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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Congratulations to you and your wife. Sleepless nights on the way
  2. Hehe Pete, I watch Red Green on Saturday nights so I can get a good laugh thinking of you as Harold
  3. Yes if you have win 2000 you can install it after reformatting, If the computer recognises the second hard drive now it will recognise it with win 2000. The bios actually recognises your hard drives and passes the info to windows as it boots.
  4. listen to music, classical or celtic instrumental just lets me relax
  5. grog.......................what the british navy and pirates call rum (Liz, have some grog}
  6. 0 thats easy, guess I must be as smart as a kintergarden kid hehe
  7. In many cases, depending on the number of occupants in the building, it may actually be illegal to have the second panel of the door locked, unless it will open from inside with panic hardware. Your local fire marshall or building code official should be able to enforce the unlocking of that second panel if it is required.
  8. I do, the poor family members waiting there suffering twice because people say things before they verify the facts. Our local newspaper came out with that kind of headline but by the time most people read the paper the truth was already out.. People are so impatient to get the news out to the world that they no longer wait long enough to verify the truth.
  9. I'll take the same as rv, then I have to work also
  10. robroy

    Drew's Site

    I get to the redirect page then nothing
  11. esp................................extra sensory perception
  12. My condolences on the loss of your friend, also to his father. I also hope that the perpetrator is punished