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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. Steve Gibon's SpinRite is also good product for that.
  2. So what's your point? I've been doing those things for years.
  3. hmmm....The woman that Sultan_Emerr used to have as his avatar. Or her twin sister
  4. I have always just gone to AVG and downloaded the latest version. Upon installation it would see an older version and delete it if it needed to.
  5. That sucks! Maybe it's time for a hand cranked victrola? As far as a connection, I have Cox Cable. I use a Buffalo wireless router for the laptop. It's an older laptop. 1800 mHz P4 Intel Dell Inspiron w/ 1536 megs of Ram. I don't use more than one other program while listening to internet radio. Word, usually. I doubt that Photoshop would run well with anything else running. Back to listening now: Brahms Symphony #1 via the XM Radio signal that DirecTV throws into the package I have.
  6. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday! Hope it was a good one. Joe
  7. I ALWAYS create seperate partitions for all data. Windows, programs, settings, etc, go on the C drive . Everything else goes on the E drive. (the second partition)
  8. WQXR-FM New York City (classical) I'm listenening to a live FAST stream over the internet via my laptop and my new Sound Blaster Audigy 2ZS pcmcia sound card on headphones. Sounds incredible! And the headphones are nothing special. Can't wait until I get good ones! It's amazing how the internet has changed something as mundane as listening to radio. The signal I'm getting is about 1000% better than the over the air signal I used to get when I lived 30 miles out of the city. Now I live 2500 miles away and it's flawless. I love it!
  9. Scholar academic 動画を共有する上でを閲覧する。 動画を共有する上でを閲覧する。 Good one, Sultan foreign
  10. Thanks for the laugh. I REALLY needed it tonight!
  11. Mick Jagger (could not be sated. "I can't get no....satisfaction......)
  12. He has always been an inspiration to me. For at least the past 45 years. .........And I would not call Everest a hill. Here's to Sir Edmund!!!!!
  13. I always read the manual cover to cover (if my S.O. hasn't thown it away while tearing the package open.) Then I carefully assemble the product (if my S.O. hasn't thrown away half the parts while tearing the package open)
  14. "And you never know when a tree is going to fall on you while your filleting a fish" LOL. That's true!
  15. "Yep, folks DO buy that stuff" Yeah, I know that . But WHY?
  16. All right, we've all seen these rediculous ads on TV, ad nauseam. Pet rocks, chia pets, ghinzu knives that will fillet a fish and also saw down an oak tree, pills that will make an 80 year old bald man grow an afro and look like Jimi Hendrix, etc, etc, etc. Here's the thing. We ALL know that they are lying, right? Maybe accept them as comical at best? So how is it that they can continue to afford expensive TV time to keep advertising this crap and annoying any person with an IQ over 40? ARGHHHHH!
  17. "Cool" (Boss being a similar adjective in the late '50s, and early 60's)......Hey man, that's BOSS!!! I'm dating myself again.
  18. HeY Tyme! Where have you been??????? We miss you. Hope all is well. That's a great looking family you have! Joe
  19. "There are worse things than nuclear war" .......Alexander Haig.....Chief Nazi in charge under "Everybody loves Reagan" Haig also happened to be the CEO and major stockholder of,9746,CL..._ETI541,00.html