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Everything posted by robroy

  1. I was running a small home network with 2 routers for a while without any problems
  2. Finally I am actually doing something healthy that I enjoy about 4 cups a day without excersize because I don't add any sugar
  3. cattle.......................holsteins are also a breed of cattle
  4. look here for what you need to check your hdd
  5. guinness favorite draft hehe
  6. drinking for health sounds like the best medicine Medicine man line them up on the bar please hehe
  7. Happy Holidays whichever one you celebrate
  8. Take care of yourself Marty, I had double pneumonia as a kid and took weeks to get better so I feel for you Merry Christmas
  9. and it gets worse with each generation. Part of the problem is parents who spoil their kids with everything they want, and don't correct them when they are bad. I see this situation over and over, parent(s) in the store with the kid(s) who are being bad. They tell the kid to behave, which the kid either ignores completely or listens to for 30 seconds then goes back to being bad. Correcting a child by smacking his/her butt is not abuse and sometimes is the one thing that works. The other problem is the removal of corporal punishment in schools. My son ( a junoir in high school) has come home an
  10. open a bottle of Old No. 7 see if the odor from that entices him back
  11. peal...............................the bells, the bells
  12. Mac has food poisoning, I always thought you got that from eating food not from food eating you