnt enough. $2k!!! Hmm, they dont pay room and board, no bills, no gas. WHAT do they need all this money for? 1) THey can find a job where they are at
  22. >MAN AND OSTRICH >A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him. The >waitress asks for their orders. The man says, "A hamburger, fries, and a >coke,"and turns to the ostrich, "What's yours?" "I'll have the same," says >the ostrich.A short time later the waitress returns with the order. "That >will be $9.40 please,"and the man reaches into his pocket and pulls out the >exact change for payment. The next day, the man and the ostrich come again >and the man says, "A hamburger, fries, and a coke." The ostrich says, "I'll >have the same." >
  23. "I got this copy from a friend with several keys. I will call him to find out what the deal is, but I really hate the idea of having to go to microsoft to ask for more activations. No way in hell will I purchase another copy." So, your using this illegaly but still refuse to buy another copy?