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Everything posted by Subliminloutbrk

  1. Lol. Your plan isn't working to well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know.......
  2. Oh we're close enough that we tell each other everything, she wouldn't lie to me.
  3. I too want to join the group of the banned, but want to go out with a bang. I am now taking suggestions.
  4. Yea they're giving out those trials in PCgaming monthly.
  5. Actually thats a really good idea TT, I hear he isn't that well liked by alot of kids so that should be easy. Thanks
  6. Recently my sixteen year old half sister broke up with her first serious boyfriend. Well he didn't take it very well and began to call her, well not very nice things, and started spreading false rumors of her...."bedroom activity". She is completely torn apart by all this and as her older brother I feel my help is needed. My natural instinct is to "take care" of him, but beating the life out of a minor isn't a road I want to take. Any suggestions would be much appreciated because I hate to see her so upset. Thanks.
  7. +200? Very cool! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 148 to be exact, but HEY...thats still GREAT!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I love the fact that even though this is a close nit community you all are more than happy to have new members. I know of several forums were "new members" is a bad thing. God bless BestTechie!
  8. being upsest and being possessed with
  9. H2 is the ugliest things to have ever touched pavement. I seem them all the time here in Atlanta and I feel like being a teen again and just slashing their tires or something for being stupid twits with too much money and not enough "confidence".
  10. Well that was nice of them to get back to you. *sarcasm* You plan on going back?
  11. I really hate madonna, shes not british and shes not jewish. How dare she turn a religion into a "fad". She grew up in Detriot for gods sake and just because she married a Brit and moved there she has an accent. Please I lived in Ireland from the time that I was nine to when I was 18, and I don't even have an accent. BAHH!!
  12. family guy. Simpsons has had its run. Skim milk or regular?
  13. Dude, you posted this in "the other forum". And ill tell you here what I told you there. Don't worry about it;Although I do recommend concentrating more in english, you need it.
  14. Well technically, it also applies to violence. But when you put porn in the title people are going to flock to it.
  15. Half baked? "RUFIOOOOOOOOOO" "You fool Captain Hook is Neverland." (really easy)
  16. You don't card here do you? If so Ill be back in 8 months.