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Everything posted by robroy

  1. I installed it on my lappy, still running 2k on a dual boot desktop (SuSe is the other boot.) and slax on the other desktop No problems with the update. Have to run windows as there is some work software I need that isn't available yet for any version of linux.
  2. I am also usinf sygate still. No problems here with it and haven't had anything worse than some tracking cookies in the last year
  3. that is going in for a taste test next time we have turkey or chicken, Liz your daughter may have a winner there
  4. good to hear from you bud, was a little worried. I hope you aren't creating some world destroying monster in the basement . You have to come out into the sunlight once in a while and we really mis you around here.
  5. three dollars here yesterday, no Idea what it will be today yet haven't been out this early
  6. garron.........................a hardy Scottish pony
  7. ... Ack-Ack . . Aflack cue the DUCK
  8. I used dogpile a few years ago but wasn't that happy with the results. Google is definittely better imo
  9. Hope you have your building permits. good luck rv