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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. Somebody take the matches away from that boy!
  2. I was wondering where you were! Nice to "see" you again. Joe
  3. And on MY birthday you decide to do this?
  4. I'd go with round ones. LOL Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  5. Why is that? I dont give out that info so easy I'm interested in New Zealand, that's why. Never mind. J hi jo what do you want to know about new zealand contact sultan he studies nz culture and he belongs to a message board there as well i can tell you all you want to know marty Thanks Marty! NZ just seems to be such a sane, beautiful country, from what I've read. I'm particularly interested in Christchurch. Didn't know you were from there. I might ask you questions about NZ from time to time, if that's ok. I'd love to visit the country. Also didn't know Sultan was from NZ. Thanks for
  6. Why is that? I dont give out that info so easy I'm interested in New Zealand, that's why. Never mind. J
  7. Well you can attempt to get into my computer if you want to, well that is IF you can find an open port, cause I always make sure that my comptuer security is to my standard before anyone use's it etc.... Haha, lol, there is a Hacker Trace in my firewall anyway, so I can trace back to the IP address and I forward all informtion to my ISP to dose the investiagtion. Even attempts I send throught (if the same IP address is came up more then 4 times. Don't want to go through all that again lol For me to get everything back after something goes down with my comptuer would take me 2 weeks Wha
  8. Tony. Where in New Zealand?
  9. PMSL "PMSL" I didn't get that until I looked it up. Good one. At first I thought it meant PMS L(ast chance to touch me for a long time).
  10. (excersize your civil) RIGHTS (while you still have a few left)
  11. "Don't cha just love computers SOMETIMES (when they do as there told)" I love them most of the time. If they don't do what they're told I just slap them around a little. And then run 20 or so utilities.
  12. Hi Sultan. It's been awhile. Joe