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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. 3 Minute Management Course Lesson One: An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, "Can I also sit like you and do nothing?" The eagle answered: "Sure, why not" So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it. Management Lesson: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up. ____________________________________ Lesson Two: A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but
  2. Another thing to keep in mind, is that Windows Vista Beta 2 expires on the 1st of June 2007, giving you just under a year to use it.
  3. Another nice added eye-candy. Well it kinda is. hold down the "windows key" (the one with the windows flag icon on it) and press on the "tab" key. Use this when you have multiple windows open. Nice new feature. Good for changing to different windows.
  4. Now I think I might try that one.
  5. LOL!!!! That was a surprise ending for sure.
  6. Hi and Welcome back!!! Glad everything is working out for you, Now when your rich and famous, don't forget all your friends here
  7. Another Tip. If you load programs that are not compatible, or are causing problems. Insert the OS Disk and when you get to the install page. Go to the repair console and run "Fix Startup Problems". Vista will automatically remove any and all programs that are causing problems with the OS. It will fully remove them from your system. The only thing it will leave is the programs install exe., or zip file used to install the program. This will help determine what programs aren't yet ready for Vista.
  8. HAPPY B-DAY skeet6961
  9. What? a new one here ya say?????? Welcome Younster
  10. In case nobody knew this. Redo your signup and get a second key. M$ is allowing each two keys for a total of 20 install on different machines. Each key is good for 10.
  11. Moved to Windows Vista Tips, Tricks, & Tweaks Hope this helps some of you out
  12. Happy Birthday to chinawht(101), and garmanma(55). Show special respect to Chinawht....He's an old scutter, 101 years young....LOL HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  13. 47 updates weren't bad, I did a repair install and not a fresh install. Didn't want to lose some programs I had. That's why I did the repair. When you do an automatic repair of your OS. It replaces some of the files to factory settings, thus removing some updates. And it will find and load drivers for new hardware. Makes the transition to new hardware easier. I just downloaded all the updates at once and let them all install together. All in all it took about 45 minuets to do everything. (repair install.....broadband connection helps). Other then my Power supply going out it was flawless. And
  14. I'm back. What fun that was. Everything went ok at first. Powered up the first try. Did the repair install to find all the new hardware, called the toll free number and got reactivated in about 15 min. Downloaded a total of 47 updates and had to reactivate office 7 pro again. Then rebooted for all the updates to finish and the computer started up..... then shut down......... Waited a few minutes and tried again, Started up....then shut down Thought for about 10 minutes and then got an old power supply, through it in and powered it right up. So off to get a new PS. swapped em around and all i
  15. Unplug and replug all the connections from your new power supply to everything you have them plugged into. (ie. motherboard, cd-rom, hard drives, floppy drive.) Be sure to unplug the PS from the 110W wall outlet first. Sounds like the bio's is looking for maybe a hard drive or cd-rom and can't find it (because it's not getting power), so it is hanging at the spot it should find them.
  16. Try re-seating all the power cables to everything in your case. If the bios is looking for a drive, HHD or CD. It might hang if it doesn't find every device.
  17. Mmmmm. And I have an old twister game stuffed in the back room........ Now that sounds like fun