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Everything posted by marko_tomas13

  1. ya mine moved too...easy to miss it because they are sort of integrated into the inbox header... blue background with white letters
  2. good to know especially the windows + d which shows your desktop thanks for the info
  3. wow never heard of this before thanks for the tip im gonna check it out
  4. its always a good idea to keep your os up to date personally im waiting until i finish backing up all of my important data and getting everything up to date before upgrading so everything goes flawlessly
  5. nevermind found it C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\default.bdd
  6. where are the firefox bookmarks located?? i need to know because i want to back them up ... i know the explorer ones are in the documents and settings but cannot find the firefox bookmarks thanks in advance
  7. I guess you could always but one from Europe if you are desperate.... no im not desperate just curious i think ill just buy the original halo for now and wait till halo 2 actually gets realeased for north america....might even wait a bit longer cause the price is bound to be pretty high
  8. ya they're great little things i keep mine on my keychain so its always there its a 256mb so it fits most of the things i need along with me and even some i really dont but like to have on there
  9. thanks for the reply Matt
  10. marko_tomas13

    Halo 2

    does anyone know when halo 2 is coming out for computer? i know the xbox release is sometime in november (not sure exactly the day) dont have halo 1 but have played it many times and i am debating wether to buy halo 1 or wait for halo 2 to come out (reason for this is limited budget so it isnt really economical to buy both)
  11. I'm Canadian so I can't vote. I would like to see Kerry win. IMHO Kerry has better domestic policies than the President. im serbian so i think that kinda makes me biased and want bush to loose
  12. marko_tomas13


    MistaMatt it seems your goodbye from the TSS board sparked a migration over here...i see a lot of familiar posters
  13. well said handplane! TSS and C4H have helped and educated many people including myself its an ongoing process for all of us
  14. mine is not that original lol it boils down to just my name and my lucky/fav number and the number i always wear on any sports team / biking competition
  15. i like to leave the registry well enough alone as well, if it aint broke dont fix it (even though its windows so its bound to be broke at some point but we'll leave that for another time lol). i got into TSS about a year ago also when i moved into a new appartment and got digital cable along with it...i only kept a few of the specialty channels including tech tv and watched religiously...i still watch the reruns and the canadian c4h but not too much else. excited for the new show to start but will forever miss the old TSS...what can u do times change
  16. ya i agree with times they really had some great guests too...the photoshop guy and many other helpful segments
  17. the new screensavers debuts on september 7th ( i think most people already know this ) just wondering what are some of your fav things about the old screensavers?? favourite moments, people, segments, and any input you have to reflect on the old episodes before the new ones begin plz lets not turn this into a g4 bashing thread
  18. thanks tg1911 for the computer stupidities they're entertaining
  19. marko_tomas13


    as this forum grows and more members who dont have gmail join then people will start wanting invites congrats to you for giving back to the community
  20. haha ya just having some fun with photoshop while in school and finished programming assignments early so i decided to do this......really didnt expect it just combined a few pics and voila lol duznt look too bad
  21. am loving the layout and look forward to being an active member at these boards without having to put up with every second post bein someone flaming someone else
  22. what is the name of the software they want you to buy?