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Everything posted by robroy

  1. I think Mac has the ability to make everyone smile thanks Mac
  2. and mutinied against the captain who
  3. Dinks all round barkeep, sounds like several of you need one. Sorry to hear that the paw is still giving you fits bd Get yourself ok again cherokeechief Hope your pain goes away, even if only for a while tt cheers everyone
  4. Let me also wish you a very happy birthday
  5. Just filled up at $2.57, before prices go up again
  6. world from being overrun by those
  7. where anything can happen and will
  8. dropped to $2.59 here today after being at $2.76 for a week
  9. Gas and grow, Add a new storage tank every 5000 miles
  10. yeah this has been happening for about a week now. Not sure about the cause but its worth the effort to get the updates. The odd thing is that the mirror that works one day will give the bad checksum the next
  11. robroy

    Forum Benchmark

    Hey Sultan...they did beat Dallas. Yay
  12. robroy

    Forum Benchmark

    and its not even ADA compliant. Gotta some accessible bathrooms in here Mac. Or invent something to save people from having to leave their computers to go
  13. Many things can cause hd failure, from a speck of dust to dropping it. You will probably have to contact hp to see what you need to do.
  14. Cats..................................also from Broadway