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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. Found this nice little program. Called WinErrs. Seems like it works OK. Did you ever get an 'Illegal Operation' or 'Page Fault' error message and wonder what it meant? WinErrs is a database of 1.554 Windows error codes and their definitions. These codes are extracted directly from Microsoft Windows and are their descriptions. With over 1,500 error codes they certainly seemed prepared for the worst. WinErrs
  2. Well... Downloaded the GWA validation notification this morning. It's considered a high security update. So far so good....YAY!!! Have to restart your PC on this one. Was getting ready to give M$ heck. But all is OK. Now I wonder how many are going to be in for a surprise today when they get their updates, restart their PCs and get the notification that "YOU ARE A PIRATE", "GO TO THE PIRATE SHIP AND WALK THE PLANK"....
  3. Hey Mac.... Good to know your still around. Glad your back posting. We all missed your humor around here. So tow's things going in the lab. Get that meltdown taken care of???
  4. JSKY

    Blizzard Of 06

    MAN!!!!! I wish I had your problems. LOL
  5. Murtu52 And Lineofire....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
  6. Let them do it. I have no problems with it. The only thing in my house that get by with nagging me, is the ol-lady........
  7. JSKY

    Blizzard Of 06

    Well.....The latest storm only dumped another foot of the white stuff on us. Wish it would get it out of it's system already ....... I hope everyone out east of me gets bypassed by this never ending winter .....
  8. Got this from my brother-in-law who works for IBM. This is how IBM will fail!!!!! or is that is failing? Oh, wow, this is applicable to so many things! Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result, all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water.
  9. Checking it out now...Seems like an intense program. But it shows allot of stuff. I think I might like it.
  10. $2.90 for the low end and $3.08 for the high end. And to think the big shot at Exxon just got a $400,000,000 retirement bonus. (seen it on FoxNews the other day). Yes that's four hundred million. I'm in the wrong business.
  11. JSKY

    Blizzard Of 06

    LOL Don't worry. It's now in the 30s again. and their saying more snow.....And it was in the high 70s yesterday Isn't winter ever going to get over????
  12. JSKY

    Blizzard Of 06

    Well.....get in your car and come on up to South Dakota. But bring a shovel.
  13. I don't know about the links to other sites... But yes. Keywords are highly important. When I first started I would keep track of what people were looking for when they searched for and then hit my site. If I had no info. I would find and then add it to my site. Then add the correct keywords that would cause the search to point right to my place. I would say that keywords are about 70 per-cent of most websites success. I would be lucky to get one or two hits in a month. But when I read up on keywords and started to play with them. Hits to my place jumped 95% in a month. And I have helped oth
  14. No connection can be found.......Mmmmmmm interesting...... lol
  15. JSKY

    Blizzard Of 06

    High 70s today. What was 5 foot of snow now looks like a foot and a half. Heavy darn stuff to move now. And the coolest blue in color. Yes it's blue, it's so full of water. They say the water is equal to 4 inches of rain. All the creeks are starting to come up fast. I don't think there will be a major flood like 97. We got 3 days of solid rain right after the snow back then. But they say rain for Monday. So you never know. Joe....Give your family a week and they should be able to get their cabin finished. The way the snow is melting. you'll never know it snowed. But I hope they aren't building
  16. JSKY


    I've seen the roll up type. They are really cool. Beer...ER... water proof And will work no mater how you fold them.
  17. JSKY

    Blizzard Of 06

    Officially 76 inches of snow fell at this time. Close to a record for us. But 116 inches is the all time record for snowfall in one blizzard.... All the sand bags will be for the lower towns, Deadwood, Spearfish, Sturgis, and Rapid City. Lead set above them all. They are reporting in Rapid City an increase in creek size this afternoon already. And our new Super Wallmart in the town of Spearfish had to evacuate because the roof started to collapse because of the snow.. LOL... My trees are all blooming out, and they are all fine. Now it's a wait to see if any of the flowers survived, but I thi
  18. JSKY

    Blizzard Of 06

    Well it's over today. Got up into the mid 50s. Plow came by around 5:30 this morning. And got started shoveling snow around 8:00. Lead had a reported 59.6 inches of snow at 9:00 PM last night. 1,100 telephone poles were down around the area. And a total of 12,800 people without power. They are now trucking in sandbags, so when all this snow melts. The lower areas will be prepared. (And I've seen some good floods from these kinda spring storms). Here are a couple of more pics of the white stuff. Lots to go around if anyone wants some......LOL
  19. JSKY

    Texas Heat

    Some snapshots of the area. This is the top of my four foot fence. If anybody wants some snow......Come and get it.
  20. JSKY

    Texas Heat

    Well. Day 2 of our blizzard Most of the major roads are shut down. Parts of I-90 from the Wyoming border to the east are closed. (about 100 miles). All North-South roads are closed. State and county won't even try to clean roads until the winds die down. Have snow drifts as high as my pickup truck. Everything is closed. Still haven't plowed by my house. So no work today. Expected to keep on until tomorrow night. And to think I mowed parts of my lawn on Monday. And the wife started planting flowers....... But they are saying highs will be back into the 70s by Saturday.... I expect flooding of
  21. JSKY

    Texas Heat

    Upper 80, low 90 yesterday . Now into the low 20 and a full fledge blizzard outside. AAAaaaa. the great upper midwest. If you don't like the weather....just give it a day or two.
  22. Thanks for the heads up on this one. Never heard of it yet, glad I know to keep away from now.