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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. you do know that gateway and emachine are the same now...right? That's disheartening. I didn't know that. So much for the South Dakota home grown image, I guess.
  2. That's what I was predicting last week. I won't say anymore however. I don't want another tirade.
  3. Thanks for the info. xxkbxx. I'd never buy one of those pieces of s$$$ anyway.
  4. What a cutie!!!!! I was at your stage in life in 1976. Three is a great age. Love, cherish, and enjoy your daughter at all costs. I know it's hard to realize now, but it doesn't last long. Give her a kiss for me. Joe
  5. I just bought my sweetie this desktop from PC Club I also threw in a 19 inch Samsung 914 from Best Buy Total came to around $900 after rebates. That would leave you with a little money for speakers. Joe
  6. Hey JSKY. A belated Cake to you. Hope it's not too stale. How's SD? Cheers, Joe
  7. Are you sure you have the correct spelling? I can't find anything with that name.
  8. Yes, formatting is erasing. "do i want fat32 or ntfs" Doesn't really matter if it's for storage. I think I did NTFS on mine. I'd probably do the full format as opposed to the quick.
  9. Check their website. You really don't need it though. Easy enough to format (wipe) it in Windows. And you already have that.
  10. Eating sound card now to?!?1 THanks for the replies. I figured it was dead(ish). Oh well, good thing is was a cheapo off newegg. I'll take a free sound card if it still has audio out! Why don't you post a request in the new Garage Sale area?
  11. The jumper is usually on the back of the HD next to the power connecter port. The jumper is very small. you'll see something like Master, Slave, and CS under each set of pins. Remove the jumper from wherever it is now and place it on the Slave pins. Put some black plastic or something under the harddrive while you are working on it. The jumper is very easy to lose. Once you have it set, install the harddrive onto an availablr IDE ribbon inside your computer. Then plug in an available power supply. Or install it in an external USB2 enclosure. The harddrive should then show up in MY Computer. Ri
  12. That's right Chappy. The thinking is that Apple will inherit a much larger portion of the hardware market, and Micro$oft will focus more on their Office apps. And then there is the looming threat (to Bill) that Office type apps will just become online on demand downloads via Google. Looks interesting.