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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Pampereing my dogs is feeding and walking them. Darn it I'm too late for the pancakes but I did bring some barbequed chicken in. help yourselves
  2. only if you classify them and peppers together because i will eat either Do you eat raw hot peppers?
  3. so do I and the mother of my kids
  4. either, love any kind of motor racing walking or bicycle riding for excersize?
  5. anyone lend me $160000 I think I need one,protect me from the wife when she's mad at me
  6. Mac, I thought for a second that #2 on the list had exploded prematurely, should have known you had better control this list
  7. any time, mind you I have jumped from a perfectly good plane before. Love the feeling of freefall. have you ever rappeled down a cliff?
  8. nice one Barb, still rofl
  9. qparted worked fine for me. I had a disk that had been partitioned into 4 and wanted to put it bac as one hd for linux. worked fine
  10. flying what car reflects your personality?
  11. go for it Matt, I did without any problems
  12. Don't see a thing wrong with what you said chappy. I wasn't at g4 very long but I saw that you did a lot of good over there
  13. even though I'm a linux noob, I got to agree. I have win2k and have decided not to get xp. Have to use it at work but still don't like it that much. I am getting to like linux more all the time.
  14. no how long have you owned your current vehicle?
  15. your life is to be dedicated to making the biggest possible tarball ever this is your reason for existence at least your life involves doing something you enjoy have fun with it by the way thats a great idea, bet they can't do that in windows
  16. Alchemy and Academie ................a book by Anne McCaffrey
  17. Used it several times. Start it when I'm leaving the comp alone for a while to let it run. had it bookmarked for a long time now