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Posts posted by martymas

  1. me to hitest.

    im not really tech competent .

    \but im all for tech innovations.

    in my country i am a member of 2-3 tech clubs .

    just for the satisfaction of hearing about new technology.

    i have a coupla tech chanels i hook into now and then.

    yes it is exciting times.

    hey a compt that is equall to 20.000 desk tops .

    defys the imagination dosent it.


  2. HI John L

    it is an area im not hat familiar with.

    so i try to keep to the normal path.

    but im always open to learn about dlls as they are an important part of the OS.

    i do have an appli with all dll files in the win operating sys.

    where by you can down load any dll if you need it.

    but i havent a clue how to use it.

    if i did download .

    but im willing to learn.

    because of regclean ive learned a little about those dll files.



  3. thanks tg1911s

    ive been waiting for longhorn news.

    ile be one who will use it.

    tho the price will determine how many users change over.

    i like linux but.

    but user friendly is a missing word in the linux vocab.


  4. i watched cnn and it was a ticker tape news service.

    i posted on g4 and chappy has posted back in reference to web blog dangers.

    so if you need any verification go and see what chappy has to say may be then you will take heed .

    i dont post these warnings for fun.

    chappy says any web page is vulnerable to virus link clickables.

    so before i posted here i checked with chappys post first.

    so from now on bugger the web blogs.


  5. has any one seen the article on cnn.

    where by maliscious code is planted on web blog pages .

    by clicking on certain areas you are in danger of .

    being infected by baddies .

    has any one seen the news .

    be careful out there.

    that news by the way was 4.30 in the morning and i got out of bed to post it .


  6. yes when microsoft brought messenger on the scene it was competing with applis like yahoo, trillion. ect and it gave itm to us weather we liked it or not.

    and that is where the trouble in cluded an appli called A lerta whic was supposed to alert us to any microsoft innovations.

    but the spammers found Alerta to be HOLE which they exploited .

    to send us all this s------t

    and that is the that needs to be disabled.

    i believe that is where the alert/to/be virus comes from i cant confirm this i read it in a compt mag.


  7. if you use OE there is a means to block them .

    tho they just change there address .

    have you tried mailwasher .

    it is supposed to bounce the mail back to the sender.

    but it dosent work if the spammers are big bizness they can afford to keep changing the address.

    what i did i have 3 email accounts .

    one in my inbox which i dont publish.

    and one i leave in my web mail and the other i use an alias.

    this tends to bounce it back to the sender.

    and of course my in box address which very few people know

    but i can assure you it dosent stop a trickle of mail getting through

    pharmacy mail is the worst.

    have a talk with your isp.

    some of them sell your email address to spammers

    very lucritive bizness.



  8. for some time now i have regcleaner installed on my sy.

    now and then i open reg-c.

    go to tools view sys dlls.

    go to search type n/a

    and it will show all n/a dlls .

    about 284 of them and i delete all 284 of them.

    but i dont go out side of them.i leave them in the backup area for about a week then i delete them permently.

    i tried to research dll files but there isnt much info. out there.

    i do have a dll file.list in my favourites .

    but if i sent it as alink im not sure if it will HELP with your Q.


  9. thanks keith ile have to find it


    next time ile go to the test area .

    i didnt know what it was for until i just saw a post.

    i know how to do it now.thanks for your help.

    arnt i a clever b-----d.


  10. hi team .

    a freind sent me an an email of the the prince of wales marriage.

    a s a humourus skit.

    that can be veiwed through the windows pic and fax veiwer.

    how can i copy and paste it to the board.

    it will copy but the paste.option isnt there .

    any ideas.can it be sent ass a link ,if so how



  11. hi team i just forgot one thing im on dial up.

    with a 600 cpu.

    and it will take 33 hrs to download knoppix i didnt think of it at the time.

    so it would be cheaper forme to buy it from a mirror site.

    tho i have plenty of time.

    those sites linked are exellent .

    and i may still try and download it .

    my first knoppix cd i was one of the first in my country to explore it

    but it is out of date.and needs to be updated.

    so thanks huys


  12. hi team i need to update knoppix .

    but ive been to the site several times and it keeps freezing when ever i press the

    agreement button to down load.

    ive been trying to install it from a mirror site in my case im trying from .

    planet mirror which is closer to me .

    would it better try another download site.

    or does the mirror sit block the down load .

    if so where do i go.



  13. tho pete is a moderator at g4 he dosent get time to visit us

    but he still acknoldges us .

    he and chappy taught me all i know and im grate ful for that.

    he didnt have any formal training.

    si it is a marvel how he remembers all these tips .

    good to see our board members recognise his .

    help at all levels.


  14. hey team have a look at pete_c plug for this board

    im glad to be part of it.


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