Bubba Bob

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Everything posted by Bubba Bob

  1. Well, my computer wouldnt boot. I got "Your Missing System32\config\system", or something like that. I tried repairing it with the XP disc, but that didnt work. To save my files on my C partition I installed Windows on my E partition. My question is, is there anyway to have all my programs (which are on my D partition but correspond with my C partition) work with my new windows installation, which is on my E partition? Some of the programs work (such as Firefox) but others (such as Winamp) dont. What do i have to do to A) Get the programs to work Have them show up in the start menu. Thanks!
  2. Hiya Guys. Im trying to unlock my Nokia 3858i, which is currently locked to the "Simple Freedom" prepaid by alltel. I have an extra Cingular SIM card which is much cheaper and works better in this area. Here's the problem, I cant find the EMEI number for this phone. It's not under the battery... Any thoughts? Anyone unlocked their phone before? THanks
  3. http://www.besttechie.net/forums/index.php...633entry49633 Youve been "paged".
  4. To get us back to WORDs... Lost EDIT: Whoa. That's creepy. Two mediocre minds think alike!
  5. Short version: Been dealing with the paranormal since I was a child. Have come to realize everyone has natural abilities but due to cultural pressure (largely religious in nature) we are not taught what it is, that it doesn't exist when we ask about it, and so we eventually learn to suppress it. Being a stubborn SOB even when I was four years old I refused to accept that what I was experiencing "didn't exist." I eventually found the information that explained everything I had been experiencing all my life. So, suggest to me that I'm going to be visited by "ghosts" (the true nature of which is
  6. Hey Bozo. My VOIP works, the problem was my router. The router still disconnects me alot, but I guess ill have to live with that.
  7. Thanks Guys. I tried diff. IDE cables and power connectors last night. I shipped it back to Newegg this mornin.
  8. Cant wait for 3 ghosts to visit you on Christmas eve... ... PLEASE! I have enough trouble dealing with the paranormal events in my life as it is, don't wish that upon me! (Arrgh, trying to get the entire idea out of my head .... ) (Unrelated to topic: The television show Medium gets it correct: natrually they dramatize it for TV but they accurately portray the difficulites of understanding what's going on and the responsibilities that go along with such knowledge.) Say wha...?
  9. I chopped it up into 5 partitions with the Seagate software before the @#%^ hit the fan, would this take care of the size limit problem? Oh, i tried to install XP SP1 on a ~10 Gig partition.
  10. I tried formatting using the XP disc but it never went past 0%. EDIT: Here's a time line First HDD Set-up Attempt -Blue Screen Of Death 2nd - Hang Up On Formatting 3rd - Window XP Installation Stopped Recognizing the Drive
  11. Simple, cost efficient, yet looks so good. Nice idea
  12. I download Seagates HDD Wizard. It was able to get to the stage of copy my old files to the new hard drive, but then I got the blue screen of death. It was able to partition the drive though. I tried installing window on on of the partitions, but that was when it just sat at 0%.
  13. Thanks Deaf_Girl. Yes, the jumpers are set correctly. I just tried booting with my old HDD unplugged, still nothing.
  14. Hey Guys, My new 200Gb Seagate HDD came in today. When i first plugged it in and booted into windows using my old HDD windows recognized the drive. So, I restarted my PC and attempted to install windows on the new drive. It got stuck at formating the drive. It just sat at 0%. So, i rebooted and tried again. This time it didnt recognize the drive at all. It just sits their and clicks. Is this POS dead?
  15. OOOooo Ahhhhh. Nice Scrie! What'd you use to line your walk way?
  16. Here's my photos. I cant seem to take any good ones either. By next year I hope to have a nice "manger scene" and decerate around it.
  17. Cant wait for 3 ghosts to visit you on Christmas eve... Nice Tree! THe best kind there is.... .... Free
  18. Well bah humbug then... I guess the days of taking pride in your yard are over and down with. Sorry to hear that Peat. So, you think the lights were a big sign saying "We've got money, come rob me"? Ive never thought of that before.... **gets up and locks the door** I understand about the electric bill, but my gas bill never comes out high enough in the winter to match my electric bill in the summer, so i guess the lights balance it out for me. hehe (Thats my defense and im stickin to it )
  19. Uh oh! More ricers, RUN! Hehe, welcome RegemLupus. Im sure you will like BestTechie