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Everything posted by robroy

  1. I use sygate too but didn't have any problems
  2. I did the same thing as Brian, skipped the movie theater and bought the dvd Only movies I went o the theater for in the last couple of years were Star Wars and LOTR
  3. Sorry I'm late but happy burthday Drew
  4. Moon.............................pie
  5. and drive on a parkway lol and while you are at it pull up to th house
  6. sari, plural saris caucasian congrats on being a god father
  7. A Belated Happy Birthday from me too
  8. HMS Britannia.....................................Queen Elizabeths yacht
  9. scurvy......................cured by vitamin c
  10. Tired of hearing about Cheney's hunting accident on the news. Hunters get shot accidentally every year and most barely make the local news. I would just say this, politics aside. I would rather go hunting with Cheney than driving over a bridge with Ted Kennedy.
  11. Green.........................................Bruce's alter ego skin color
  12. Belated happy Birthday Lumpy (fixed the error for you robroy..., you were missing a "[" )
  13. Hi Corrine and welcome
  14. Happy Birthday to you both
  15. A belated hppy birthday Iccaros, hope you had a good day Drags Liz back out of the pool leaves mac in there
  16. Evermore................................another Zep reference
  17. Robroy is now a frozen popsicle, supersoaker blast at 18 degrees f isn't fun. Thanks mac