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Everything posted by Honda_Boy

  1. that sound card ain't the greatest but will serve it's purpose perfectly. You'll still get EAX and 7.1.
  2. sounds like you messed it up good. got another you coud try or maybe onboard.
  3. yeah the first person said i would have to buy a new copy but my mom convinced me to call again and cause i could get someone else who give me an answer and i did and explained myself a little better to someone who obviously understood the situation better anyway. She siad it was okay to use a different disk and asked what version was it, i told her it was the OEM version I bought for the system I built. She said okay and asked for the manufacturer and the model name and i told her, she gave me the code. It worked, no more activation alerts. I'm really lovin this little comp now. Now that I ha
  4. nevermind called them one more time said I owned the Liscensce for both and had the product key. She asked for the product key then the brand and model of the computer and she gave me the code and it worked and now I am on my merry way YIPPEE
  5. i wouldn't mess with it cause you'll risk contaminating the thermal paste.
  6. ok I called microsoft (in frickin INDIA) and they said I couldn't do it. I explained I have the original product key but not the original disc but that I had the copy i was using installed on another computer. even with having a different key they said I couldn't do it. i was told by others that I could, ya'll and a te guy at the local shop. I hate microsoft so much.
  7. I hate you. i'm an idiot when it comes to math but a genious with computers, and slighly smart in cars. I know more than your average person. I know Honda Engine codes way to well. All i can get is an overall 23 on the ACT. my Calculus teacher made a 35. I think i got a like a 25 in math but the teacher made 36. every one in my calculus class except maybe 2 people smoked me in the ACT.
  8. I was hopin Peyton would go Actually I was hopin the Titans would but my god they SUCK this year. i think they were worse than Detroit this year.
  9. I still can't figure why people bash eMachines. Personally I prefer to build my own, but if someone asked me for a value system, i'd tell em eMachine. I have had one for a about 2 years that I just gave away to someone. i actually recieved it used. it is now 6 years old pushin 7 and it has it's original PSU and mobo. only defective parts that were replaced was the hard drive. my friend seemed to have SHATTERD that drive. I would shake it and it would rattle big time. As for your prob, like HPoirot36 said try another video card but don't just immediately buy one. borrow and test one first if yo
  10. Paint (2 meanings he's a painter and there is a paint supply company called Wagner)
  11. well i think the computer originally SP1 and the only disc I have is SP2 oh and the disc he uses isn't just a regualr disc it's one where he doesn't have to call microsoft. he said mine though he probably would though. shanenin, when you say it fails does it say invalid Product Key cause I actually tried using this one's. Just when i tried activate it said that though it is still letting me use the computer for the 30 day period. Do you think that microsoft will let me use this SP1 key with my SP2 disc?
  12. I mean can there be a new disc made or something. at a local shop for SP2 installs the guy doesn't even take the disc out of the plastic. he uses a disc he has for every computer. He uses the product key he gets with each disc and activates it. I think only builders and reapir shops (his is both) get this kinda disc. I think if i were to get him to do this crap for me it'd cost almost as much as buying an OEM or Upgrade disc, unless i can get him to let me do it my self for like 20 bucks.
  13. Ok like the thing says i have the product key for XP home and it is SP1 I believe. is there a way I can use this for installing windows then reactivating? I bought this computer from a friend's parents but they didn't have any of the CD's for it. It's a Compaq Presario 6433US. Right now I'm using my OEM SP2 disc from my main PC but I can only use it for 30 days at a time and I don't want to reinstall every month. An y help would be appreciated thanks.
  14. Have 768K cable. been usin cable for bout 5 years, we are on our second provider. my bedroom computer has a $20 wireless LAN card by Foxconn (got it at newegg) that's dang good and it connects to my $35 Belkin Wireless Router (thank you Office Max). It's all good stuff. Had to use Ralink's drivers from their website to get the card to work right. The CD drivers sucked. I'm good at gettin deals ain't I.
  15. I saved mine then uploaded it to photbucket to keep that Image Has Expired mess from showin up.
  16. Oh god this is hilarious. I don't even have to play it to know exactly what will happen. About a month and 1/2 ago, 2 guys in one of my Computer classes got detention cause they had found that. First time the computer was muted but one of those geniuses decided to crank the volume and of course it is an internal speaker that is controlled through windows so he couldn't turn it down right away. Well they go through again and this thing is screamin and the teacher busts them for disrupting class. oh man, I was laughin my a$$ off at them. i mean come on how stupid can you be.
  17. PBS You is like a Satelite PBS or Extended Cable PBS there are Local PBS stations too. Like ours is NPT (Nashville Public Televison). They have local stuff but then have PBS programming at regualr times. Its like local staions of other kinds. Say our Fox is Fox17. It gives local news but has regularly scheduled Fox programs. Same goes for our ABC, NBC, CBS, WB, and UPN.
  18. I don't know I just googled it. I don't use IE enough to try it.
  19. I tend not to like HP, Compaq (despite having a Compaq tower in my room), Dell, adn gateway. I prefer the lesser known brands to non computer nerd people, such as Alienware, Falcon North West, VooDoo, ABS, etc. For $1400, Alienware and ABS are your best bet since Falcon and VooDoo and pretty much high end only, while Alienware and ABS have more mainstream and midrange stuff. A $1400 laptop isn't gonna be the greatest gaming laptop so beware. If it were a desktop you'd have one heck of a gaming rig for $1400.
  20. Actually WD hasn't been as good the past couple of years compared to seagate. I'll check my local computer store and check their prices on laptop drives.
  21. The ultimate in flexible gaming platforms..........the PC. it can do everything those lame consoles can plus more. Only downside, gaming rigs are EXPENSIVE. I wish I had the Cash for an SLI setup with an Athlon FX-57 at the heart and 2 7800GTX 512MB and 2 gigs of ram.