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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Prices here dropped 30 cents to $3.30. Hoping it will drop a little more although I get about 24 to the gall around town and 27-28 on the highway
  2. I remember that movie Battle........of Marathon between the Greeks and Persians
  3. A nice little gentle humor there cherokeechief "bozodog Posted Yesterday, 07:05 PM Bush is/was there as soon as the inept governor and mayor asked...(how long do you think it takes to mobilize thousands of troops and supplies?) Where was "their" preperation? Their emergency response? Their leadership getting folks outta there? I still see the picture of 30-40 school buses flooded and useless........." Good point there bozodog
  4. Conserving fuel here too. Painting the hall, two story one, curry gold is the color . Just yellow to me haha. Also helping the daughter and son in law move. They are almost done thankfully. Got to mow the grass again too.
  5. getting any better, having to work
  6. Apparently she doesn't worry enough to quit smoking while pregnant
  7. Yeah and some of the people aren't helping, shooting at those bringing aid
  8. Agree with you Pat. I was in the grocery store one time and a woman in front of me was buying some stuf with food stamps. She was wearing expensive clothing, had a lot of good jewelry on and walked outside ,got into a brand new car, still had the temp tags on. I have another rant, which I haven't confirmed yet but if it is true ....... Apparently the Prez asked Carnival Cruise lines to help by sending a couple of their ships to the gulf. They declined. If this is true then everyone should blacklist them
  9. $3.19 this morning, $3.58 this evening. Figure it will be $4 but Monday
  10. I remember it too, found it boring then, still is now. Now I remember why I wasn't a Nilsson fan.