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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Global warming finally kicked in, it's up to twenty-one below. Supposed to warm up to ten above later. Eh, it's warm inside! For those in cold areas, keep warm, for those in warm areas,
  2. I'm normally impervious to the cold, but today I just went out to get the mail and ... Whoa! That's friggin cold!
  3. That's the air temperature recorded in a nearby town. If this keeps up I'm gonna start worrying about that global warming thing.
  4. JDoors

    My Project

    That's weird how clean the suspension arms are while the rotors have such a thick coating of rust. Will ya have to replace the rotors? Won't you also have to change the parking/emergency brake mechanism?
  5. I wonder why I've nearly abandoned "Help" files? I just plain ol' forgot about 'em! I can't even remember the last time I opened one, thanks for the reminder.
  6. I have NO idea where to look for that information. I realize it varies, but ... perhaps a clue?
  7. I (very) vaguely remember it has to be done manually (mostly from people saying, "How stupid is that?"), but since my tech knowledge is out-of-date had hoped for some progress. He's got an Internet business goin' and had been getting his mail via the web. "Enable POP access and configure Outlook to check it" means .... what?
  8. JDoors

    My Project

    Jeez, how old IS your car? My first car had front disks back in 1975! Disk brakes are more heat and water resistant. That big, enclosed cast iron drum can't dissipate heat or water like an exposed rotor can. No problem in day-to-day driving, but those qualities are important for enthusiast driving, higher or sustained speeds such as on highways, in inclement weather, or on hilly or mountainous terrain. The only advantage of drum brakes is they are cheaper to produce.
  9. I let a buddy know about the Office 2007 deal on MicroSoft's site (the whole shebang for $59, if you're a student) and he's lovin' it. However, he has no idea how to switch from Outlook Express to Outlook 2007. I helped, as much as I can (don't use XP/Vista) but it got to a point where it asked us to type in all the technical aspects of his e-mail account (I'm not there now so I forget, IP address? POP address?) and neither of us knows how to find that stuff out. I would'a thought Outlook could find that automatically but apparently not. I haven't had to do that stuff in at least a decade, wh
  10. JDoors

    My Project

    Support your local businessman or get it done cheap ... always a dilemma. Suspension's aren't rocket science so I'd trust fellow car nuts to do the work, but you'll still need an alignment. ----- My Explorer was "sticking." It has an automatic so when you release the brakes it should creep, right? It wasn't. I'd step on the gas and it'd "stick" for a second before releasing and moving forward. Ahh, brakes. Ahh, four wheel disk brakes (had to buy the "Sport," didn't I?). I keep an eye on the pad thickness and always had plenty, but once on the rack I could see the disks were very badly groov
  11. Regarding the Governor of Illinois and the allegations he demanded something in return for nominating a replacement for Obama: Do you think this particular Governor may have been uniquely corrupt? Or do you think this type of thing probably happens ALL the time, he just got caught? Regarding more recent allegations that he altered records to justify appointing cronies to State positions: Again, might he be uniquely corrupt? Or do you think this happens all the time and he just got caught? If he "just got caught," why is the F.B.I. concentrating on Illinois Governors? (Several have been i
  12. Yeah ... THAT'S the problem right there. Oh man, I'd LOVE to, but I'll be busy, I have to wash my hair. Even his Mom doesn't understand! What's wrong with this world when even your MOM doesn't understand you! That was huh-LARE-ious. ----- Guess this should go in the On the Web or Comedy Club forums.
  13. Usually, every year I load up my twenty-five disc changer with Christmas CDs (yes, I have more than enough to fill 'er up) and play that all day long as background music. Didn't feel much like it this year. There are a couple of new-ish Christmas CDs I want, but my "source" hasn't lowered their price enough yet so I've been YouTubing Christmas carols whenever I get in the mood. One mildly interesting result: A friend of mine, whose musical tastes are similar to mine, bought and played (someone called ) Rascal Flats. Country. OK, we're not exactly the same. IMO, a bunch of yodeling. Yee-haw!
  14. What he said and meant has been disputed. The source -- assuming we're thinking of the same story -- claimed that those present believed Bush was speaking metaphorically. Metaphor is my interpretation too. God's Will and all that. I also doubt the meme that Bush, rather than going to war based on current international intelligence and fears of additional global terrorism arising out of the previously unthinkable 9/11 attacks, was instead worried about nothing more than his legacy, or revenge, or finishing what Dad started, or "blood for oil," blah, blah, blah. IMO, those are all conspiracy-l
  15. That conspiracy theory ("Blood for Oil!") is often repeated, but has no basis in fact (not that that has ever stopped conspiracy theories from being endlessly repeated to the point of being unstoppable). We get most of our oil from places other than the Middle East (Canada, Mexico and South America). How would spending billions and billions of dollars on toppling Hussein's regime EVER be recovered by the pittance of oil we might get from there? And when would we expect to reap any benefits? Years? Decades? Especially since THEY control their oil through their state-owned oil company? American
  16. Read about that elsewhere and ... it seems like the future to me. Subscription services are "all the rage" for dozens of other products and it wouldn't surprise me if that's the way to go with software. Who wants to buy updated products every couple of years for if you only use parts of it or only use it occasionally? And who wouldn't want to use the latest versions and get instant updates if they DON'T have to pay for the retail product over and over every few years? I pay for my virus protection yearly, many people pay subscriptions for TV, Tivo services, satellite radio, web sites, etc. Wh
  17. Um, I question your belief that Arabs and Americans are going to "take control" of the supply of petroleum (the British, French, Dutch, Russians and any number of South American and African nations might also disagree with you on that), but as long as they can manage to find sufficiently renewable sources of biofuel that won't destroy the ecosystem or the food supply, why not begin the weaning process ASAP? That's a tall order however as any additional bio-source MUST have SOME kind of effect on both the ecosystem AND the economy. Currently the main cause of high prices for petroleum is tax
  18. JDoors

    My Project

    I could look it up, but might as well just ask: What's the advantage of Nitrogen in tires? Larger molecules don't leak out as easily? Better heat tolerance? Far less moisture (less rim corrosion) & contamination (less rubber deterioration) since the Nitrogen is purified?
  19. As much as I lobbied FOR a political forum in the beginning, I think I'll be avoiding that forum topic now that it's been created. I've been so overcome by the absolute insanity surrounding politics of late I've been avoiding the topic whenever possible.* I actually remember a time when you could have a conversation about politics, sometimes slightly heated, but now even that seems to be impossible. I don't know if it's actually worse than before, or if I've just now noticed it, or what. OK, maybe I'll read it. ----- * I've stopped visiting one forum entirely, I've skipped read
  20. Sites come and go all the time, but there's been a real run of them going down lately. Best of luck to everyone involved.
  21. JDoors

    My Project

    Maybe Santa will bring you one of these for Christmas! Best of luck finding the cause, it does sound like it could be several different things. -----
  22. Original? Maybe. Redneck? ...