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Everything posted by JDoors
What's funny is I've seen that same list, with minor variations and other locations; Illinois, Indiana, N & S Dakota, etc. Someone should make a list for, say, California: If you've ever demanded the government "do something" then complained about the entirely predictible results, you must be from CA. Or New York City: If you've ever said, "This is the greatest city in the world" and stepped over a homeless person in the same day, you must be from NYC.
Bad enough when they poach animal species to the brink of extinction for their quack medicine, but PEOPLE?
Tim Lee's got a dozen clips from his "Powerpoint Comedy" bit, here's the latest (it's Huh-LARE-ious!): URL: If ya got the time, watch more of his stuff!
I'm sure it'd be easy to find actual public opinion poll numbers from that time, and I'm sure they'll show support by the majority. There was enough support from Congress and multinational forces to get things moving. There were naysayers (I was among them!) but that doesn't mean "most" people were against it. Intelligence from multiple sources showed an immediate and extreme threat, how is it NOT our responsibility to respond? Again I refer you to the survivors of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 -- what if we had begun a pre-emptive action in either case? There were people who recommended it. Intellig
Except the Iraq War falls under Defense... and that was most certainly in his control. Well, yes, if by "control" you mean he could have chosen to go against public opinion (the majority supported it at the time), Democrats (the majority supported it at the time), world opinion (the majority supported it at the time), intelligence (several country's intelligence supported the reasons for war at the time ), ignored the gigantic change in what it meant and was required to secure the safety of the nation (a previously unthinkable attack on our soil had occurred at the time), and ignored the deca
Bush certainly was no champion of "smaller government," which I thought was a Republican/Conservative ideal, and he ticked off plenty of Republicans/Conservatives because of that lack of restraint. He too rarely saw a spending bill he didn't love, he didn't veto ANYTHING until well into his second term (many of the vetoed bills would expand government far too much -- Suddenly he's a Conservative?). He holds a 200 year record for the least Presidential vetoes in history! But the President doesn't spend money, Congress does, and the shopping spree didn't start until the Democrats became a maj
I kinda saw that coming! ----- Hey! Arcamax! What did I used to get from there .... ? Did they sell software back in the day? I SWEAR I used to buy a TON of software from them! Or am I just thinking about several subscriptions I used to get? Great, now I have ANOTHER thing to go looking for ...
I hadn't thought of that, could be what he meant. I wouldn't consider vetoing the budget in its entirety "working together" (another one of his promises), that would be more like dictating, but anything that stops Congress from continuing their over-spending reign of terror is fine by me. Have they EVER seen a spending bill they didn't love? Man, I wish I could run MY budget that way!
A half-billion dollars? Pocket change for MS.
Good stuff.
Heh-heh, I don't want to get into a nit-picking contest, everybody makes mistakes (you may recall Bush has made one or two in the last eight years ), but the "Harvard lawyer" claims he is going to go through the budget line-by-line to eliminate waste. Um, the President doesn't have the authority to initiate a line-item-veto, so ... maybe he plans on changing the Constitution first? Wait ... the President doesn't have that authority either! You'd think a Harvard trained lawyer would know that. We've HAD a President who was, by all accounts, a good lawyer. He used his legal trai
ONLY! We're getting that "warm spell" too, not quite UP to freezing, but closer than we've been in weeks. Then temps are supposed to plummet again next week.
It's been said but I want to stress it; Bush wasn't voted out (he wasn't running), McCain got close to 50% of the vote (that's not "rejection" by any measure), Democrats who received their largest political contributions from Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (the organizations that started this economic mess) blocked dozens of Republican efforts to reel them in (with the Democrats saying repeatedly that there was nothing to worry about), and Democrats were involved in every step of the war in Iraq (they voted to go to war for the exact same reasons it was supported by an international coalition, t
I get that feeling from Obama, that he's anxious to, uh-hem, rule, not dwell on the past. We'll see how he reels everyone else in though. One problem with that is that one of Bush's failings was his policy of NEVER addressing his critics. They could (and did) say ANYTHING, and he ignored it, never said a word. Part of his "can't we all just get along" persona. The only thing THAT ever accomplished was critics (here and around the world) had a field day, flinging every sort of mud they could, all day long, for nearly eight years. Bush was the devil incarnate and, why not? He never said a word
They're not done with Bush yet, that's what's going to happen. They have nothing on him despite nearly eight years of trying (everything he's done has been backed up by the courts), but you just wait and see, they're gonna drag him through the mud anyway, trying to find something, ANYTHING, no matter how small, no matter how petty, to pin on him. And it's not just because of Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS), the circus surrounding his persecution will distract public attention from current events (and I won't get into why they'll need to do that). For the BDS crowd it's a win-win with no down-s
Three years ago? Uh, no, hang 'em. If it was thirty years ago, well, it's still very bad, but let's move on. But three? While he was in office? Of course we have to admit to ourselves that we elect "people," not saints.
We've nearly always criticized France because they've looked down their noses at the U.S. since the revolutionary war. "Oo-la-la, we're French, we're cultured!" Yeah, great, you've got a thousand years worth of war memorials (many from when France was conquered by others) and crumbling architecture (much of it from when France was conquered by others). We're only two-hundred years old so -- you've got us there! We DO have cultural sites that are pre-historic, people have been in the America's building, making art, tilling the land, etc. for millenia. I admit we still have people wh
My sources are unreliable, but their information is fascinating. -- Ashleigh Brilliant How come when you mix water and flour together you get glue, and then you add eggs and sugar and you get cake -- Where does the glue go? --Rita Rudner
An old prospector wandered into a small town where he was accosted by a loud, obnoxious and quite drunken cowboy. The cowboy pointed his six-shooters in the old miner's direction and asked, "Old man, do you know how to dance?" "Nope," the prospector replied. "Maybe you'd better learn," said the cowpuncher. Hot lead kicked up dust around the old man's feet and he began to dance. Soon, however, the guns were empty. Now the old prospector reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a sawed-off shotgun. "Son," he said, "you ever kissed a mule?" Looking first at the shotgun, then at the spot where th
That's a little TOO close to the truth to be funny. I've never quite understoond the more-or-less recent obsession with obtaining the lowest price regardless of the consequences.
I dont' see that happening in our lifetimes with entire countries, large religious blocks, many militant groups and millions of individuals believing in their heart and souls that Israel and Jews should be wiped off the face of the Earth. How is THAT going to be dealt with?
I'm not sure I'd say it's "unfair," but yeah, they probably concentrate on the big fish, for good reasons. Who would care if they caught some small city mayor nobody's heard of whose corruption affects relatively few people? But, catch Blagojevich and, not only do you get press, you are stopping a LOT of corruption (and possibly stopping that small town mayor from going there).
I'm not a big fan of "additives" but if it's just a fuel injector that's not closing well due to some particulate matter maybe a "fuel injection cleaner" additive (to the fuel tank) could help? However, I know my Explorer's gas mileage drops precipitously during frigid weather or in deep snow (not that THAT'S a problem for you).
Yup! During my last hospitalization I was paired-up with a "high maintenance" roommate. That guy wasn't happy about ANYTHING, called the nurses for EVERYTHING, and grumped and kvetched the whole time I was there. The one time I had to call the nurse (my IV was squirting blood) I casually mentioned to her our difference in attitudes, and was treated like a king from then on.