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Posts posted by martymas

  1. hi team im glad bar5

    has brought this tragic turn of events to the board.

    marsh and i have been friends since the techtvcfh.

    days.and we used to om each other quite often.

    he is a vietnam veteren.

    and suffered from agent orange poisining.

    i came here yesterday to try and find a link to see if he had posted lately but he haddent posted for 4-5 weeks .

    i also went to world start but he last posted some time in early march.

    how ever i pmed him from this site

    because the family are not recieving emails.

    in the pm i explained we were worried about his health.

    and if he was well enough to send us a pm of his progress .

    but if he was to ill dont worry.

    we were still thinking of him.

    so i hope you posters dont mind me including you in our prayers for him.

    so thanks bar5

    i was going to mention it my self as soon as i got home.

    we all have to pray for him

    thanks for the oppertunity to explain marshes plight

    in my country all agent orange victims get some sort of compensation

    so i invited him to come and live here.


  2. hi ive used jv16 it is a more powerful version of regcleaner.

    but at that time it was try before you buy.

    im not sure if it still reqires those conditions.

    it may be a bit dangerous to use for a newbee .

    but if your experienced at using these cleaners then go for it

    it was developed by the same company that produced REGCLEANER.

    I the name is Journi Vuorio.

    my advice becarefull with it .

    it is powerful.

    why not use regcleaner,this is the one i use.

    it is good when you cant delete an application on you sys .

    you can go in there and get rid of the unwanted stuff .

    jv16 has probably improved since i used it .

    i remember petecovell and chappy warned us about these registry cleaners .

    wich needed to used carefully

    if chappy reads this post he will do the .

    but good luck and be carefull


  3. as in xppro when you get to turn off compt then shut down.

    when he press the shut down button it hangs then.

    the notice comes up it is safe ----

    at first ithoughti was the stand by button activated .

    because on a desk top some times that notice wll come up but when i walked him through it the hibernation button wasent activated.

    you realise this was done over the him not being compt savvy .

    he may have done wrong things

    tho made him go through it 2-3 times.

    i had a feeling it may have to be the bios.

    because his mother board dosent support APM .

    the power options are hard to configure .

    he lives some dstance from me so at the moment to have a look at his compt is out of the Q even the im not sure if i can fix the problem that is why i posted here ..

    ther are more capable people here than me


    ps :hi novi good to hear from you


  4. what about the cost that is what the article was about.

    if you miss a payment you get double charged .

    and when the complainent uninstalled they were still charged for some thing they werent using .

    that is why they complained to the commerce commission and the complaint was uheld.

    why i posted was so if any one wanted to investigate the appli read the eula


    that is were the trouble started.

    so i suggest to any one trying it out make sure you know what your getting into.

    if it is being investigated by a governent.

    dont you think there must be some thing wrong .

    or dont you care.i really didnt want to post all this info.


  5. how old is his computer and what bios is he running? i'll have to google for more info but i'd almost be willing to bet that there is nothing wrong with his computer and that it's just and option in his bios or that his computer is old and is before auto power off.

    :) be right back :)

    hi thanks ive been to the bios. but didnt know what to look for.

    i thought it may be the hibernation link but i experimented with mine and that isn the trouble.

    i was going to microsoft support but i may wait for you to post back.

    im not sure what age the compt is .and at this stage i cant contact him until tomorrow.

    i also went to the power options.

    but when he contacted me he had all his power options on never shut down.

    i would like to help him as he is in a wheel chair.

    and isnt very mobile.


  6. hi team i hope some one has seen this on cnn.

    hi team i just watched the tail end of cnn bizness and finance news.

    microsoft are having a legal battle over their software i think this concerns WMP.

    the bit i was interested in was the presenter said .

    euro was trying to get microsoft to change the name of their next operating sys

    and microsoft was near to agreeing.

    because i missed the first part of the article does this mean the sys


    ive tried to get that article again but i may have to wait until the next biuzness up date .

    has any one else seen this .

    perhaps the american members of the board .

    have better access to this news than me.


    hi team ive found my answer.

    sultan posted the news article in full to me .


  7. hi team just watched a program on the local chanel.

    and they are warning about a scam circulating the net.

    the program i watched is a weekly show warning people about .

    all sorts which is investigated first then it is aired on tv.

    so watch for this scam

    i havent used it so im only relying on the program i watched.

    and you need to make up your own mind



  8. it isnt any surprise to see skeeters comments.

    i know skeeter from g4, which isnt quite like this board.

    G4 has been around longer, and is run differently than this board.


  9. i have to agree notmally models are good for the eyeballs

    saves giving you eyes a massage.

    but this young beyond massage.

    the modeling industry can be quite lucretive .

    but in this case, this girl has gone beyond lucretive.

    i feel quite sad for her health.

    what people will do for money

    just as bad is those old hags who have face lifts ect to make them selves more beautifull.

    i can spot all people who have had a face lift.

    im ugly but im happy


  10. hi team these pics to me are disturbing.

    what has our society come to.

    for the sake of being a clothes horse

    look here


    i understand this girl is a wealthy model.

    but is she going to live long enough to enjoy

    this is what the clothing industry generates

    that poor young lady dosent realise wht she has done to herself .

    im saddend by those pics .



    1. ARBITRATOR: A cook that leaves Arby's to work at McDonalds.

    2. AVOIDABLE: What a bullfighter tried to do.

    3. BERNADETTE: The act of torching a mortgage.

    4. BURGLARIZE: What a crook sees with.

    5. CONTROL: A short, ugly inmate.

    6. COUNTERFEITERS: Workers who put together kitchen cabinets.

    7. ECLIPSE: What an English barber does for a living.

    8. EYEDROPPER: A clumsy ophthalmologist.

    9. HEROES: What a guy in a boat does.

    10. LEFTBANK: What the robber did when his bag was full of money.

    11. MISTY: How golfers create divots.

    12. PARADOX: Two physicians.

    13. PARASITES: What you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

    14. PHARMACIST: A helper on the farm.

    15. POLARIZE: What penguins see with.

    16. PRIMATE: Removing your spouse from in front of the TV.

    17. RELIEF: What trees do in the Spring.

    18. RUBBERNECK: What you do to relax your wife.

    19. SELFISH: What the owner of a seafood store does.

    20. SUDAFED: Brought litigation against a government official.

  12. hey thanks.

    this discussion was at world start message board.and to be quite honest i thought they were the same.

    execpt the dns could be flushed every now and then.

    getting back to the ip address.

    the loop back reminds me of when at techtv cfh.

    we were having trouble with the tivo ad .

    which was popping up at will.more so before we logged on.

    most of us complained so they published a fix.

    we were top go to note pad and change the ip suffix .

    from and had to be changed to

    and it worked.

    which was the reason i posted

    because i thought it could be done by flushing the dns cache.

    but im happy with those replys .

    its funny how we can get preconcieved ideas.

    and it wasnt until these 2 posts to make me understand.



  13. hi Lycorus and Ubuntu are similiar to win

    but they are really commercial .

    i have the cds and ive tried both .

    but they are very small.

    there is another .which can be accessed from the cd .

    i think it is called a dam small linux or some thing like that.

    havent tried it but it can be downloaded and burned to a cd.


  14. hi team im in the process of retrying mandrake 10.

    in the past ive been critical of the linux sys"s

    and i still hold that view.

    that it is a hard sys to come to grips with for the ordinary user.

    i must mention handplane and hitest went out of their way to try and help me

    and i appreciated their input.

    and rather than. critersizing this forum.because of them i felt it better not to post on this forum.

    however i want to retry mandrake 10

    i had it on once and i found unlike other linux oses it found all hardware drivers.

    but that dam modem driver.

    but it looks as tho im going to have to use a dual boot with winxp.

    now my Q can any one help me to configure the modem.

    i bought a linux compatable modem an intel[r] 536ep modem.

    i have the modem cd but it is for mandrake 9.1.

    can i get help here.

    i would appreciate it. by the way im on dial up 56k modem.



  15. yes i agree thesidekickcat

    unfortunately people will be people.

    and hurt others feelings.

    some times i get angry .and i turn my compt off so i cannot go in and answer .

    a post i feel is detrimental to a thread.

    or to the people who try and help.

    i have regards for pete_c who has to decide wheather to warn a certain poster .

    or let it go.

    i have not been to leoville, so cannot comment.

    all ive heard is what other posters have written here.

    its a pity because boards are designed to help people like me

    but there are times when g4 has posters that do the same .

    human nature i presume.


  16. hi team thanks for your input

    most of the input ive already accessed.

    but you both have pointed out parts of the info that i hadnt .


    the memory thing was one part i didnt see in my search

    when i first came in contact with the 64bit thing i contacted microsoft [local branch.]

    and they said go to microsoft support,which i did .

    and they advised me i could either download it from there.

    or sign up and get the cd sent to my address

    for free. tho i had to pay for shipping and delivery.

    so i signed up.

    but decided to install it from the sight.

    what i didnt know was it would take eight hours to down load it .

    because i was on dialup.this seemed a bit long.

    that was the reason i posted to get the feeling of some of you more experienced .


    and im happy with the info you posted in.

    eighthours dosent worry me.

    ive contacted my isp and they said if i went to a cyber cafe or mirror sight

    i could get it downloaded quicker but at a cost.

    for me to download it i would have to do it at night .

    and let it load all night.

    but at the moment im chewing on what to do.



  17. Dr. Phil was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children. "You all have obsessions," he observed. To the first mother, he said, "you are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy." He turned to the second mom. "your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny." He turns to the third mom. "your obsession is alcohol. This, too, manifests itself in your child's name, Brandy." at this point, the fourth mother gets up takes her little boy by the hand and whispers, "come on Dick, we're leaving."
