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Everything posted by blim

  1. Dr. Seuss would be proud of that! Love it, thanks, Marty! Liz
  2. Wow, wow, wow, Mike! and the questions By "restore", do you mean system restore or re-installing the operating system? (ie: pressing F11) And will they ship the OS and software CDs free or is there a cost? When I ordered this idiot box, I also ordered the OS CD (figured that would be insurance for never needing it, thus $10 well spent! ) Daughter's warranty expired Jan 4. She had her motherboard replaced in October, it was deemed necessary to reinstall the OS as it didn't fix her problem She says Dell Tech left her with a "whole bunch of CDs" and she *thought* the OS CD was
  3. Being a Michigander, I must also chime in and say "Rest in Peace, Mr. Ford and thank you!" And what a sense of humor he had! Shortly after he died, MSNBC had a "block" containing an interview with Chevy Chase who mocked him constantly falling and tripping when he was on Saturday Night Live. Mr Chase and Mr Ford ended up being friends! The most interesting thing in the interview was that Mr Chase based Mr Ford's tripping and falling on the fact that he was the "Accidental President"--he never had Presidency as a goal in his life and literally ended up there by accident (of course, his filme
  4. Totally off topic but after reading Pat's post about the kitty litter...another use for CC statements, CC offers, Bank Statements, etc. is to tear them up a bit and put these in your compost pile or bury them in your garden! They decompose while enriching the soil and what identity thief would think about looking there? OK, carry on... Liz
  5. Well, that's pretty darned clever, making the OS preventing Hackers from Hacking! Liz
  6. First of all, welcome to BT's, Nick! As far as activity goes, I've noticed that it goes in spurts. Sometimes I go here and there's more new posts than I can read in a day and sometimes it's quiet. Guess it depends on the day? I know right now folks are busy with Holiday family activities (my two kids are home from College so I haven't been as active online....either they're hogging the idiot box or I'm cooking for them or cleaning up after them! ) Liz
  7. blim

    My First Car ...

    Bearskin, I don't know whether to believe you or not! I'm jealous. My first car was a jalopey. A 1967 buick skylark that was what my Dad called s***-brickle brown and broke constantly. Oh, how I hated that ugly unreliable car! But the advantage of it always breaking was that my Mom had a 1965?? 67?? Mustang that was cute and boxy and red that I could borrow! Liz
  8. Agreed with Bobby, Marty. You should see if Forrest Gump is available to rent in NZ, can't see why it wouldn't be--it was a Blockbuster here in US. Uplifting and cute story that shows that no one can truly measure intelligence!! Liz
  9. I'd like to say Pluto! Not ready to give the little guy up for a mere chunk of ice... But Handplane made it so I guess he'd know for sure Liz
  10. Happy Birthdays, Domingus, Uberpenguin and MB! Hoping the three of you have a terrific, non-hungover day! Liz
  11. *Kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss* Happy New Year! Liz
  12. blim

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year to everyone at Besttechies! Hoping everyone has a safe and Blessed 2007 and please drive carefully Love, Liz
  13. Smart thinking, Shanenin! What I would do is call my own credit card company and ask what happens if my card is stolen and who exactly is liable for fraudelent charges. I see advertisements that CC companies cover fraudelent charges and I always assumed that's why CC interest rates were so high, but after reading your post, I AM now curious how that works! I DO know that there is an option for a customer to have the CC company call to confirm any charges (in cases of suspected ID theft) and would also ask your CC if a business person could request a confirmation from the customer. Another opt
  14. I cranked the pool's heat up to hot tub temperature and put the alligators away for the night....just in case....and added Christmas Cookies to the buffet (please, oh please eat them all! I overbaked this year) I'll certainly be hanging around Whiskeyman's tonight. No plans and I'm sure Hubby will fall asleep in front of the tv by 10pm. We never DO make plans on NYEve as the weather is usually horrid--but not this year! Yesterday it was close to 50 and I hung sheets on the line! In December!! And the kids are going to party at....the Ramada Inn of all places Daughter works front desk th
  15. Happy Birthdays, Marsh and Mawood! Hoping you two have a wonderful day, you lil' well planned tax deductions, you! Liz
  16. I STILL don't have my shoes!! Liz
  17. blim

    Myspace Friend

    It all depends on the technique and presentation! And dumb luck! If a parent "thinks this 'newfangled-myspace-thing' is so cool and can I please be a friend if I don't tell anyone I'm your Mom and if I don't post anything, but you can post anything you want on MY myspace...and while we're at it, can you teach ME how to make a myspace?", they can keep tabs without the child feeling threatened (and notice the "please"--asking for permission is important! Like Mike said, it's a two way street and if the child says NO, that means NO!). If done right and with a little bit of dumb luck, the ch
  18. blim

    Myspace Friend

    Whoa-ho! Mike! What a good idea to have a parent on the friends list! Liz
  19. Critics say it is an absolutely terrific movie and very well done! I know the kids plan on seeing it. Me.....haven't watched a movie in the theatre since Disney's Aladdin Hopefully will catch it on DVD or TV Liz
  20. blim

    Myspace Friend

    Like Tater says, yes, there are some permissions-giving with adding friends. I ALSO read somewhere that if you put your age as under 13, there are also extra safeguards for Myspace. Who cares if the Myspace says she's 12.....all her friends know better!! Liz
  21. Now, I wouldn't touch those HJT's with a ten foot pole, and certainly not an expert; but to throw a kink into the thought process, I'm wondering if since the slowdown seems to be mainly opening up websites, could it be a problem with Router/Modem/Cables/Wiring/etc? (sorry for that run on sentence!) Have you checked for loose connections? Liz
  22. Happy Birthday 50Cent! Have a wonderful day! Liz
  23. Having a good friend who is a Pastor, there will certainly be some "shoot-em-up-bang-bang-games" in them there puters! Most of them are big kids! And good for you, Hondaboy! Liz
  24. Hiya Nefrai and welcome back! In the home stretch as far as College goes? Congrats! What an accomplishment! I'm proud of you. Sooooo, what do you want to be when you grow up? Yes, Mlegg still haunts here, thank goodness! He's around here somewhere.... And yes, do bookmark BTs or put it in your Favorites so you don't dissapear on us again. *joining Sultan with a hearty "toga toga toga"* Liz
  25. Tater, I've heard that Dell and HP are both very reliable, well made idiot boxes. You'll be happy with either! Liz