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Posts posted by blim

  1. Steamhead, I am so happy you checked in when I saw you were from Alabama! Now hoping other members from that are check in as well!

    And Bubbabob, so glad your family down there are fine

    Tornados are nasty. Only experienced one and I hope I never experience another!


  2. That IS cool, Joe!

    And good for you, Hondaboy for taking such an interest in Japanese. Once you transfer to a four year school, most have Japanese Language Classes available, so check it out! My sister in law's mom is Japanese and even though she speaks "pretty good" English, ooooh, when she gets ticked, she slips into "CwazyJapaneseLady". Yup, pretty funny!

    A little trivia--when we answer our telephone, we say,


    When the Danish answer their telephone, they say their first name. Pretty handy, you know who you are talking to right off the bat!


  3. What a hilarious story about the "Weed", Pat! :D

    My Grandparents had a Guest House and my Aunt and Cousins stayed there for a couple weeks each summer. Well, when the older Cousins were teenagers, guess what was discovered growing around the tennis court behind the house? Yep, seems Steve, Bob and Mike used that area to dispose of their seeds when on vacation in Michigan...

    Oh, what a dillema I had when *trying* to explain to my Mom and Grandmother that those plants needed to be destroyed as local folks used the tennis courts....and *trying* to explain just how I knew what those plants were! :blush:

    That is when I coined my phrase,

    "Heyyyy, I went to Art School!"

    But my biggest laugh was when my "Sainted 87 year old Grandmother" suggested we try it :blink: All this time I thought my Dad referred to her as the "World's Oldest Hippy" because she wanted to get married barefoot on the beach in 1921, was a vegetarian and a health food nut....(noooo, we wouldn't let her try it, by the way....but Mom and I did laugh ourselves to tears!)

    And yup, Pat, I do have Opium Poppies--they look different than ordinary poppies, much more delicate and sometimes darn right frilly--and the buds "look down" before they bloom, a candy cane shape. But again, they're pretty--many shades of purple, pink, white and red



  4. Love it, Marty! Most of these tips I've read before so I'm confident that all of these tips are on the ball!

    A couple additions: Windex works great on carpet spills/potential stains! "Real Windex", no substitute. Tried and true!

    Nail Polish Remover is wonderful for removing scotch/masking/duct tape residue, or anything else that is "gummy".

    AND Efferdent is great for cleaning the insides of bottles! The Dollar Store Stuff works, too.

    Thanks, Marty, passing it on!


  5. :D Welcome to the Naughty Gardeners Club, Marty! :D

    Wow! If the cops ever showed up to my house saying my opium poppies had to be destroyed, I'd flip! Glad I live in a tinytown and the cops likely are uninterested in my flowerbeds.

    Like you, I have no idea how to make a drug out of the posies...I just grow them because they "came with the house", they're perinneal and they're so pretty :)

    It's tragic that they made you get rid of the plant. What a waste, especially since you were growing it for it's beauty. I have lousy luck with cacti and gave up on trying to grow them--it takes a talented and patient (I have NO patience!) gardener to make cacti grow!


  6.'s late here and I only made it through page 4, but so far this sounds so much like my job at the Flooring Store! Which I got "suspended" for twice and eventually quit because I refused to lie to my customers....(Boss couldn't rightfully fire me because my "honest-tactic"-salesfigures were too good, he wanted to!!! )

    The upside is that my customers followed me to my next job at the Furniture Store because I was up front with them!! :thumbsup:

    I'll read the rest tomorrow, but right now, the hair on the back of my neck is standing on end! Ewww *shivers*, bringing back some very bad memories!

    This is looking like an eye-opener, Sultan, thanks for sharing it!

    Advice to folks--don't work commission. Yes, you'll make great money, but it isn't worth it if you want to sleep at night!


  7. Is "Here's your sign" appropriate in this situation?

    :D :D :D Oh, Joe, I'm laughing at Sethook's response...and WITH you, not AT you. Coming from someone who discovered Flash Drives still work just fine after getting sucked up the vacuum cleaner and getting dug out of the vacuum cleaner bag.


  8. "Stop Smoking Herb - Stop your smoking habit in 7 days All-natural formula. Free sample.

    Magic Herb New Mega Thin - Formula with New Metabromine Quantity Pricing 2's, 4's and 6's

    Herb Pharm - Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements 7000 products, Free Shipping Offer"

    Loved this at the top of the article! :D :D :D


  9. Wow, what a lot of great information here!!

    My 2cents worth: :rolleyes:

    Directions to close the Preview Pane in Outlook and Outlook Express

    Just delete junk-email without opening it

    Don't open attachments unless you scan them--or to be totally safe, don't open attachments!

    Phishing and Nigerian-Type scams--especially if the club has elderly folks in it, they're prime targets

    And with all the great tips you're giving, DO put the links and brief definitions on a paper handout for them to take home.

    And THANK YOU, Mike for sharing your knowledge! What a great gift to the Library Club


  10. Boudreaux been fish'n down by de bayou all day an he done run outta night crawlers.

    He be bout reddy to leave when he seen a snake wit a big frog in his mouf.

    He knowed dat dem big bass fish like frogs, so he decides to steal dat froggie.

    Dat snake, he be a cotton moufed water moccasin, so Boudreaux had to be real careful or he'd get bit.

    He snuk up behine de snake and grabbed him roun de haid. Dat ole snake din't lak dat one bit.

    He squirmed and wrapped hisself roun Boudreaux's arm try'n to get hisself free. But Boudreaux, him, hada real good grip on his haid, yeh.

    Well, Boudreaux pried his mouf open and got de frog and puts it in his bait can.

    Now, Boudreaux knows dat he cain't let go dat snake or he's gonna bite him good, but he had a plan.

    He reach into de back pocket of his bib overhauls and pulls out a pint a Alabama moonshine likker.

    He pour some drops into de snakes mouf. Well, dat snake's eyeballs roll back in his haid and his body go limp.

    Wit dat, Boudreaux toss dat snake into de bayou, den he goes back to fish'n.

    A while later Boudreaux dun feel sumpin tappin' on his barefoot toe.

    He slowly look down and dere be dat cotton moufed water moccasin, wif two more frogs.

    Life is Good!


  11. Marty, Pierce's thread had a "You Tube Video Box" in it. Sometimes those gadgets load a little slow, giving the appearance of a blank page (until it loads)

    Try clicking Pierce's thread again and grab a cup of coffee, then see if there is a Youtube box there. If it's still a blank page, post back for the experts to chew on.


  12. Brian, being an Uncle gives you the Special Priviledge of spoiling the kids rotten (parents can't!) and giving the kids noisy, complicated and battery operated presents (parents won't!) :thumbsup:

    Aunties and Uncles get to have the most fun (and yes, even though my sisters cuss at me at Christmastime, my nieces and nephews are the most fun to buy for :) Yeah, I'm a wee bit evil....)


  13. Ohhhhh, there it is....I was feeling a bit left out. Didn't clear my cache (No, I don't know how, that's Son's job so I don't need to know how, right?? :rolleyes: ) but pressed "refresh" and now I see what everyone's talking about. Nice job, Leprechaun!
