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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Hey everyone, I'm very very excited to announce that I just got my first car! (well, I pick it up on Thursday!). It's a VW Jetta Wolfsburg. It has basically everything - Alloy Wheels, Heated Seats, Sun roof, Leather interior, iPod add-on, 6 airbags, tons of safety features, Awesome stereo, and a ton of other stuff! It's black with a tan leather interior and it's gorgeous. Here's a picture of one (just a stock photo) It looks 100x better in black and in person So with that said... what was your first car? B
  2. Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread. Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
  3. Yes, welcome! Glad you decided to join the forums too! See you in chat! B
  4. I'd have to agree with shane here. Personally if the registry has gotten really big and your machine has slowed down it's probably time for a reinstall. However, with that said I've never had to do a reinstall because of the registry. You would most likely have to install/uninstall a ton. Bottom line is you don't really need one. B
  5. Hi vagrant00, Your best bet at this point is to contact Microsoft and tell them what's going on and most likely they'll give you an activation code for your machine. I've done it in the past and they had no problem helping me reactivate my machine. B
  6. I wrote a blog entry about it which you can find here: HijackThis Sold To Trend Micro - The Future Of HijackThis B
  7. The Store is now OPEN! The store is run through Amazon and all products come from Read more here: Store Now Open! Check it out! Shop til ya drop! B
  8. Hi TT, I've contacted them before and even had my dad talk to them, they want a pretty outrageous amount of money (and don't seem to want to budge) for the .com even though I own all other worthwhile BestTechie domains. Besides the fact that if anyone who does buy it uses it for something such as my site I can sue them, I'm not too worried about it going somewhere currently. When I have enough money I will be looking into buying it again. B
  9. Such as a router with NAT? If that's what you mean, I'd have to say for the most part that's usually all you need. However, let it be known it's a not a true hardware firewall. Also, if you have a router I recommend you disable uPnP if you haven't already. B
  10. Ahh, good catch, TT. I didn't even recognize that. B
  11. Marty, try sending a PM to someone and see if that resets it. Joe, I'd resend the PM you sent Marty from a week ago if possible, I don't think he got it, due to the issue with the blocking. B
  12. Hey Everyone, I'm glad to announce that has acquired a bunch of new domains. Learn more, here: Acquires New Domains B
  13. Thanks hitest, just SSH'd into my home server and checked it. It seems to be fine. B
  14. Besttechie


    Yes, very nice! B
  15. Hey Everyone, I'm pleased to announce the following news: The Malwarebytes Blog Is Now Up And Running Go check it out! B
  16. Hmm, Okay a few things to try... 1. Make sure the Windows Firewall is disabled 2. Go to the folder, you're trying to download these files to and try the following: Right click on the folder and choose "Properties" and look to the bottom of the "General" tab. Here you should find an "Unblock" button provided to allow normal access to the folder. Note: I'm not sure if that applies to folders, however it does with executables...but it's worth a shot. So if you don't see the unblock button don't worry about it. 3. Make sure your IE security settings are set to Medium-High. B
  17. Do you have Webroot's Spy Sweeper installed? And you're running XP Home correct? B
  18. Have you tried saving the file to another location? It seems as of now you're saving it into the temp folder? Try saving it to My Documents or your Desktop and let's see what happens. B
  19. Hi Everyone, As if a new website layout wasn't enough for today! You can now add YouTube videos in your posts and it's very simple to do - thanks to Pierce! All you have to do is either click the "Insert: YouTube" link under the Quick Access menu and just add the Video ID in the Content Text box and click Ok. However, if you like to type it out the BBCODE to add the YouTube videos to a post is as follows: [youtube]Video ID Here[/youtube] Example: Let's say you find this video on YouTube and you want to share it on the forums: All you need to do is copy the JdxkVQy7QLM part which is the V
  20. Every once in a while usually after a number of months if not more, I tend to have the need to redo Well, the time has come. I decided to go with a 3 column layout this time, which has tabs at the top as well as side navigation. I feel this layout is much easier to navigate than the previous one and brings more attention to the content on the website aside from what’s on the front page. Take a look: B
  21. Hey bearskin, Do you know what model toshiba your brother-in-law has? I was able to install Vista on my toshiba laptop with no problems here. So I'd be curious to know. B
  22. Now to address the original question, I'm not sure whether this was mentioned already, but I didn't see it. Microsoft has a Vista Upgrade Advisor which can be found here: But if you post your current system specs I'm sure myself or someone else can help you out in terms of what needs to be upgraded (if anything at all). So run the upgrade advisor but also post your system specs and I'll be happy to take a look and let you know what I think based on my personal experience. B
  23. I have to disagree with most of that. First off, it really doesn't require a super computer to run. I'm running it on my laptop and desktop (granted my desktop is very powerful, however my laptop is not). It runs perfectly fine on my laptop. My laptop is 1.6Ghz Pentium M with 1.5GB of RAM, However Vista will most likely run fine on 1GB of RAM, but it certainly doesn't hurt to have more. If you plan on running the Aero theme you're going to need a good graphics card. Of course driver support isn't the greatest. Driver support for any OS when it first comes out isn't the greatest. It wil
  24. Windows Vista isn't a bad OS at all. In fact it's a great step forward for Microsoft. It offers many new features and improvements as well, not just a GUI makeover. If you're interested in reading a review; I wrote one myself on Vista: Btw Microsoft is working on their next OS as we speak which seems to be planned to come out in '09 I believe. The codename is Vienna.