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Everything posted by blim

  1. Happy Birthday, Marc! Have a great day Liz
  2. Carnevil, I was thinking just the opposite!! Don't like fish, but it LOOKS delicious Nice work, Shanenin! Is that your Daughter in the pic? Pretty little thing! Liz
  3. See if this works @54-11-4317-2638 More Latin American numbers Liz
  4. Hi Vagrant and welcome to Besttechie's! What country are you in? Liz
  5. World's Shortest St Paddy's Day Parade--from one Pub to another, of course! Whats the main difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish funeral? One less drunk at an Irish funeral. I can do this...I'm 1/4 Scots-Irish! (does that make me 1/8 Irish? I can still spread the jokes, can't I? Can't I? Please? ) Liz
  6. Paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said, "Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish Whiskey!" Miraculously, a parking place appeared. Paddy looked up again and said, "Never mind, I found one." ******* Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and says to the first man he meets, "Do you want to go to heaven?" The man said, "I do, Father." The priest said, "Then stand over there against the wall." Then
  7. OK, I don't like fish, horseradish, avodados and cucumbers are merely OK and never tried seaweed (but SisterSue says Spinach tastes like seaweed and I love spinach!) so I'm certainly no sushi expert, but I love rice! I do know that adding a bit more water makes rice "plumper/moister" and lifting the lid off the pan while the rice is cooking can cause "gumminess", along with stirring (Heaven Forbid!)......maybe "breaking the Cardinal Rules for cooking rice" might help make it stickier? Also, adding butter to rice helps to seperate the grains...if you add butter, perhaps skip it? Oh, Lord, I c
  8. Oh, Jsky! Crossing my fingers that you don't have to go through what my Sister went through with a similar problem (I'm not even going to hint what her pipe dilemma cost...) On the other side of the coin! The TV we bought 20 years ago cost $500. We replaced it last Spring (same size, same make, but it has a remote, it's cable ready and it's stereo!) for $99 Another Sister bought a computer 20 years ago and spent about $4000 When we bought our first idiot box, everyone told us, "Oh, you'll NEVER fill up a 10 gigawatt hard drive!!". ..that was before Napster was thought of... Cars actually
  9. That machine musta been invented by a woman! Liz
  10. blim

    Happy Birthday Kat

    Happy Birthday, Kat! Have a wonderful day Liz
  11. Shoulda read this joke 25 years ago! But....I couldn't shoot a horse...OK, or Hubby either...but I am guilty of smacking him with a pancake spatula It's ok...he's bigger than I am, he didn't get hurt, but when I hold up a cooking utensil in anger, he.........*sigh*......laughs.... And then backs out of the area Liz
  12. :D Gotta send that one on to the Catholics I know!, thanks, Bozodog Liz
  13. When the Dancers went to Denmark, we all used Library computers for email problem free (funny thing....most Danish households had computers BUT had no internet service!) Some libraries are doing what many schools do nowadays--in layman's terms, every time they shut the computers down for the night, they erase everything and when turned on the next morning, its like a fresh install of windows. This prevents "cooties" from infesting a computer and I would imagine all IE history is cleared. She can always ask the librarian if they have this system. The easiest way is for your friend to make a
  14. Hondaboy, you have the right state of mind! Food on the table, bills paid, and lots of love is all that matters, no matter if you have luxuries or not! I remember when I discovered our income qualified Son to attend Berea College in Kentucky, which is tuition free for the "desperately poor", and he said, "I didn't know we were poor" God Bless him! Poor is a state of mind. Thrifty is also a state of mind. Trick is to decide whether you are poor or thrifty. By the way, the farmers in my area are wealthy!! Liz
  15. blim


    Well, Marty, as much as motorcyclists scare me (I give them LOTS of room as I'm afraid of them wiping out in front of me and running over them!) I must admit that when I see an SUV or Minivan going way above the speed limit, swerving in and out of traffic, driver talking on a cellphone, I can't help wishing they'd either get pulled over by a cop or end up in a ditch! And if the driver DOES end up in a ditch or pulled over, I can't help grinning...I'm so bad. It especially infuriates me when these drivers have kids in the car! Oh, that really gets me angry beyond belief!!! The only time I r
  16. Son uninstalled it through the start/program/uninstall and the idiot box seems back to normal AND I still have the Google Toolbar! Thanks so much, Bubbabob Liz
  17. I "temporarly lost" my Google Toolbar, Son misunderstood me and installed Google Desktop (serves me right for saying "google thing"). Since then, the idiot box is sluggish and I don't want or need Google Desktop and want to get rid of it. Anyways.....there is an "uninstall option" in the Start Bar/Programs/Google Desktop and Google Desktop is also listed in Add-Remove Programs. Which is the best way to uninstall Google Desktop? Thanks much, Liz
  18. I'm bettin' they're trying to keep support schedules clear to work on DST glitches.....but glad to not have to monkey with updates this month! Liz
  19. Y'betcha! Dose Cheeseheads are perdy durn close to Da Yoopers, eh? *translation for Marty* Extreme Northerners are just as bad "Redneckwise" as Southerners!* Liz
  20. blim

    Tax Returns

    Wow, Sethook! My tax refund will go towards paying property taxes! Liz
  21. Happy Birthday Barb! Have a terrific day! Liz
  22. blim


    I'm with you about mobile homes, Pat! In fact I'm convinced that in the future, some Scientist is going to discover electric currents in tornadoes that makes tornadoes attracted to metal buildings like mobile homes, like lightning to lightning rods. I'm not clever enough to prove it, but it just seems like mobile homes are tornado targets--they seem to seek them out! I've spent the last 10 minutes racking my brain and asking Son....when we went to Denmark, we were all over the country (of course, Denmark isn't very large, easy to do!) but neither of us remember seeing any mobile homes there.
  23. Oh, gotta send that to Son! Yes, he had "Neon colored hair" when in High School. Love it, thanks, Bozodog Liz
  24. blim

    Joes Birthday

    Happy 99th Birthday, Joe! Have a wonderful day and take pleasure that I'm older than you Liz