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Everything posted by robroy

  1. great supper Liz, getting me a plate right now
  2. Hi Barb, I have this as my home page and got a timeout 4 times , reloaded 1.0 and went straight to the page tg1911, yeah I did a clean install after the over the top install didn't work, still got the timeout. Put 1.0 back over the top and it works perfectly. I almost never get timeouts since I got cable. Thanks anyway both of you
  3. I use firfox all the time but for some reason none of the updates after version 1.0 will work . The won't load any web page, just timeout trying. 1.0 loads pages fine when I reinstal after having tried the updates. Using win 2k The linux version is fine
  4. Homer.....................he wrote it
  5. lol Mac you figured it out already That is very strange, don't have xp so can't help. I'm moving more and more to linux except for work stuff that's only available on winders m/c's. I get more disillusioned by windows. I think Bill has some secret plan to control every computer in the world (for example the sp2 update that you will do if you want to or not)
  6. Yes which is your favourite distro
  7. Enterprise ......................spaceship
  8. robroy

    Favorite Music

    I saw his last live concert (Isle of Wight 1970)
  9. Spinal tap............The group, that is
  10. We didn't change any locks, you were using the wrong key, or trying to put it in upside down, we would have locked you in to keep the joker here. I vote for Liz to be named chief Cook
  11. would prefer cabin but live in town............maybe one day I'll move Baseball or basketball?
  12. Sinister..............from the latin for left handed
  13. Make sure you clean the screen first
  14. I second that! Think this one is carried unanimously. as already listed Nascar Insanity Check Fark Lord of the Rings
  15. thanks Chachazz, on my way there
  16. If you are using xp then you shouldn't need any memory manager, win 98 was a lousy mem manager and needed that kind of program to help freeup the unused memory. Win 2k and winxp are much better at freeing up the ram . you need to google ftdisk and see what may be causing the problem. My previous link isn't working, apparently google is down at present Every time you reboot the comp you have freed up all ram
  17. welcome home Mac, I wondered where you were. So they finally caught up with you eh? Glad you got away again
  18. they can oly do that if you have an open connection to the net, if you are on dial up then they couldn't connect. If you are on cable or dsl with a firewall they may be able to, not sure on that. I guess it would depend on the firewall settings. If you are on without any firewall then it would be as open to micro$oft as to any hacker. If you turn auto update off it must make it somewhat harder , don't know if it will help this of course is only my thoughts on the matter Missy . I have no definite answer, sorry
  19. yeah iccaros thats true about pain and sleep but you need some time for relaxation while you are alive otherwise the sleep one comes way too quick Good luck, you need it, full time work, part time college and a girlfriend was enough for me
  20. Double decker...................bus
  21. have you tried uninstalling the mp3-2 software, then reinstalling the dll?