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Everything posted by Matt

  1. You said you have java and javascript enabled in firefox? Are you perhaps using an extension such as NoScript?
  2. Hmm, I'm seeing it in firefox just fine.
  3. LOL, too bad you dont have the same birthday. cool though
  4. Alright I give up. This was stupid. lol Oh well, worth a shot. I didn't lose anything. Sorry guys..
  5. Hi marty, yes I get the same error. I'm going to move this to "comments/suggestions" as Jeff may not see it here. There have been a few issues with the forums, like you cannot view any of the member groups. I'm sure Jeff will have it workied out soon.
  6. handplane, I deleted the contents of the folder. Oh, and I forgot to add, many of the files may give you the error of "access denied" or ".. is in use". You can use this program to fix that: Matt
  7. Here's a little clean-up tip for you all. About a week ago, my step-father was getting "low harddrive space" warnings on his laptop. We were puzzled by this, because it is farily new, with a 25 gig HDD. We looked at all his saved Documents and PowerPoint presentations, and it just didn't add up. Puzzled, I went "exploring". To my surprise, I found a folder I had never heard of before. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Local Settings\Temp\ This is a hidden temp folder that doesn't get dumped when you go through disk cleanup. I was shocked to find that it's contents summed up to
  8. Wlecome back marty! Yes, its great to be back!
  9. I was just messing around, and it seems that if you click the "classic home" link, then try to go back to, you get sent to the normal google, all the time. If you click the "Personalized Home" link, from then on, will send you to the personalized home. Click the "classic Home" link, and you should be cookied so that you will always get classic google.
  10. Well, you have a few options: On the Google Ig home, you can click the link at the top titled "Clasic Home" which will take you to . If you want google as your homepage, you can set it to that. For me, take me to the classic view, but this is not so for you? You can sign out of you google account, but that make gmail inconvenient (if you don't use a mail client) Matt
  11. Audacity should do what you are looking for. It can convert music files to various formats, and is a nice diting tool. Matt
  12. You both will find this place quite enjoyable! Welcome!
  13. If you have not already heard, recent music CDs produced by Sony-BMG have been found to install a rootkit onto your machine, if inserted into the computer. According to Spyware Weekly: This has obviously upset people. Many lawsuits have sprung up, and security companies around the world have promised to help in the removal of this rootkit. Manual removal can be harmful to the working of your computer, specifically the CD drive. Removal tools are being produced, such as this one from Symantec. But, be weary when using these. They have not been found to fully remove the software installe
  14. Oh my god! I wet myself when I got into the chat and saw the notice! This is so great! Congrats Jeff on a job well done! I am so glad you were able to receive the files!!!!!
  15. Try here Or here. They both are said to work with Win98, but don't mention XP. You could try it...
  16. Open recycle bin, and choose to empty it. The close it and see if it works. If that deosn't work, try this: Open a command prompt (Start > Run > type cmd >OK) At the prompt type and enter: rd /s c:\recycled (This is if your file system is FAT32) Or: rd /s c:\recycler (This is if your file system is NTFS) Then reboot. See if that helps. Matt
  17. Cool! I was trying to get on a few days ago, but only got an error. Good to see its back up, and good to see you again RubbeR DuckY! Matt
  18. Jotti scans for Trojans, as well as other types of malware. But if you still want another place to get the file checked out, try here. It is a forum that will allow you to upload a file to be inspected. *Click on "New Topic" *Put your name, e-mail address, and in the title: 'C:Windows\system23\BASSMOD.dll' *You may want to put a link to this topic *Then next to the file box. at the bottom, click the "browse" button, then navigate to the file path of Bassmod.dll *Press "Open". *Click "Post". You DO NOT need to be a member to upload, anybody can upload the files. Hope this helps. Matt
  19. When I googled it, I didn't find anything bad. So AVG thinks its bad? You could scan the file here: See what it turns up. You could also post a HJT log. Matt
  20. You can buy some administrative software (like the type schools use) to restrict things like this. I can't think of any certain software to reccomend though. Matt