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Everything posted by iccaros

  1. PCM is RAW... Also you have to set up audio on most DVD's to do 5.1 as they revert to stereo for default. also are you sending this audio to a TV then to a separate audio system.. if so under HDCP processing stereo is all you get.
  2. sorry http://www.nessus.org is free for home use and is more up to date than openvas
  3. I may have good stuff.. I don't have it.. the second edition has out dated stuff, but the concepts work.. it teaches how to exploit and keep your system safe down to the software level. for example, to hack a web server it first teaches you how to write code for a web server so you can see how they parse HTML tools like nmap and http://www.openvas.org/ are very useful
  4. here is a great place to start http://www.amazon.com/Hacking-Art-Exploita...4150&sr=8-1 This book goes into great detail on how to hack your systems..
  5. iccaros

    Sed Help

    ok change but I can noit get it to write to the file just standard output ADDLINE="\<rdp_server\ client_audio=\"$AUDIO\"\ color_depth=\"$COLOR\"\ comment=\"$COMMENT\"\ experience=\"$EXPERIENCE\"\ gateway=\"$GATEWAY\"\ geometry=\"$GEOMETRY\"\ ip=\"$IP\"\ submenu=\"$SUBMENU\"\ title=\"$TITLE\"\ \/>" #sed -e "s/^<rdp_server/$ADDLINE/1" $INFILE > $TMPFILE sed -e "/^<rdp_server/a$ADDLINE/" $INFILE -e "/^<rdp_server/q" < $INFILE
  6. iccaros

    Sed Help

    got it.. { ADDLINE="\<rdp_server\ client_audio=\"$AUDIO\"\ color_depth=\"$COLOR\"\ comment=\"$COMMENT\"\ experience=\"$EXPERIENCE\"\ gateway=\"$GATEWAY\"\ geometry=\"$GEOMETRY\"\ ip=\"$IP\"\ submenu=\"$SUBMENU\"\ title=\"$TITLE\"\ \/\>" #sed -e "s/^<rdp_server/$ADDLINE/1" $INFILE > $TMPFILE sed "0,/^<rdp_server/a$ADDLINE/" $INFILE > $TMPFILE } Thanks..
  7. iccaros

    Sed Help

    Knoppix.. Who knows.. maybe I should use awk... I am so out of bash scripting I feel dumb..
  8. iccaros

    Sed Help

    ok this is close <code> #Script Variables, hard coded values are site default AUDIO="On" COLOR="16" COMMENT="Created by addsub script" EXPERIENCE="0" GATEWAY="" GEOMETRY="1660x1024" IP="" SUBMENU="" TITLE="" INFILE="./testfile" TMPFILE="./tempfile" function writeline() { ADDLINE="\<rdp_server\ client_audio=\"$AUDIO\"\ color_depth=\"$COLOR\"\ comment=\"$COMMENT\"\ experience=\"$EXPERIENCE\"\ gateway=\"$GATEWAY\"\ geometry=\"$GEOMETRY\"\ ip=\"$IP\"\ submenu=\"$SUBMENU\"\ title=\"$TITLE\"\ \/\>" sed -e "s/^<rdp_server/$ADDLINE/1" $INFILE > $TMPFILE } writeline </cod
  9. iccaros

    Sed Help

    hmmm but if i quote the variable is not passed its taken as a literal value I am writing this script to let a windows admin add line (questions will fill in the data later) so I am putting it in a script, if it was me I would just open the xml file and yyp the lines and edit them, but its not for me.. I don't have ed but thanks
  10. iccaros

    Sed Help

    really I want to find the first match then add my line, not to everyline that matches thanks I have been beeting my head on doing this in bash and python (my only choices besides pearl which I no nothing about)
  11. iccaros

    Sed Help

    going to this ADDLINE='<rdp_server client_audio=\"$AUDIO\" color_depth=\"$COLOR\" comment=\"$COMMENT\" experience=\"$EXPERIENCE\" gateway=\"$GATEWAY\" geometry=\"$GEOMETRY\" ip=\"$IP\" submenu=\"$SUBMENU\" title=\"$TITLE\" />' sed -e s/^<rdp_server/"$ADDLINE"/ $INFILE > $TMPFILE gives me knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ ./addsub ./addsub: line 27: rdp_server/<rdp_server client_audio=\"$AUDIO\" color_depth=\"$COLOR\" comment=\"$COMMENT\" experience=\"$EXPERIENCE\" gateway=\"$GATEWAY\" geometry=\"$GEOMETRY\" ip=\"$IP\" submenu=\"$SUBMENU\" title=\"$TITLE\" />/: No such file or directo
  12. iccaros

    Sed Help

    thanks for the reply but it still fails for me here is what I get./addsub: line 27: rdp_server/$ADDLINE/: ambiguous redirect knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ vi addsub knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ ./addsub ./addsub: line 27: rdp_server/$ADDLINE/: ambiguous redirect knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ vi addsub knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ ./addsub ./addsub: line 27: rdp_server/\<rdp_server client_audio="On"\ color_depth="16"\ comment="Created by addsub script"\ experience="0"\ gateway=""\ geometry="90%"\ ip=""\ submenu="" title=""\ \/\>/: No such file or directory knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ here is the entir
  13. iccaros

    Sed Help

    I have a bash script where I am trying to get this funtion to work it needs to find the first instance of a line and append a line after it function writeline() { ADDLINE="\<rdp_server client_audio=\"$AUDIO\"\ color_depth=\"$COLOR\"\ comment=\"$COMMENT\"\ experience=\"$EXPERIENCE\"\ gateway=\"$GATEWAY\"\ geometry=\"$GEOMETRY\"\ ip=\"$IP\"\ submenu=\"$SUBMENU\" title=\"$TITLE\"\ \/\>" eval "sed -e s/^<rdp_server/$ADDLINE/ $INFILE > $TMPFILE" } both $INFILE and $TMPFILE are declared the error I get is ./addsub: line 24: rdp_server/<rdp_server: No such file or direc
  14. thanks I will try this when I get back next week, and see if it fixes the issues they are having
  15. there is no difference in the server version and the desktop version, except the GUI (server version has non by default). The only reason there is a Server version is because some people can not get out of their heads that they should be different. under system --> administration --> services you can set if a service starts or not at boot.. of wordpress it would be apache.. but as JCL stated.. both apache and mysql take almost no resources unless you are accessing them..
  16. has anyone ran into this, and how to remove it.. I have deleted all of its files, and its registry keys that I can find.. This is a continuation of the last.. I removed the anti virus 2009 but this new one is worse..
  17. Thanks, its not up to date.. It is still service pack 2 XP and what ever other rootkit is with the trojan is really hampering effects.
  18. for most uses you will not notice any difference.. the intel may have better battery life, but there are other factors that may keep the AMD at a par for battery life.. I would use the AMD if you are not gaming (your video chip has way more impact on most games anyways) and get more memory for the money
  19. I have tried this, no joy, malware bytes and hijackthis will not install.. sad... god I wish windows had a way of booting from a live cd so a app could fix it.. has anyone tested this as a cure http://www.freedrweb.com/livecd
  20. if you have another computer on that network you could http://homepage.hispeed.ch/py430/knoppix/index.html boot knoppix or any other bootable cd from grub, but you need another system with tftp
  21. what is the file system type.. and can you post the error (this is remote right?) you may have to go to a backup superblock if its ex2 or ext3 trymke2fs -n /dev/sda2 you can not fsck a mounted drive..
  22. ok I have a neighbor who has been infected with at least antivirus 2009 The issue, Malware bytes will not install, it comes up with the choose language and a splash of the next screen before it is is killed. Jeff recommended that and I followed the site that rename malware bytes install, and runs some batch files,, but still no joy, no joy in safe mode. I have tried hijackthis.. no joy can't install even when renamed. Cdrom does not work in safe mode, when you try to explore it takes you to My documents. This is a nasty little bugger, and I am ready to just format and start over, but its not
  23. no they are two different brands, Microsoft Mouse Dell Keyboards, but good theory.. Plus its just a USB hub un the keyboard, very few make HID only usb hubs anymore. Its a defective mouse detection system.. I have plugged in now 6 different mice, Ranging from Logictec to Dell, Two Microsoft Mice and even a Mac Mighty Mouse (That was for fun to see what would happen) I have all the WU but I am not sure how it handles drivers.. and this could be something they fixed in 32bit world but ignored in 64bit. Windows 7 Beta has the same issues on this laptop, so maybe its a bad driver for this dell l
  24. you would think MS would have fixed this issue.. I mean a Mouse is semi important in windows..